4 research outputs found

    Sustainable Agricultural Bioindustry Development: Integration of Cassava Cultivation with Beef Cattle Husbandry in North Sulawesi Province

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    This paper reviews the potential sustainable agricultural bioindustry development based on animal feed and organic fertilizer through an integration between crops cultivation with livestock production. This bio-industrial development could be carried out successfully in Indonesia, including in the region of North Sulawesi Province. Cattle feed bioindustry could be developed from biomass of cassava plantation, such as the cassava leaves, tubers and cassava peelers. Whereas, the solid and liquid organic fertilizers bioindustry could be developed from cattle feces and urine. Agricultural bioindustry can be carried out in all areas of North Sulawesi Province, because almost in every district has beef cattle and cassava plants. The largest cassava production in North Sulawesi Province are in the regencies of Bolaang Mongondow, Sangihe Island and Talaud Island. Whereas the highest population of beef cattle are in the regencies of Bolaang Mongondow, North Bolaang Mongondow, Minahasa, North Minahasa and South Minahasa. Therefore, this type of bioindustry will be well implemented in the three regencies of Bolaang Mongondow, Minahasa and North Minahasa, as there are large cassava plants and with a high livestock population in these three areas. Although numbers of beef cattle population are also higher in some other regencies, but the production of cassava in those areas are still very small

    Kajian Sifat Inovasi Komponen Teknologi untuk Menentukan Pola Diseminasi Pengelolaan Tanaman Terpadu Padi Sawah

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    Assessment on Properties of Innovation Technology Component to Determine Dissemination Pattern of Rice Integrated Crop Management (ICM). ICM Field School is one of the strategic programs of the Ministry of Agriculture aimed at accelerating increased production of major food commodities, included rice. This study aims to determine the variability of quantitative trait ICM technology innovation and determine the pattern of technology innovation dissemination of efficient and effective on site-specific conditions based on quantitative and qualitative variability. The data was collected through interviews with 180 farmers in West Java and Central Java. The analysis revealed that six ICM components technology is quite difficult to be adopted are: (1) application of organic matter, (2) legowo crop establishment, (3) fertilization based on crop needs and soil nutrient status, (4) IPM approach to pest control, (5) intermittent irrigation, and (6) weeding with the hedgehog / gasrok. Therefore, dissemination patterns for each category can not follow a linear pattern of the conventional approach, from source technologies - extension – farmer. An understanding of the processes leading to the adoption of new technologies by small-scale farmers has been important to the planning and implementation of successful dissemination and extension programs

    Genetic relationship analysis of chrysanthemum genotypes based on quantitative and qualitative characters

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    Genetic improvements through biotechnological approaches have been successfully employed in many economically important crops, including ornamentals. The gamma-ray particle bombardment has been applied in the chrysanthemum variety Puspita Nusantara and superior mutants has successfully generated without degrading its important marketable characteristics. The vegetative and reproductive performances of 47 superior mutant genotypes from Puspita Nusantara are evaluated and compared with three references varieties, i.e., Puspita Nusantara, Stangkon and Arosuko Pelangi based on the quantitative and qualitative characteristics. The evaluation was carried out to select superior mutants with better characteristics. The results show that all chrysanthemum genotypes exhibited variations in quantitative characteristics, except in node length, the width of the widest point of inflorescence, the number of flowers per plant, and floret width. Six qualitative characters, i.e., non-glossy leaves, medium indentation depth, the existence of keel, inner and outer floret color, disc color before anther dehiscence, and disc color after anther dehiscence were similar in all genotypes. Mutant clones G6, G8, C1, KA7, G9, AG0, N9, and Q5 show preferable quantitative performances than the reference varieties. Clone W5 has comparative characteristics to Stangkon and can be further evaluated for alternative reference. The selected mutant genotypes provide better choices for farmers to plant more competitive varieties