5 research outputs found

    Tratamento cirúrgico da polipose adenomatosa familiar: anastomose íleo-retal ou bolsa ileal?

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    CONTEXT: Controversy regarding the best operative choice for familial adenomatous polyposis lays between the morbidity of restorative proctocolectomy and the supposed mortality due to rectal cancer after ileorectal anastomosis. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate operative complications and oncological outcome after ileorectal anastomosis and restorative proctocolectomy. METHODS: Charts from patients treated between 1977 and 2006 were retrospectively analyzed. Clinical and endoscopic data, results of treatment, pathological reports and information regarding early and late outcome were recorded. RESULTS: Eighty-eight patients - 41 men (46.6%) and 47 women (53.4%) - were assisted. At diagnosis, 53 patients (60.2%) already had associated colorectal cancer. Operative complications occurred in 25 patients (29.0 %), being 17 (19.7%) early and 8 (9.3%) late complications. There were more complications after restorative proctocolectomy (48.1%) compared to proctocolectomy with ileostomy (26.6%) and ileorectal anastomosis (19.0%) (P = 0,03). There was no operative mortality. During the follow-up of 36 ileorectal anastomosis, cancer developed in the rectal cuff in six patients (16,6%). Cumulative cancer risk after ileorectal anastomosis was 17.2% at 5 years, 24.1% at 10 years and 43.1% at 15 years of follow-up. Age-dependent cumulative risk started at 30 years (4.3%), went to 9.6% at 40 years, 20.9% at 40 years and 52% at 60 years. Among the 26 patients followed after restorative proctocolectomy, it was found cancer in the ileal pouch in 1 (3.8%). CONCLUSIONS: 1. Operative complications occurred in about one third of the patients, being more frequently after the confection of ileal reservoir; 2. greater age and previous colonic carcinoma were associated with the development of rectal cancer after ileorectal anastomosis; 3. patients treated by restorative proctocolectomy are not free from the risk of pouch degeneration; 4. the disease complexity and the various risk factors (clinical, endoscopic, genetic) indicate that the best choice for operative treatment should be based on individual features discussed by a specialist; 5. all patients require continuous and long-term surveillance during postoperative follow-up.CONTEXTO: As controvérsias quanto a melhor forma de tratamento da polipose adenomatosa familiar confrontam a morbidade da proctocolectomia restauradora contra a suposta mortalidade decorrente de câncer retal após íleo-reto anastomose. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar as complicações operatórias e a evolução oncológica dos pacientes submetidos a íleo-reto anastomose ou proctocolectomia restauradora. MÉTODOS: Analisaram-se os dados dos doentes tratados entre 1977 e 2006, procedendo ao levantamento de dados clínicos gerais, endoscópicos, resultados do tratamento cirúrgico, dados anatomopatológicos e informações sobre a evolução precoce e tardia dos pacientes. RESULTADOS: Foram tratados 88 pacientes, sendo 41 homens (46,6%) e 47 mulheres (53,4%). Por ocasião do diagnóstico, 53 pacientes (60,2%) já tinham câncer colorretal associado à polipose. Registraram-se complicações operatórias em 25 doentes (29,0 %) dentre os 86 operados, sendo 17 (19,7%) precoces e 8 (9,3%) tardias. Houve mais complicações após proctocolectomia restauradora (48,1%) em comparação às proctocolectomias com ileostomia (26,6%) e íleo-reto anastomose (19,0%) (P = 0,03). Não houve mortalidade operatória. O risco cumulativo de câncer retal após íleo-reto anastomose foi de 17,2% após 5 anos, 24,1% após 10 anos e 43,1% após 15 anos de seguimento pós-operatório. Já o risco cumulativo idade-dependente começou a existir a partir de 30 anos (4,3%), passando para 9,6% aos 40 anos, 20,9% aos 40 anos e 52% aos 60 anos. Entre os pacientes submetidos a bolsa ileal com seguimento (26), apenas 1 doente (3,8%) desenvolveu câncer na bolsa ileal. CONCLUSÕES: 1. Ocorreram complicações operatórias em cerca de 1/3 dos pacientes, sendo mais frequentes após a confecção de bolsa ileal; 2. idade maior, tempo de seguimento e câncer colônico prévio se associaram ao desenvolvimento de câncer no coto retal após íleo-reto anastomose; 3. pacientes tratados por proctocolectomia restauradora não estão livres do risco de degeneração na bolsa ileal; 4. a complexidade da doença e a existência de diversos fatores de risco envolvidos (clínicos, endoscópicos, genéticos) indicam que a melhor decisão operatória seja baseada em características individuais a serem consideradas por um especialista; 5. todos os pacientes operados requerem vigilância contínua e prolongada no seguimento pós-operatório

