1,516 research outputs found

    Preparations of methoxynitrophenazines and their photoconductivities

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    Eight methoxynitrophenazines with a methoxy group at the 1 or 2 position and a nitro group at the 6-, 7-, 8- or 9-position of the phenazine ring 1,6, 1,7. 1,8, 1,9, 2,6, 2,7, 2,8 and 2,9 were prepared and their photocurrents were measured by illuminating the surface-type cell with white light from a W lamp under a N atmosphere at room temp. The photocurrents of 1-nitrophenazine 6 and 2-nitrophenazine 7 are compared with those of the methoxynitrophenazines. The photocurrent (i sub p) increases with increasing light intensity (I), thus satisfying log i varies as n log I. The n values are 0.5-1.0. When the nitro group is located at the beta-position of the phenazine ring, the photocurrent becomes larger owing to the electron withdrawing property of the nitro group. On the other hand, the photocurrents of phenazines with the nitro group at the Alpha-position are extremely small. The photoconductivities of methoxynitrophenazines are lower in air

    Faithful qubit distribution assisted by one additional qubit against collective noise

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    We propose a distribution scheme of polarization states of a single photon over collective-noise channel. By adding one extra photon with a fixed polarization, we can protect the state against collective noise via a parity-check measurement and post-selection. While the scheme succeeds only probabilistically, it is simpler and more flexible than the schemes utilizing decoherence-free subspace. An application to BB84 protocol through collective noise channel, which is robust to the Trojan horse attack, is also given.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; published version in Phys. Rev. Let

    Experimental ancilla-assisted qubit transmission against correlated noise using quantum parity checking

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    We report the experimental demonstration of a transmission scheme of photonic qubits over unstabilized optical fibers, which has the plug-and-play feature as well as the ability to transmit any state of a qubit, regardless of whether it is known, unknown, or entangled to other systems. A high fidelity to the noiseless quantum channel was achieved by adding an ancilla photon after the signal photon within the correlation time of the fiber noise and by performing quantum parity checking. Simplicity, maintenance-free feature and robustness against path-length mismatches among the nodes make our scheme suitable for multi-user quantum communication networks.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures; published in New J. Phys. and selected in IOP Selec

    Kraus representation of damped harmonic oscillator and its application

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    By definition, the Kraus representation of a harmonic oscillator suffering from the environment effect, modeled as the amplitude damping or the phase damping, is directly given by a simple operator algebra solution. As examples and applications, we first give a Kraus representation of a single qubit whose computational basis states are defined as bosonic vacuum and single particle number states. We further discuss the environment effect on qubits whose computational basis states are defined as the bosonic odd and even coherent states. The environment effects on entangled qubits defined by two different kinds of computational basis are compared with the use of fidelity.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Boosting up quantum key distribution by learning statistics of practical single photon sources

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    We propose a simple quantum-key-distribution (QKD) scheme for practical single photon sources (SPSs), which works even with a moderate suppression of the second-order correlation g(2)g^{(2)} of the source. The scheme utilizes a passive preparation of a decoy state by monitoring a fraction of the signal via an additional beam splitter and a detector at the sender's side to monitor photon number splitting attacks. We show that the achievable distance increases with the precision with which the sub-Poissonian tendency is confirmed in higher photon number distribution of the source, rather than with actual suppression of the multi-photon emission events. We present an example of the secure key generation rate in the case of a poor SPS with g(2)=0.19g^{(2)} = 0.19, in which no secure key is produced with the conventional QKD scheme, and show that learning the photon-number distribution up to several numbers is sufficient for achieving almost the same achievable distance as that of an ideal SPS.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures; published version in New J. Phy

    Anomalous time delays and quantum weak measurements in optical micro-resonators

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    We study inelastic resonant scattering of a Gaussian wave packet with the parameters close to a zero of the complex scattering coefficient. We demonstrate, both theoretically and experimentally, that such near-zero scattering can result in anomalously-large time delays and frequency shifts of the scattered wave packet. Furthermore, we reveal a close analogy of these anomalous shifts with the spatial and angular Goos-H\"anchen optical beam shifts, which are amplified via quantum weak measurements. However, in contrast to other beam-shift and weak-measurement systems, we deal with a one-dimensional scalar wave without any intrinsic degrees of freedom. It is the non-Hermitian nature of the system that produces its rich and non-trivial behaviour. Our results are generic for any scattering problem, either quantum or classical. As an example, we consider the transmission of an optical pulse through a nano-fiber with a side-coupled toroidal micro-resonator. The zero of the transmission coefficient corresponds to the critical coupling conditions. Experimental measurements of the time delays near the critical-coupling parameters verify our weak-measurement theory and demonstrate amplification of the time delay from the typical inverse resonator linewidth scale to the pulse duration scale.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Human autologous culture expanded bone marrow mesenchymal cell transplantation for repair of cartilage defects in osteoarthritic knees

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    AbstractObjective There is no widely accepted method to repair articular cartilage defects. Bone marrow mesenchymal cells have the potential to differentiate into bone, cartilage, fat and muscle. Bone marrow mesenchymal cell transplantation is easy to use clinically because cells can be easily obtained and can be multiplied without losing their capacity of differentiation. The objective of this study was to apply these cell transplantations to repair human articular cartilage defects in osteoarthritic knee joints.Design Twenty-four knees of 24 patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA) who underwent a high tibial osteotomy comprised the study group. Adherent cells in bone marrow aspirates were culture expanded, embedded in collagen gel, transplanted into the articular cartilage defect in the medial femoral condyle and covered with autologous periosteum at the time of 12 high tibial osteotomies. The other 12 subjects served as cell-free controls.Results In the cell-transplanted group, as early as 6.3 weeks after transplantation the defects were covered with white to pink soft tissue, in which metachromasia was partially observed. Forty-two weeks after transplantation, the defects were covered with white soft tissue, in which metachromasia was observed in almost all areas of the sampled tissue and hyaline cartilage-like tissue was partially observed. Although the clinical improvement was not significantly different, the arthroscopic and histological grading score was better in the cell-transplanted group than in the cell-free control group.Conclusions This procedure highlights the availability of autologous culture expanded bone marrow mesenchymal cell transplantation for the repair of articular cartilage defects in humans