3 research outputs found


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    Pertambahan jumlah penduduk yang semakin meningkat secara eksponensial menyebabkan meningkatnya kebutuhan akan air bersih. Disisi lain, penyediaan air bersih merupakan masalah yang sering terjadi baik dari segi kuantitas maupun kualitasnya. Krisis air bersih sering terjadi terutama di kota-kota besar termasuk di Indonesia. Solusi yang dapat dilakukan untuk memecahkan masalah tersebut adalah dengan mencari sumber air bersih alternatif yang murah dan mudah didapat. Salah satu sumber air bersih yang sering terlupakan adalah air hujan. Volume air hujan yang tidak terpakai dapat dimanfaatkan dan digunakan sebagai pengganti air bersih. Air hujan dapat ditangkap dan disimpan dengan suatu sistem sederhana yang biasa disebut dengan sistem rainwater harvesting (RWH). Penerapan sistem RWH di negara-negara berkembang dirasa masih kurang jika dibandingkan dengan penerapan di negara maju. Banyak paradigma dan asumsi masyarakat yang masih salah terhadap sistem tersebut. Peran pemerintah dianggap sangat penting dalam keberhasilan penerapan sistem RWH di Indonesia. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari respons masyarakat terhadap sistem tersebut. Suatu bentuk kuesioner dikembangkan untuk menganalisis ketertarikan masyarakat dalam penerapan sistem RWH sehingga dapat dijadikan gambaran dan masukan pemerintah agar keberhasilan penerapan sistem tersebut dapat lebih ditingkatkan. Dari hasil kuseioner dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa masyarakat tertarik untuk menerapkan sistem RWH hanya saja dengan kesediaan untuk mengeluarkan biaya yang lebih kecil dari biaya yang seharusnya dikeluarkan

    Performance of rainwater harvesting system based on roof catchment area and storage tank capacity

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    Increasing population growth has created problems in water resources. Natural water resources become progressively more expensive and difficult to develop. In addition, it is also becoming increasingly polluted and difficult to obtain. Many countries shown a resurgent interest in the use of rainwater harvesting (RWH) technique to overcome these problems. There are several factors that will influence the RWH performance, such as the rainfall, catchment area, storage tank capacity, and water demand. The performance parameter determines by the volumetric reliability, time reliability, and yield. The RWH system used in this study is a simple RWH system that utilizes roof as a catchment area, pipes as a distribution system and tank as a storage. An analysis is carried out to investigate the effect of altering the large of the catchment area and storage tank capacity to the RWH system performance parameters. A suitable behavioral model based on the water balance method is implemented to evaluate the inflow, outflow, and the storage volume. Results demonstrate that with up to 15 years daily rainfall data in 15 cities in Indonesia, the most influential parameters on the performance of RWH system is the time reliability

    Performance of rainwater harvesting system based on roof catchment area and storage tank capacity

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    Increasing population growth has created problems in water resources. Natural water resources become progressively more expensive and difficult to develop. In addition, it is also becoming increasingly polluted and difficult to obtain. Many countries shown a resurgent interest in the use of rainwater harvesting (RWH) technique to overcome these problems. There are several factors that will influence the RWH performance, such as the rainfall, catchment area, storage tank capacity, and water demand. The performance parameter determines by the volumetric reliability, time reliability, and yield. The RWH system used in this study is a simple RWH system that utilizes roof as a catchment area, pipes as a distribution system and tank as a storage. An analysis is carried out to investigate the effect of altering the large of the catchment area and storage tank capacity to the RWH system performance parameters. A suitable behavioral model based on the water balance method is implemented to evaluate the inflow, outflow, and the storage volume. Results demonstrate that with up to 15 years daily rainfall data in 15 cities in Indonesia, the most influential parameters on the performance of RWH system is the time reliability