9 research outputs found

    Kannabiszhasználat mellett kialakuló szkizofréniaspektrumzavar klinikai jellegzetességeinek vizsgálata [Clinical characteristics of cannabis-induced schizophrenia spectrum disorder]

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    Marijuana (cannabis) is the most commonly abused drug by adolescents and young adults and also by people with schizophrenia or other psychotic disorders. An increasing number of studies suggest that regular cannabis users can show psychotic episodes similar to schizophrenic disorders but it still unclear if cannabis induced psychotic disorder is a distinct entity requiring special therapy or regular cannabis use consequently leads to schizophrenia. Therefore, we retrospectively compared psychotic patients with and without cannabis use by clinical profile. Clinical data of 85 patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorder were analyzed retrospectively. Cannabis use was not reported by 43 persons (Cnbs0 subgroup) and 42 patients used regularly cannabis during at least 1 year (Cnbs1 subgroup). Clinical data were collected from electronic medical documentation of patients concerning anamnesis, family history, socio-demographic condition, symptoms and psychiatric state, acute and long-term therapies. Men were over-represented in the cannabis abuser group while mean age was lower among them compared to the Cnbs0 subgroup. Prevalence of suicidal attempts was increased in men without cannabis use. Patients without cannabis use spent more time in hospital and smoking was more frequent among them. Positive and negative symptoms and family history did not differ significantly between the two subgroups. Dosage, intensity and length of pharmacotherapy was different between the two subgroups. These results revealed that certain clinical aspects were different in case of cannabis-related schizophrenia spectrum disorder compared to schizophrenia


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    Background Mutations of both the PMP22 and EGR2 genes cause Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) disease type 1. Deletion of the PM P22 gene, results in hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies. More publications exist about the interaction of PMP22 duplication and other CMT-causing gene mutations. In these cases the intrafamiliar discordant phenotypes draw the attention to the possible role of modifying genes. The gene-gene interactions between the PMP22 and EGR2 genes are not well understood. Case report We report two brothers with late onset CMT1 due to a c. 1142 G\u3eA (Arg381His) heterozygous substitution in the EGR2 gene. Additionally, the older brother with the less severe symptoms harbored the PMP22 gene deletion also. Conclusion The coexistence of the two genetic alterations did not aggravate the clinical symptoms. Moreover, the PMP22 deletion appeared to have a beneficial modifying effect, thus implying potential gene-gene interaction of PMP22 and EGR2. PMP22 deletion may increase Schwann cells proliferation and compensate the dominant-negative effect of the Arg381His substitution in the EGR2 gene

    Retrospective assessment of the most common mitochondrial DNA mutations in a large Hungarian cohort of suspect mitochondrial cases

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    Abstract Prevalence estimations for mitochondrial disorders still vary widely and only few epidemiologic studies have been carried out so far. With the present work we aim to give a comprehensive overview about frequencies of the most common mitochondrial mutations in Hungarian patients. A total of 1328 patients were tested between 1999 and 2012. Among them, 882 were screened for the m.3243A > G, m.8344A > G, m.8993T > C/G mutations and deletions, 446 for LHON primary mutations. The mutation frequency in our cohort was 2.61% for the m.3243A > G, 1.47% for the m.8344A > G, 17.94% for Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (m.3460G > A, m.11778G > A, m.14484T > C) and 0.45% for the m.8993T > C/G substitutions. Single mtDNA deletions were detected in 14.97%, while multiple deletions in 6.01% of the cases. The mutation frequency in Hungarian patients suggestive of mitochondrial disease was similar to other Caucasian populations. Further retrospective studies of different populations are needed in order to accurately assess the importance of mitochondrial diseases and manage these patients

    Patient care standards for primary mitochondrial disease: a consensus statement from the Mitochondrial Medicine Society

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    The purpose of this statement is to provide consensus-based recommendations for optimal management and care for patients with primary mitochondrial disease. This statement is intended for physicians who are engaged in the diagnosis and management of these patients. Working group members were appointed by the Mitochondrial Medicine Society. The panel included members with several different areas of expertise. The panel members utilized surveys and the Delphi method to reach consensus. We anticipate that this statement will need to be updated as the field continues to evolve. Consensus-based recommendations are provided for the routine care and management of patients with primary genetic mitochondrial disease

    Patient care standards for primary mitochondrial disease: a consensus statement from the Mitochondrial Medicine Society

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