151 research outputs found

    Organizational Commitment & Work Engagement Affected by Knowledge management: Evidence from banking sector of Pakistan

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    Current study is intended to explore the influence of knowledge management (KM) on organizational commitment and work engagement of the banking employees. Paper examines the dimensions of knowledge management that can influence the effective elements of employee performance.        Five dimensions of knowledge management practices are bootstrapped on the organizational commitment and work engagement. Data collected form the different banks of Punjab, Pakistan by including 171 usable questionnaires. Data analysis was done with the help of SPSS and smart PLS. Results reveals that knowledge sharing, codification and retention helps in boosting organizational commitment of employees while knowledge creating, retention and sharing has a significant impact on work engagement. Knowledge management construct is not discussed as a complete construct as researchers opt some of its dimensions. Moreover, KM relationship with organizational commitment and work engagement is missing in the past literature. Knowledge creation, retention and sharing has a strong influence on the organizational commitment and work engagement. Managers should implement KM processes to uplift the knowledge of workers but also to boost their commitment and work engagement

    Organizational Commitment & Work Engagement Affected by Knowledge management: Evidence from banking sector of Pakistan

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    Current study is intended to explore the influence of knowledge management (KM) on organizational commitment and work engagement of the banking employees. Paper examines the dimensions of knowledge management that can influence the effective elements of employee performance.        Five dimensions of knowledge management practices are bootstrapped on the organizational commitment and work engagement. Data collected form the different banks of Punjab, Pakistan by including 171 usable questionnaires. Data analysis was done with the help of SPSS and smart PLS. Results reveals that knowledge sharing, codification and retention helps in boosting organizational commitment of employees while knowledge creating, retention and sharing has a significant impact on work engagement. Knowledge management construct is not discussed as a complete construct as researchers opt some of its dimensions. Moreover, KM relationship with organizational commitment and work engagement is missing in the past literature. Knowledge creation, retention and sharing has a strong influence on the organizational commitment and work engagement. Managers should implement KM processes to uplift the knowledge of workers but also to boost their commitment and work engagement

    Impact of Motivation and Performance Expectancy on Women Entrepreneurial Intention

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    The purpose of this paper is to review the Motivation and performance expectancy to explore the commonalities of the present theories among the women entrepreneur intentions to boost up the business enterprises. In a fact-finding study information were gathered about the aptitude of motivation and performance expectancy to foresee the Intention of the women’s being examined by the sample of 150women in Pakistan March 2020. A mixed method evaluation design has been adopted in this study. Analysis of regression model uncovered the result that the connection between performance expectations and motivation was intruded positively by entrepreneurial intention of women toward business. The sample is restricted to women entrepreneurs, limiting the generalizability of the findings. The analyses of the influence of motivation variable towards women entrepreneurial intention furnishes us with inspiration to inquire about on the developing questions of how and why females are turning out to be more business people these days. This research supports the progression of study on motivation, performance expectancy variables and its relationship to women entrepreneurial intention in an assortment of settings

    Performance evaluation of cardiac troponin I assay: A comparison between the point-of-care testing radiometer AQT90 FLEX and the central laboratory siemens advia centaur analyzer

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    Background: To validate the point of care testing (POCT) Trop-I analyzer and compare it with a central laboratory-based chemiluminescence immunoassay, in order to evaluate its performance for use in critical care areas. Moreover, for clinical decision-making, it is imperative to know the extent to which patient stratification will differ based on the analytic method being used. In particular, the aim of this study was to evaluate the analytical performance of the point-of-care analyzer and demonstrate the agreement with the central laboratory measurements in patients presenting to the emergency department (ED) with chest pain and suspected acute coronary syndrome (ACS).Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed at the section of chemical pathology, department of pathology and laboratory medicine, the Aga Khan University (AKU), Karachi, from October to November 2017. Samples from patients and the quality control material of Trop-I were analyzed for imprecision, linearity, and method comparison on Advia Centaur (Siemens Diagnostics, CA, USA), and the AQT90 FLEX analyzer (Radiometer Medical ApS, Brønshøj, Denmark) with photometric detection at the section of chemical pathology, AKU. Statistical analysis was done using Microsoft Excel (Microsoft Corporation, Washington, United States) and EP Evaluator version (Data Innovations, LLC, VT, US). Quantitative variables were represented in terms of mean ± SD. For precision, the computed SD was compared with allowable random error. Furthermore, Cohen’s kappa was applied to observe the agreement between the two methods.Results: The Trop-I Precision study on the POCT analyzer showed a coefficient of variation (CV) of 2.4% using a pooled patient sample with a mean Trop-I of 2.15 ± 0.05 ng/ml. Three standards ranging from 0.034 to 1.316 ng/ml were run in triplicate to verify accuracy and linearity. The allowable systematic error (SEa) was 10.0%. The maximum deviation for a mean recovery from 100% was 4.1%. All three of the mean recoveries were accurate and within the allowable error limits. The results were linear with slope 1.04, intercept 0.0. On a method comparison, Trop-I showed good agreement, yielding a kappa value of 0.95.Conclusion: This study has validated the performance of a POCT Trop-I assay against a central laboratory immunoassay and found acceptable results. POCT assays for cTnI should be implanted in emergency settings to ensure the fast triage of patients with chest pain, as well as timely diagnosis