    Is it Safe to Perform Elective Colorectal Surgical Procedures during the COVID-19 Pandemic? A Single Institution Experience with 103 Patients

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    OBJECTIVES: Since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), all health services worldwide underwent profound changes, leading to the suspension of many elective surgeries. This study aimed to evaluate the safety of elective colorectal surgery during the pandemic. METHODS: This was a retrospective, cross-sectional, single-center study. Patients who underwent elective colorectal surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic between March 10 and September 9, 2020, were included. Patient data on sex, age, diagnosis, types of procedures, hospital stay, mortality, and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) preoperative screening tests were recorded. RESULTS: A total of 103 colorectal surgical procedures were planned, and 99 were performed. Four surgeries were postponed due to positive preoperative screening for SARS-CoV-2. Surgical procedures were performed for colorectal cancer (n=90) and inflammatory bowel disease (n=9). Laparoscopy was the approach of choice for 43 patients (43.4%), 53 (53.5%) procedures were open, and 3 (3%) procedures were robotic. Five patients developed COVID-19 in the postoperative period, and three of them died in the intensive care unit (n=3/5, 60% mortality). Two other patients died due to surgical complications unrelated to COVID-19 (n=2/94, 2.1% mortality) (po0.01). Hospital stay was longer in patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection than in those without (38.4 versus 10.3 days, respectively, po0.01). Of the 99 patients who received surgical care during the pandemic, 94 were safely discharged (95%). CONCLUSION: Our study demonstrated that elective colorectal surgical procedures may be safely performed during the pandemic; however, preoperative testing should be performed to reduce in-hospital infection rates, since the mortality rate due to SARS-CoV-2 in this setting is particularly high

    A videolaparoscopia no diagnóstico e tratamento da obstrução intestinal Laparoscopic disgnosis and treatment of intestinal obstruction

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    A obstrução intestinal constitui complicação freqüente, de etiologia multifatorial, apresentação clínica variável e alta morbidade. Uma vez esgotados os recursos conservadores em casos específicos, a laparotomia exploradora é empregada para o diagnóstico final e tratamento em grande número de pacientes. Apesar do sucesso da via laparoscópica no manuseio de diversas afecções, a utilização desta via na abordagem inicial da obstrução do intestino delgado tem sido bastante limitada e alvo de numerosas críticas. Entretanto, o acúmulo de experiência com o método nos últimos anos, aliado ao avanço tecnológico e instrumental, têm permitido tratar número cada vez maior de pacientes obstruídos por meio do acesso laparoscópico. Assim, o surgimento de novos instrumentos como grampeadores laparoscópicos, pinças e trocáteres menos traumáticos ajudaram a tornar a videolaparoscopia factível e segura nestes pacientes. Neste artigo, os autores apresentam uma revisão sobre o papel da vídeo-cirurgia em casos selecionados de obstrução intestinal, ressaltando a contribuição dos métodos minimamente invasivos para o arsenal diagnóstico e terapêutico desta importante complicação.<br>Bowel obstruction is a frequent complication that exhibits variable clinical presentation and high morbidity. After conservative measures, laparotomy is performed for final diagnosis and treatment in a large number of patients. Besides the benefits of the laparoscopic approach in the management of many diseases, its use during the initial evaluation of bowel obstruction has been limited and has raised some criticism. However, experience with method and technological-instrumental advances in recent years has facilitated the treatment of a greater number of patients with obstruction. Thus, the development of new instruments such as laparoscopic staplers, less traumatic clamps and trocars had an important role in the feasibility and safety of the laparoscopic approach in this setting. In this article, the authors present a revision about the use of video-surgery in selected cases of intestinal obstruction, standing out the contribution of minimally invasive methods for the diagnosis and therapeutics of this important complication