99 research outputs found

    Molecular Serotype-Specific Identification of Streptococcus Pneumoniae using Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification

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    Over the past four decades, the incidence of meningitis caused by Haemophilus influenzae in children has decreased due to widespread vaccination against H. influenzae type b (Hib). The incidence of invasive diseases due to H. influenzae types not included in the vaccines, however, has increased. At present, there are a limited number of diagnostics available to detect non-type b H. influenzae. To address this issue, we developed a rapid, simple, and cost-effective method for detecting serotypes of H. influenzae. We designed LAMP primer sets based on published sequences for H. influenzae capsular types a, c, d, e, and f. The assay was evaluated to determine test reactivity, specificity, and sensitivity. To support its use in patients with suspected meningitis, we evaluated the detection limit of the non-Hib serotype specific LAMP assay using bacterial genomic DNA-spiked cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) specimens. The reactivity and specificity of the LAMP assays were confirmed using six serotypes and non-typeable H. influenzae strains, plus eight strains of other Haemophilus species and non-Haemophilus genera. The detection limits of the LAMP assay for capsular types a, c, d, e, and f were 102, 102, 102, 103, and 10 copies per reaction, while those of the PCR assay were 104, 104, 103, 103, and 104 genome copies per reaction, respectively. Using DNA-spiked CSF specimens, the detection limit of the LAMP assay was equivalent to that using purified DNA as the template. However, the detection limit of the PCR was reduced from 103 to 104 genome copies per reaction for serotype d and from 103 to 105 genome copies per reaction for serotype e. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of a serotype-specific identification assay for H. influenzae using the LAMP method. Our results suggest the potential of LAMP methods for patients with suspected meningitis in resource-limited laboratories or public health surveillance systems

    Near-surface common-midpoint seismic data recorded with automatically planted geophones

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    This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from "http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com".[1] We introduce the Autojuggie II as a device to speed the emplacement of geophones for near-surface seismic common-midpoint (CMP) surveys. Hydraulic cylinders force rigidly interconnected geophones into the ground simultaneously and automatically. We demonstrate that accurate CMP data can be recorded with geophones planted by this device, and that a CMP stacked section can be processed, from which reliable geologic information can be extracted. To make this demonstration, we compare the stacked section to a coincident and parallel section, whose data was acquired using conventionally hand-planted geophones. The two sections are very similar in amplitude, phase, and frequency. A slight difference in coherency exists in a ∼35-ms reflection; the stack corresponding to the automatically planted geophones shows better coherency relative to the comparison stack. However, the similarity of the sections indicates that accurate CMP data can be recorded using geophones planted by the Autojuggie II

    Arquitetura de fácies e evolução estratigráfica dos depósitos flúvio-eólicos da Formação Tombador, (Mesoproterozóico) Chapada da Diamantina – BA

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    A Formação Tombador é caracterizada por compreender depósitos flúvio-eólicos. Esses depósitos possuem uma complexa interação e apresentam diferentes unidades litológicas com variável geometria, dimensão e distribuição espacial. Com o intuito de compreender a interação espacial e temporal que existe entre esses depósitos, o presente estudo pretende estabelecer a arquitetura de fácies e o arcabouço estratigráfico de alta resolução de depósitos fluviais e eólicos do topo da Formação Tombador. A partir do levantamento de perfis colunares, elaboração de fotomosaicos e a análise de paleocorrentes, foi possível a individualização de quatro associações de fácies para o intervalo estudado: associação de fácies de fluxos gravitacionais ; associação de fácies de inundações em lençóis cascalhosas; associação de fácies de inundações em lençóis intermediário; associação de fácies de dunas eólicas. A sucessão estudada pode ser dividida em cinco unidades deposicionais limitadas por superfícies de deflação (supersuperfície e superfícies sand drift) que refletem pausas (hiatos) no acúmulo de sedimentos eólicos e fluviais. A alternância entre as unidades fluvial e eólica e o desenvolvimento das superfícies limitantes são controladas por oscilações climáticas. Tais oscilações climáticas controlam a posição do lençol freático e a disponibilidade de areia seca. Características sedimentológicas, dados palaeocorrentes e a natureza dos contatos entre as associações de fácies distintas, indicam que as dunas eólicas e as inundações em lençol não coexistiram na área de estudo, representam episódios de acumulação distintas.The Tombador Formation is characterized by comprise fluvio-aeolian deposits. This deposits have a complex interaction and exhibit different lithological units with variable geometry, size and spatial distribution. In order to understand the spatial and temporal interplay that exists between these deposits, the present study purpose to establish the architecture of facies and the high-resolution stratigraphic framework of the fluvio-aeolian deposits from the top of Tombador Formation. From the survey of columnar profiles, development of photomosaics and paleocurrent analysis, could the individualization of four facies associations for the range studied: gravitational flows, gravelly floods sheets, intermediate floods sheets, aeolian dunes. The succession studied can be divided into five depositional units bounded by deflation surfaces (supersurface and sand drift surface) that reflect pauses (gaps) in the accumulation of aeolian and fluvial sediments. The alternation between the fluvial-aeolian units and the development of the bounding surfaces are controlled by climatic oscillations. Such climate oscillations control the position of the groundwater and the availability of dry sand. Sedimentological characteristics, data palaeocorrentes and nature of contacts between the different facies associations indicate that the aeolian dunes and flood sheets cannot coexist in the study area, represent distinct episodes of accumulation