22 research outputs found

    Comparison of the human and horse <i>ACE</i> exons and intron sequences.

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    <p>Exons and introns are compared by size, and exons by sequence identity. Cross species identity between the introns was generally too low to align and thus calculate. Introns 18, 20 and 23 were not fully sequenced. Exons shown in italics differ in size between the two species.</p>a<p>Human intron 16 varies in length from 1574–1859 bp, depending on the presence or absence of the I/D polymorphism.</p

    Maximum likelihood consensus tree of ACE cDNA sequence across 11 species.

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    <p>The horse, dog, cat, dolphin, cow, rabbit, elephant, human, chimpanzee, rat and mouse orthologous <i>ACE</i> genes were included, with the elephant designated as the outgroup [EnSembl: ENSECAG00000012910, ENSCAFG00000012998, ENSFCAG00000002078, ENSTTRG00000001667, ENSBTAG00000024950, ENSOCUT00000001559, ENSLAFG00000006295, ENST00000290866, ENSPTRT00000049041, ENSRNOT00000010627 and ENSMUST00000001963 respectively]. The GTR model of nucleotide substitution was applied and bootstrap branch supports are shown (100). Transition/transversion ratio, number of invariable sites and gamma distribution parameters were estimated from the data.</p

    Sequence conservation across intron 16 of multi species <i>ACE</i> genes.

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    <p>(a) Plot of conservation spanning exons 15 to 18 between the developed equine <i>ACE</i> sequence and the reference sequences from the dog, human, elephant, rabbit and mouse. Pink coloured regions are >70% conserved between the horse and query sequence; while the dark blue regions are annotated exons. Pink conserved peaks are clearly visible in intron 16. The positions of common equine SNPs are marked with black arrows, and the human I/D variant is noted in blue. The human intron sequence analysed here was of the deletion allele. (b) Aligned intron sequence from six species showing the conserved nucleotides highlighted in yellow. The position of SNP rs4338 that occurs in the middle of the human CNE is highlighted in green. (c) Results of the rVISTA scan showing likely motif binding sites (green bars) for the three identified transcription factors.</p

    Genotyping conditions for nine common equine <i>ACE</i> gene polymorphisms.

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    <p>The breeds column indicates the breeds the polymorphism was indentified in this study. Variant annotation was according to the guidelines of the Human Genome Variation Society. Primer sequences are listed in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0055434#pone.0055434.s003" target="_blank">Table S1</a>.</p

    Homology of equine ACE amino acid sequence to 5 different species.

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    <p>Homology of equine ACE amino acid sequence to 5 different species.</p

    A sample of heritability estimates for British Veterinary Association Hip Traits in various breeds and heritability of other Canine Hip Dysplasia Phenotypes in German Shepherd Dogs.

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    <p>NORB = Norberg Angle, SUBL = Subluxation, CrAE = Cranial Acetabular Edge, DAE = Dorsal Acetabular Edge, CrEAR = Cranial Effective Acetabular Rim, AF = Acetabular Fossa, CaAE = Caudal Acetabular Edge, FHNE = Femoral Head and Neck Exostosis, FHR = Femoral Head Remodelling.</p