39 research outputs found

    Enhancement of perpendicular exchange bias by introducing twin boundary in Pt/Co/α-Cr₂O₃/α-V₂O₃ epitaxial film

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    Perpendicular exchange anisotropy at the Co/α-Cr₂O₃ interface was investigated using the two types of films: the film with the single crystalline α-Cr₂O₃ and that with the twinned a-Cr₂O₃. Exchange anisotropy energy density JK of the film with the single crystalline α-Cr₂O₃ was ~0.09 erg/cm² whereas JK of the film with the twinned α-Cr₂O₃ was ~0.43 erg/cm², more than 4-times enhancement. We discussed the mechanism of the enhancement of JK based on the exchange coupling at the twin boundary and that the spin frustration at the twin boundary can be the origin of the enhancement of JK.Y.Shiratsuchi, S.Yoshida, S.Onoue, et al. Enhancement of perpendicular exchange bias by introducing twin boundary in Pt/Co/a-Cr₂O₃/a-V₂O₃ epitaxial film. Materials Transactions 60, 2028 (2019); https://doi.org/10.2320/matertrans.MT-M2019102

    Hyper-luminous Dust Obscured Galaxies discovered by the Hyper Suprime-Cam on Subaru and WISE

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    We present the photometric properties of a sample of infrared (IR) bright dust obscured galaxies (DOGs). Combining wide and deep optical images obtained with the Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) on the Subaru Telescope and all-sky mid-IR (MIR) images taken with Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE), we discovered 48 DOGs with iKs>1.2i - K_\mathrm{s} > 1.2 and i[22]>7.0i - [22] > 7.0, where ii, KsK_\mathrm{s}, and [22] represent AB magnitude in the ii-band, KsK_\mathrm{s}-band, and 22 μ\mum, respectively, in the GAMA 14hr field (\sim 9 deg2^2). Among these objects, 31 (\sim 65 %) show power-law spectral energy distributions (SEDs) in the near-IR (NIR) and MIR regime, while the remainder show a NIR bump in their SEDs. Assuming that the redshift distribution for our DOGs sample is Gaussian, with mean and sigma zz = 1.99 ±\pm 0.45, we calculated their total IR luminosity using an empirical relation between 22 μ\mum luminosity and total IR luminosity. The average value of the total IR luminosity is (3.5 ±\pm 1.1) ×\times 101310^{13} L_{\odot}, which classifies them as hyper-luminous infrared galaxies (HyLIRGs). We also derived the total IR luminosity function (LF) and IR luminosity density (LD) for a flux-limited subsample of 18 DOGs with 22 μ\mum flux greater than 3.0 mJy and with ii-band magnitude brighter than 24 AB magnitude. The derived space density for this subsample is log ϕ\phi = -6.59 ±\pm 0.11 [Mpc3^{-3}]. The IR LF for DOGs including data obtained from the literature is well fitted by a double-power law. The derived lower limit for the IR LD for our sample is ρIR\rho_{\mathrm{IR}} \sim 3.8 ×\times 107^7 [L_{\odot} Mpc3^{-3}] and its contributions to the total IR LD, IR LD of all ultra-luminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs), and that of all DOGs are >> 3 %, >> 9 %, and >> 15 %, respectively.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figures, and 3 tables, accepted for publication in PASJ (Subaru special issue