    Impact of Phoshporus Levels on Yield and Yield Attributes of Mungbean Cultivars under Peshawar Valley Conditions

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    The objective of this study was to determine the effects of phosphorus levels on yield and yield components of mungbean cultivars (Vigna radiata L.). Therefore the field experiment was carried out at New Developmental Farm of The University of Agriculture, Peshawar, Pakistan during summer 2013. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design with three replications. Six level of phosphorus in the form of SSP (0, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 kg ha-1) and three cultivars of mungbean (NM-98, NM-92 and NM-54) were used. Phosphorus application was significant for all the parameters. Plots treated with 80 kg P ha-1 produced maximum nodules plant-1 (25), pods plant-1 (22), seeds pod-1 (11), 1000 grains weight (40.2 g), grain yield (1139 kg ha-1) and harvest index (28.6 %) as compared with control plots but seeds pod-1, 1000 grains weight, grain yield  and harvest index was statistically at par when plots treated with 100 kg P ha-1. The cultivar NM-98 had the maximum nodules plant-1 (21), pods plant-1 (20), seeds pod-1 (11), 1000 grains weight (38.4 g), grain yield (1030 kg ha-1) and harvest index (28.2 %) as compared with other mungbean cultivars. It was concluded from the present research work that cultivar NM-98 treated with 80 kg P ha-1 improved mungbean productivity and thus, it is recommended for general practice in agro-climatic conditions of Peshawar valley. Keywords: Mungbean (Vigna radiata L.), phosphorus, cultivars, grain yield, yield    component

    Planting Geometry and Herbicides for Weed Control in Rice: Implications and Challenges

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    Weeds are one of the major biological threats to higher rice productivity worldwide. Various cultural, biological, physical and chemical practices affect the composition and intensity of weeds in rice fields. Generally, weeds can be controlled through herbicides; nevertheless, chemical weed control is not a sustainable option on a long term. Various agronomic practices such as the use of tolerant cultivars, adjusting sowing time, tillage permutations and plant geometry may reduce the weed pressure in rice. Integrated approaches for weed management, emphasizing on the combination of management practices and scientific knowledge, may reduce the economic costs and improve weed control owing to the complexity of the weed community. The present chapter reveals the role of planting geometry and herbicides as weed management strategies in rice, and discusses the issue of herbicide resistance associated with chemical weed control. Moreover, the research and knowledge gaps in rice weed management through planting geometry and herbicides were also highlighted

    Exploring Documentation: A Trivial Dimension of RUP

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    The Unified Process (UP) methodology is a commonly used methodology which can be followed by that entire process model where perfectly documented and well defined structure of team is needed, like Rational Unified Process (RUP) model which follows the UP methodology.  During documentation, the defect rate of software can be reduced and software quality can be improved. Quality is the sole objective which is pursued by stakeholders throughout the whole life cycle of software development. Quality is not the outcome of an accident; it is the fruit of the continual labor of devoted professionals. As the size of software increases, it is natural for the number of errors and defects to increase. The Cleanroom Software engineering process is a process for software development. The basic objective of Cleanroom Software engineering is to produce high quality of software emphasizing to increase the level of reliability to its utmost efficiency. Moreover, the Cleanroom process is involved in each and every phase of software development life cycle i.e. planning; measurement; specifying design; verifying code; testing; and certifying to mold the entire engineering discipline that the end product should result ideally in zero defect-rate. Keywords: Cleanroom software Engineering process, Documentation, Defect rate, Rational Unified process, quality and reliability

    Smart Relay Selection Scheme Based on Fuzzy Logic with Optimal Power Allocation and Adaptive Data Rate Assignment

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    In this paper fuzzy logic-based algorithm with improved process of relay selection is presented which not only allocate optimal power for transmission but also help in choosing adaptive data rate. This algorithm utilizes channel gain, cooperative gain and signal to noise ratio with two cases considered in this paper: In case-I nodes do not have their geographical location information while in case-II nodes are having their geographical location information. From Monte Carlo simulations, it can be observed that both cases improve the selection process along with data rate assignment and power allocation, but case-II is the most reliable with almost zero probability of error at the cost of computational complexity which is 10 times more than case-I

    A review of techniques for detection of movement intention using movement-related cortical potentials

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    The movement-related cortical potential (MRCP) is a low-frequency negative shift in the electroencephalography (EEG) recording that takes place about 2 seconds prior to voluntary movement production. MRCP replicates the cortical processes employed in planning and preparation of movement. In this study, we recapitulate the features such as signal’s acquisition, processing, and enhancement and different electrode montages used for EEG data recoding from different studies that used MRCPs to predict the upcoming real or imaginary movement. An authentic identification of human movement intention, accompanying the knowledge of the limb engaged in the performance and its direction of movement, has a potential implication in the control of external devices. This information could be helpful in development of a proficient patient-driven rehabilitation tool based on brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). Such a BCI paradigm with shorter response time appears more natural to the amputees and can also induce plasticity in brain. Along with different training schedules, this can lead to restoration of motor control in stroke patients
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