8 research outputs found

    PolĂ­tica etnorreligiosa, conflito intra-estatal e o futuro da democracia na Costa do Marfim Ethno-religious politics, intra state conflict and the future of democracy in CĂŽte d'Ivoire

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    Este artigo utiliza o mĂ©todo descritivo para analisar as origens e o carĂĄter aparentemente intratĂĄvel, mas evitĂĄvel, dos fatores ancilares que implicaram a derrocada da Costa do Marfim, que jĂĄ foi uma ilha de estabilidade polĂ­tica, uma vitrine de prosperidade econĂŽmica e de sucesso em uma África Ocidental mergulhada em guerras civis. O artigo investiga as polĂ­ticas dos Estados colonial e pĂłs-colonial atĂ© a morte do presidente FĂ©lix HouphouĂ«t-Boigny, a era pĂłs-HouphouĂ«t e suas crises polĂ­tica e socioeconĂŽmica, e a mĂĄ administração do legado de Boigny, que levaram ao conflito interno. As conseqĂŒĂȘncias da disputa interna tambĂ©m sĂŁo investigadas nos nĂ­veis nacional e sub-regional, assim como as resoluçÔes dos conflitos por meio das ineficientes iniciativas de paz de Accra que, inexoravelmente, levariam Ă s conversas de paz de Lina-Marcoussis. Os resultados das negociaçÔes, a participação de poderes nĂŁo africanos e o futuro da democracia na Costa do Marfim tambĂ©m sĂŁo investigados.<br>This paper uses descriptive method to analyse the origin and the seemingly intractable but avoidable ancillary factors that plunged CĂŽte d'Ivoire, which was once the island of political stability, the showcase of economic prosperity and success in West Africa in the fangs of civil war. The paper surveys the policies of the colonial and postcolonial state till the death of President FĂ©lix HouphouĂ«t-Boigny, the post-HouphouĂ«t era and its lot of political and socio-economic upheavals and the mismanagement of the legacies of Boigny that led to the internal conflict. The consequences of the civil strife are also surveyed at the national and sub-regional levels as well as the resolutions of the conflict through the botched Accra peace initiatives that inexorably led to the Lina-Marcoussis peace talks. The aftermath of the negotiations and the involvement of extra-African powers and the future of democracy in CĂŽte d'Ivoire are also looked into

    The land of black gold, corruption, poverty and sabotage:Overcoming the Niger Delta’s problems through the establishment of a Nigerian Non-Renewable Revenue Special Fund (NNRSF)

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    Through statistics published by the Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC), the paper explores why oilfield sabotage from 2009 to 2015 remains a problem in the Niger Delta, despite the 2009 amnesty programme. It explains why some of these incidents are a direct result of the failure to implement socio-economic development in successive state agencies due to corruption, a consequence of the natural resource curse. The article then explores why and how a Nigerian Non-Renewable Revenue Special Fund overseen by the United Nations Development Programme should be established which would not only manage a portion of oil revenue funds from the Niger Delta but also initiate valid social and economic projects in order to help reduce the prevalence of sabotage and instability in the region