4 research outputs found

    Cavernous malformation of the optic chiasm with continuous hemorrhage in a pregnant woman: A case report

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    Background Cavernous malformation of the anterior visual pathway is rare, especially in pregnant woman. Planning a treatment strategy with cross-disciplinary specialists is important. Case description A 27-year-old pregnant woman presented with acute hemorrhage around the right optic nerve and chiasm, manifesting as poor vision in both eyes. Examination revealed right-eye deteriorated acuity and bilateral temporal hemianopsia. Computed tomography showed an oval high-density mass in the suprasellar region. Gradient echo-based T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging showed the lesion to be hypointense (possibly a hematoma) and mainly in the optic chiasm. Fluid attenuated inversion recovery imaging showed a bilateral optic tract surrounding the lesion, which enlarged over 1 week, increasing the loss of visual function. Five days after admission, she delivered a healthy >2500-g baby by cesarean section (CS). Right frontotemporal craniotomy was performed 7 days after CS. Incision of the right optic nerve's lateral surface revealed clotted blood with abnormal vascular construction from the right side of the chiasm. We removed the hematoma and vascular lesion. Visual evoked potentials were detected only after optic chiasm decompression. Histological evaluation revealed a hematoma-like lesion with capsules and hemosiderin deposition, suggesting cavernous malformation. Her postoperative recovery was uneventful, with right visual acuity returning to normal, and her visual field not deteriorating any more. Conclusion Devising a treatment strategy with the obstetrician was important in this case to manage the hematoma and cavernous malformation safely

    The selective continued linkage of centromeres from mitosis to interphase in the absence of mammalian separase

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    Separase is an evolutionarily conserved protease that is essential for chromosome segregation and cleaves cohesin Scc1/Rad21, which joins the sister chromatids together. Although mammalian separase also functions in chromosome segregation, our understanding of this process in mammals is still incomplete. We generated separase knockout mice, reporting an essential function for mammalian separase. Separase-deficient mouse embryonic fibroblasts exhibited severely restrained increases in cell number, polyploid chromosomes, and amplified centrosomes. Chromosome spreads demonstrated that multiple chromosomes connected to a centromeric region. Live observation demonstrated that the chromosomes of separase-deficient cells condensed, but failed to segregate, although subsequent cytokinesis and chromosome decondensation proceeded normally. These results establish that mammalian separase is essential for the separation of centromeres, but not of the arm regions of chromosomes. Other cell cycle events, such as mitotic exit, DNA replication, and centrosome duplication appear to occur normally. We also demonstrated that heterozygous separase-deficient cells exhibited severely restrained increases in cell number with apparently normal mitosis in the absence of securin, which is an inhibitory partner of separase