1,365 research outputs found

    Discontinuous Transition from a Real Bound State to Virtual Bound State in a Mixed-Valence State of SmS

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    Golden SmS is a paramagnetic, mixed-valence system with a pseudogap. With increasing pressure across a critical pressure Pc, the system undergoes a discontinuous transition into a metallic, anti-ferromagnetically ordered state. By using a combination of thermodynamic, transport, and magnetic measurements, we show that the pseudogap results from the formation of a local bound state with spin singlet. We further argue that the transition Pc is regarded as a transition from an insulating electron-hole gas to a Kondo metal, i.e., from a spatially bound state to a Kondo virtually bound state between 4f and conduction electrons.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Substoichiometric Isotope Dilution Analysis of Vanadium by Synergistic Extraction

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    開始ページ、終了ページ: 冊子体のページ付

    Solvent Extraction of Lanthanoid(III) with 18-Crown-6 and Trichloroacetate Ion

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    開始ページ、終了ページ: 冊子体のページ付

    Potential energy surfaces and bound states for the open-shell van der Waals cluster Br–HF

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    Semiempiricalpotential energy surfaces for the lowest three electronic states of the open-shell complex Br–HF are constructed, based on existing empirical potentials for Kr–HF and Kr–Ne and coupled-clusterelectronic structure calculations for Br–Ne. Coupled cluster calculations are also described for He–F, Ne–F and Ar–F. Electrostaticinteractions that arise from the quadrupole of the Br atom and the permanent multipoles of HF are also included in the Br–HF surfaces. The well depth of the lowest adiabatic surface is found to be 670 cm−1 at a linear equilibrium geometry. The results of helicity decoupled and full close-coupling calculations of the bound states of the complex are also described. The ground state, with total angular momentum projection quantum number |P|=3/2, is found 435 cm−1 below dissociation to Br (2P3/2)+HF (j=0). The lowest-frequency intermolecular bending and stretching vibrations are predicted around 145 and 211 cm−1, respectively. Parity splittings are found to be extremely small for bound states with projection quantum number |P|=3/2. The relevance of the results to recently recorded spectra of Br–HF is discussed

    The Carrying Capacity of Pure and Oversown Giant Star Grass (\u3ci\u3eCynodon nlemfuensis\u3c/i\u3e Vanderyst) under Different Stocking Rate in South-Western Islands of Japan

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    The objective of this study was firstly to know the potential carrying capacity, pasture production, pasture utilization of giant star grass under different stocking rates in intensive rotational grazing system, and to evaluate a carrying capacity of giant star grass (Cynodon nlemfuensis Vanderyst) pasture oversown with annual hybrid ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum X Lolium perenne) on short low productive winter pasture in South-western Islands of Japan. High herbage availability and good quality forage to bring about effective animal productions were produced by using relatively heavy stocking rates of 6 - 8 heads/ha, and achieved optimum pasture utilization of giant star grass. Herbage utilization and daily dry matter intake on pasture oversown with ryegrass were higher than pure giant star grass during winter. Average herbage availability and utilization at heavy stocking rate was higher than at light stocking rate even in winter

    Characterization of bacteria associated with lichens found in cold environment

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    第6回極域科学シンポジウム分野横断セッション:[IB2] 地球環境変動の解析と地球生命システム学の構築11月19日(木) 統計数理研究所 セミナー室1(D305

    Anomalous tunneling conductances of a spin singlet \nu=2/3 edge states: Interplay of Zeeman splitting and Long Range Coulomb Interaction

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    The point contact tunneling conductance between edges of the spin singlet ν=2/3,K^=(3/3/0)\nu=2/3,\hat{K}=(3/3/0) quantum Hall states is studied both in the quasiparticle tunneling picture and in the electron tunneling picture. Due to the interplay of Zeeman splitting and the long range Coulomb interaction between edges of opposite chirality novel spin excitations emerge, and their effect is characterized by anomalous exponents of the charge and spin tunneling conductances in various temperature ranges. Depending on the kinds of scatterings at the point contact and the tunneling mechanism the anomalous interaction in spin sector may enhance or suppress the tunneling conductances. The effects of novel spin excitation are also relevant to the recent NMR experiments on quantum Hall edges.Comment: Revtex File, 7 pages: To be published in Physical Reviews

    Strong quasi-particle tunneling study in the paired quantum Hall states

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    The quasi-particle tunneling phenomena in the paired fractional quantum Hall states are studied. A single point-contact system is first considered. Because of relevancy of the quasi-particle tunneling term, the strong tunneling regime should be investigated. Using the instanton method it is shown that the strong quasi-particle tunneling regime is described as the weak electron tunneling regime effectively. Expanding to the network model the paired quantum Hall liquid to insulator transition is discussed