3 research outputs found

    Development and Evaluation of an Autonomous Sensor for the Observation of Sediment Motion

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    Abstract Measurements within the mobile bed layer have been limited by previous Eulerian-based technologies. A microelectromechanical system device, called a smart sediment grain (SSG), that can measure and record Lagrangian observations of coastal sediments at incipient motion has been developed. These sensors have the potential to resolve fundamental hypotheses regarding the incipient motion of coastal sediments. Angle of repose experiments verified that the sensor enclosure has mobility characteristics similar to coarse gravel. Experiments conducted in a small oscillating flow tunnel verified that the sensors detect incipient motion under various hydrodynamic conditions. Evidence suggests the influence of pressure-gradient-induced sediment motion, contrary to the more commonly assumed bed shear stress criterion. Lagrangian measurements of rotation measured with the newly developed SSG agreed to within 5% of the rotation estimates made simultaneously with high-speed video cameras