30 research outputs found

    Kesesuaian Ukuran Beberapa Bagian Konstruksi Kapal Ikan di Ppi Muara Angke Jakarta Utara dengan Aturan Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia

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    The purpose of this research is to know dimension size of some construction parts of fishing boat in Muara Angke Fishing Landing Port (PPI Muara Angke, North Jakarta) and to know its compliment to the rule of Indonesian Classification Beareau (BKI). The method of case study and simple statistic are applied in this research. The result shows that from 17 (seventeen) samples of fishing boat mostly do not comply with the BKI rules. Boat builder mostly used their own method that has given from previous generation to build a boat compare to using BKI rules as standard

    Dakwah Bil-hầl Pesantren Walisongo Ngabar Ponorogo Jawa Timur Dalam Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat Tahun 2013-2014

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    Penelitian ini berkaitan dakwah bil hâlsebagai sebuah model dakwah yang berorientasi kepada pemberdayaan dan pengembangan masyarakat (community empowerment) melalui ekonomi. Rumusan masalah dari penelitian ini adalah bagaimana implementasi dan peran dakwah bil-hâl Pondok Pesanten “Wali Songo” dalam pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat Ngabar Tahun: 2013-2014 .Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan implementasi dan peran dakwah bil-hâl PPWS dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat Ngabar dalam rangka mewujudkan masyarakat sejahtera dan mandiri secara ekonomi. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif, karena peneliti langsung menggali data di lapangan yaitu PPWS Ngabar Ponorogo. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan empat tahapan yaitu, pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan kesimpulan.Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa implementasi Dakwah bil-hâl dilaksanakan melalui program pemberdayaan ekonomi. Pemberdayaan ekonomi dilakukan spesifik melalui YPPW-PPWS diharapkan mampu menjembatani dan membantu masyarakat Ngabar keluar dari kemiskinan melalui model-model pemberdayaan yang dilakukan antara lain: (1) Pemberdayaan tenaga kerja sekitar pesantren, (2) Pemberdayaan pertanian, (3)Pemberdayaan peternakan sapi, (4) Pemberdayaan kesehatan masyarakat, (5) Pemberdayaan penyiaran dan komunikasi dan (6) Pemberdayaan kelompok USAha rumahan. Adapun peran dakwah bil-hâl Dakwah bil-hâl menghasilkan Perubahan dan pencapaian dalam masyarakat Ngabar, khususnya di bidang ekonomi. Dakwah bil-hâl memiliki peransebagai motivator, dinamisator dan fasilitator program pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat Ngabar, dengan melibatkan peran institusi agama, kyai dan pesantren

    Evaluasi Desain Dan Stabilitas Kapal Penangkap Ikan Di Palabuhanratu (Studi Kasus Kapal Psp 01) Fishing Vessel Design and Stability Evaluation in Palabuhanratu (Case Study of Psp 01 Training-fishing Vessel)

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    PSP 01 is a training-fishing vessel that was built in a traditional dock yard in Palabuhanratu, so it was not completed with design drawings and stability calculation. This paper discusses on determining the vessel\u27s suitability of design and stability condition followed by redesign of main dimension to obtain more optimal design. Simulation carried out in various load conditions and different vessel sizes to get the considerably ideal size of the vessel. The main dimension ratio and coefficient of fineness analysis showed that the vessel was appropriate as multipurpose vessel for fishing activities. Stability condition of the vessel either empty or in existing load condition met the criteria recommended by IMO with a maximum GZ was 0.33 m and an initial GM was 0.64 m. To improve the stability and fish hold capacity, the breadth and depth needed to be increased. The redesign resulted an alternative size ofmain dimensions which were LOA = 14.30 m; B = 5.14 m; D = 2.12 m

    Implementasi Manajemen Mutu Pada Industri Penangkapan Ikan (Implementation of Quality Management on Fishing Industry)

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    The Indonesian government has already paid high attention to the quality assurance of fishery products. It can be seen from the legislation and policies that have been established. In a Ministry of Marine Affari Regulation (Kepmen KP 01/MEN/2007) clearly stated that the quality assurance requirements and food safety of fishery products, start from the production, processing and distribution. Meanwhile, fisherman understanding of the qualityof fish product is still low. This study was conducted to assess the implementation of Kepmen KP 01/MEN/2007 in the fishing industry. Analysis of the the implementation of the quality elements refers to “The Aplication of the guidelines of PMMT based on the conception HACCP” (Dirjen Perikanan Tangkap, 1999). The results showed that the implementation of quality management system according Kepmen KP 01/MEN/2007 on fishing vessels in Palabuhanratu fishing port wasstill dificult to implement. In small vessels, factors that wascause the difficulty of implementation wasthe limited space of fishing boat and knowledge of fisherman. While in the long line and trolling, structural requirements, the feasibility of the ship and regristation of ship has already implemented, but related to hygiene and handling of fish on board have not implemented properly

    Analysis of hairtail (Trichiurus sp.) fishing by handlines in Palabuhanratu Bay, West Java

