19 research outputs found

    Novel Cyclic Dipeptide Dehydrogenase and Assay Method for Activity

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    The cell-free extract prepared from cells of an albonoursin-producing actinomycete Streptomyces sp. KO2388 was found to catalyze the dehydrogenation of cyclo (L-Phe-L-Leu) (CFL) to albonoursin. This is the first report for the dehydrogenation at the α,β-positions of amino acid residues. The simple method for determining the dehydrogenation activity was devised by measuring the increase in UV absorption of the reaction mixture at 317nm, λmax(ε25,400) of albonoursin, where CFL had no absorption. Phenazine methosulfate was the most active cofactor for the dehydrogenation among several hydrogen acceptors.アルボノルシン生産菌、Streptomyces sp. KO2388株の無細胞抽出液が、cyclo(L-Phe-L-Leu)からアルボノルシンへの脱水素反応を触媒することを明らかにした。アミノ酸残基のα,β-位での脱水素反応を酵素レベルで明らかにしたのはこの報告が初めてである。本反応の簡便な測定法として、基質cyclo(L-Phe-L-Leu)には認められない。アルボノルシンの特異的な317nmにおける紫外吸収の増加を測定する方法を考案した。本方法を用いて数種の水素受容体を試験したところ、フェナジンメトサルフェートが最も有効であると判った

    Usefulness of artificial endocrine pancreas during resection of insulinoma

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    A 71-year-old woman had an episode of syncope due to hypoglycemia of 27 mg/dl. She was diagnosed with insulinoma and scheduled for laparoscopic enucleation along with the use of an artificial endocrine pancreas (STG-22, Nikkiso Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan). Anesthesia was maintained with sevoflurane and remifentanil. Her blood glucose level was controlled using the artificial endocrine pancreas, which enabled continuous blood glucose monitoring and computer-operated glucose and insulin infusion to maintain the blood glucose level at a steady state. The target concentration of blood glucose was set at 80-120 mg/dl during surgery. Until removal of the tumor, the blood glucose level was kept at around 80-100 mg/dl. After removal of the tumor, the blood glucose level gradually increased, but it was kept in the normal range by the artificial endocrine pancreas. The artificial endocrine pancreas was useful to monitor and maintain blood glucose levels during and after the removal of insulinoma, without any hyper- or hypoglycemia


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    application/pdf日本の看護学校でのチーム医療教育の現状と課題を明らかにすることを目的として質問紙調査を行った。調査対象は日本の3年課程の看護学校において、カリキュラム運営に責任のある立場の99名であった。看護基礎教育におけるチーム医療教育の必要性とチーム医療教育の現状を自由記述で回答を求めた。その結果、多職種連携教育を含むチーム医療教育に対する看護教員の認識が異なること、多職種連携教育の実現可能性の認識が低いという2つの課題が明確となった。その背景には看護教員の多職種連携教育に対する理解不足があり、単科の看護学校であっても他の専門職の養成施設とネットワークをつくれるような支援の必要性が示唆された。We conducted a questionnaire survey to assess the current state of team medicine education in Japanese nursing schools and associated issues. Participants included 99 individuals in roles with authority over curriculum operation at 3-year Japanese nursing schools. We asked respondents to answer in free response form regarding their perception of the importance and current state of team medicine education in basic nursing education. Two problems clearly exist: first, the fact that a gap exists in nursing teachers' perceptions of team medicine education, including Interprofessional Education (IPE), and, second, the fact that they were skeptical of the feasibility of this education. These perceptions were attributed to nursing teachers' lack of understanding regarding IPE. These findings suggest the importance of providing support to even single-program nursing schools to build networks with schools for training other professionals.2013年度~2016年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C))研究成果報告書2546329


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    application/pdf医療現場でチーム医療を担う多職種専門職186名(看護師、管理栄養士、医師、薬剤師等)を対象にチーム医療に対する認識を調査した結果、専門職間の連携の課題として【専門職を尊重した連携の難しさ】【専門性を発揮する困難さ】【専門職間の意見の対立】【他職種の理解と尊重の不足】【専門職間の重なりへの対応不足】【医療チームの不安定な位置づけ】【対等でない関係性】が抽出された。 また、看護学校でカリキュラム運営に責任のある看護教員99名を対象にチーム医療教育に対する認識を調査した。その結果、チーム医療教育に対する必要性の認識は高いにもかかわらず、専門職連携教育への認識は低い実現可能性であることが示された。We investigated the perceptions of multidisciplinary professionals(nurses, dietitians, doctors, pharmacists, etc.) in team health care. As a result, as issues of cooperation among professionals, [difficulty of cooperation with respect for professionals][difficulty of demonstrating expertise] [conflict of opinions between professionals] [lack of understanding and respect of other occupations] [Insufficient response to overlap between professionals] [Unstable position of medical team] [Non-equal relationship] were extracted. We also surveyed 99 nursing teachers who are responsible for curriculum management at nursing schools about their perceptions of team medical education. As a result, it was shown that the perceptions of the need for team medical education is high, but the perceptions of multidisciplinary education is low.2017年度~2020年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C))研究成果報告書17K1211