    シンケイ センイショウ 1ガタ ノ セキチュウ ヘンケイ ニ トモナウ ロッコツ ズ ノ セキチュウカン ナイ ダッキュウ

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    2006 年4 月~2010 年3 月の神経線維腫症1 型に伴う脊柱変形手術例10 例中3 例に肋骨頭の脊柱管内脱臼がみられた.症例1 は6 歳の男児でT4-8:74°,T8-11:72° の側弯があり,左第4 と第5 肋骨頭の脊柱管内への陥入を認めた.症例2 は11 歳の男児でT3-7:100° の側弯とT3-T9:90° の後弯があり,左第6 肋骨頭が脊柱管内へ脱臼し,脊髄を圧排していた.症例3 は27 歳の女性でT6~9:73°,T9~12:68° の側弯とT6-10:91°の後弯を認め,右第7 肋骨頭の脊柱管内脱臼がみられた.本病態の報告例は少ないが,決して希な病態ではなくdystrophic change を伴う脊柱変形においては,肋骨頭の脊柱管内脱臼による潜在的リスクに注意する必要があると考える.Spinal deformities are common features in neurofibromatosistype-1( NF-1). Several types of deformities have been reported, however, intraspinal rib head dislocation (IRD)due to dystrophic change is very rare and not well understood. Between April 2006 and March 2010, we experienced3 patients with IRD out of 10 consecutive patients who underwent surgical treatment for dystrophic spinal deformities in NF-1. Case 1:A 6-year-old boy who had 74 ° short angular scoliosis at T4-8 and 72 ° at T8-11 underwent surgery in our institute. CT myelography demonstrated dystrophic changes with for aminal enlargement, vertebral body scalloping, rib penciling and mild IRD. He underwent the Growing Rod techniques and finally underwent posterior spinal fusion (PSF) from T1 to L2 combined with prophylactic rib head resection followed by anterior spinal fusion(ASF) with autologous fibular strut graft. No neurological complications were observed postoperatively and complete bony fusions were achieved. Case 2:Neurologically intact11-year-old boy presented with spinal deformity and caféau-lait spots. Radiography showed 100 ° scoliosis at T3-7and 72 ° at T3-9. CT myelography demonstrated dystrophic changes and IRD and impingement of spinal cord. He underwent PSF with removal of the T6 rib head followed by ASF. Case 3:A 27-year-old woman presented with back pain and spinal deformities. Radiography showed 73 °scoliosis at T6-9 and 91 ° at T9-12. CT myelography demonstrated dystrophic changes and IRD. She also underwentPSF with removal of T7 rib head followed by ASF. AllIRDs were observed at the apex of the convex side of scoliosis.It has a potential risk of spinal cord compression and may cause paraplegia or paraparesis. Therefore, high degree of suspicion is warranted for the treatments of scoliosis with intraspinal rib displacement in NF-1

    Evidence of causality of low body mass index on risk of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: a Mendelian randomization study

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    IntroductionAdolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is a disorder with a three-dimensional spinal deformity and is a common disease affecting 1-5% of adolescents. AIS is also known as a complex disease involved in environmental and genetic factors. A relation between AIS and body mass index (BMI) has been epidemiologically and genetically suggested. However, the causal relationship between AIS and BMI remains to be elucidated.Material and methodsMendelian randomization (MR) analysis was performed using summary statistics from genome-wide association studies (GWASs) of AIS (Japanese cohort, 5,327 cases, 73,884 controls; US cohort: 1,468 cases, 20,158 controls) and BMI (Biobank Japan: 173430 individual; meta-analysis of genetic investigation of anthropometric traits and UK Biobank: 806334 individuals; European Children cohort: 39620 individuals; Population Architecture using Genomics and Epidemiology: 49335 individuals). In MR analyses evaluating the effect of BMI on AIS, the association between BMI and AIS summary statistics was evaluated using the inverse-variance weighted (IVW) method, weighted median method, and Egger regression (MR-Egger) methods in Japanese.ResultsSignificant causality of genetically decreased BMI on risk of AIS was estimated: IVW method (Estimate (beta) [SE] = -0.56 [0.16], p = 1.8 × 10-3), weighted median method (beta = -0.56 [0.18], p = 8.5 × 10-3) and MR-Egger method (beta = -1.50 [0.43], p = 4.7 × 10-3), respectively. Consistent results were also observed when using the US AIS summary statistic in three MR methods; however, no significant causality was observed when evaluating the effect of AIS on BMI.ConclusionsOur Mendelian randomization analysis using large studies of AIS and GWAS for BMI summary statistics revealed that genetic variants contributing to low BMI have a causal effect on the onset of AIS. This result was consistent with those of epidemiological studies and would contribute to the early detection of AIS

    The Effect of Prior Creatine Intake for 28 Days on Accelerated Recovery from Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage: A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial

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    Despite the known beneficial effects of creatine in treating exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD), its effectiveness remains unclear. This study investigates the recovery effect of creatine monohydrate (CrM) on EIMD. Twenty healthy men (21–36 years) were subjected to stratified, randomized, double-blind assignments. The creatine (CRE) and placebo (PLA) groups ingested creatine and crystalline cellulose, respectively, for 28 days. They subsequently performed dumbbell exercises while emphasizing eccentric contraction of the elbow flexors. The EIMD was evaluated before and after exercise. The range of motion was significantly higher in the CRE group than in the PLA group 24 h (h) post exercise. A similar difference was detected in maximum voluntary contraction at 0, 48, 96, and 168 h post exercise (p = 0.017–0.047). The upper arm circumference was significantly lower in the CRE group than in the PLA group at 48, 72, 96, and 168 h post exercise (p = 0.002–0.030). Similar variation was observed in the shear modulus of the biceps brachii muscle at 96 and 168 h post exercise (p = 0.003–0.021) and in muscle fatigue at 0 and 168 h post exercise (p = 0.012–0.032). These findings demonstrate CrM-mediated accelerated recovery from EIMD, suggesting that CrM is an effective supplement for EIMD recovery