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    The waters of Palabuhanratu Bay are fertile and rich with fish resources. For a long time, fishermen have used the fish resources in these waters. Hairtail (Trichiurus sp.) was one of the fish resources in Palabuhanratu Bay that caught by fishermen using handlines. Fishery production landed at Palabuhanratu Fishing Port in 2019 was 5,414,240 kg with a total hairtail production of 314,107 kg. The problem raised in this study was knowing the right hairtail fishing season so that it provides optimum benefits for fishermen. In addition, knowing potential fishing areas could assist fishermen in choosing their fishing time and fishing ground. The purpose of this study was to describe the hairtail fishing unit, to analyze the catch composition of handline, to analyze the fishing season patterns of hairtail fish, and to analyze hairtail fishing ground in Palabuhanratu bay. The results of the analysis showed that the fishing season for hairtail (Trichiurus sp.) in the waters of Palabuhanratu Bay lasts for 5 years with the peak in October. However, the reality is that fishing operations can be carried out throughout the year. The average catch per unit effort (CPUE) of hairtail (Trichiurus sp) duringfishing seasons was 11.32 kg/trip in 2019. The potential fishing ground was in the waters of West Ujung Genteng, Southern waters of Sawarna, Southern waters of Karanghawu and the waters of West Ujung Karang Bentang.Keywords:Fishing season patternHairtail fishFishing groundPalabuhanratu Ba

    Kinerja Lpg Pada Motor Bakar 6,5 Hp Sebagai Bahan Bakar Alternatif Perahu Penangkap Ikan (Performance of Liquefied Petroleum Gas for 6,5 Hp Engine as an Alternative Fuel in Small Motorized Fishing Boat)

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    This research was to analyze the technical effect of LPG compared to the gasoline bymeasuring the engine and exhaust temperature, to calculate the fuel saving (efficiency) for a singletrip by measuring the specific fuel consumption, and to explicate the cost benefit from the use ofLPG compared to the gasoline for fishing operation. During the experimental test, the engine speedwas maintained at idling conditions of 1600, 2000, and 2500rev/min. Technically, the engine andexhaust temperature decrease when running on LPG. The use of LPG as an alternative fuel togasoline can save on fuel consumption up to 26,35% and LPG makes operational cost moreefficiently due to the lower value of FC than that of gasoline. For a single trip, the cost from LPGspecific fuel consumption (sfc) value resulted Rp 5.610 while the gasoline resulted higher valuewhich makes Rp 9.632. With the difference of Rp 4.022, LPG can save cost as much as 41,76%where cost savings in fuel expenditure can be used to reimburse the purchasing cost of converterkit for 41,5 months or 3,46 years

    Aspek Keselamatan Ditinjau Dari Stabilitas Kapal Dan Regulasi Pada Kapal Pole and Line Di Bitung, Sulawesi Utara (Safety Aspects Pole and Liner From Ship Stability and Regulation Point of View in Bitung, North Sulawesi)

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    Has become a common understanding that fishing is a risky job, so the safety aspects on board is an important factor that must be considered. Fishing vessels should also be supported with design and good stability, so that fishing activities can run smoothly and avoid the danger of accidents. Pole and liner in Bitung is quite varied and the ships were built in traditional dockyard and not based on the calculation and construction planning and design. One of the instruments on fishing vessel operational safety assurance is the implementation of the regulation, both nationally and Internationally. At the International level, many regulations governing the safety of the ship in respect of fish. While national regulations relating to the safety of fishing vessels has not been consistent and in harmony, hence the assessment regulations relating to fishing vessel safety improvement needs to be done to determine the extent of the responsibility of government and the extent of the application of the existing rules. The general objective of this study was to determine the safety aspects of pole and line vessels, while the specific goal are: (1) review and analyze to get the quality stability of the ship (2) identify and assess safety-related regulatory review pole and line vessels in Bitung. The results showed that the quality of the stability of the vessel pole and line in the four conditions of the charge distribution in a state of good stability. It is represented by the value of all the parameters that are above the standard value IMO. In the simulated load conditions, the maximum GZ value at the time the vessel is in operation, while the GZ smallest value in an empty load case ship condition. There are seven International policy and five national policies relevant to the safety of fishing vessels. International policies clearly have established the safety of the ship and crew of fishing vessels, but implementation at the national level is still lacking and not aligned

    Kompatibilitas Cendawan Metarhizium Anisopliae (Metschn.) Sorokin dengan Nematoda Entomopatogen Steinernema SP.

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    Compatibility Metarhizium anisopliae (Metschn.) Sorokin with entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema sp. Metarhizium anisopliae (Metschn.) Sorokin and entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema sp. can be used as biological control of insect pests. The objective of this research was to identify compatibility between fungus M. anisopliae with entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema sp. This research was conducted using a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of 5 treatments and repeated 5 times. The treatment used was M. anisopliae isolates Jombang 1 with Steinernema sp. (M1), M. anisopliae Jombang 2 with Steinernema sp. (M2), M. anisopliae isolates Kediri with Steinernema sp. (M3), M. anisopliae isolates Bondowoso with Steinernema sp. (M4), and M. anisopliae isolates Banyuwangi with Steinernema sp. (M5). Based on this research result, compatibility between the fungus M. anisopliae with entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema sp. was antagonistic. This occurs due to the symbiotic bacteria Xenorhabdus sp. that produced compounds antimycotic and capable to inhibit the growth of fungus M. anisopliae