6 research outputs found


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    AbstrakPoligami merupakan salah satu isu hukum yang terbilang cukup menyeruak di tengah masyarakat. Diskusi tentang poligami ini berkutat pada ambiguitas antara ideal hukum dengan praktik lapangan. Sering sekali lelaki menjadikan poligami ini sebagai gerbang dilakukannya praktik nikah siri agar tidak diketahui isteri pertamanya. Di samping itu poligami rentan membawa perpecahan, ketidakakuran dan tidak jarang terabaikannya hak dan kewajiban suami-istri dalam rumah tangga, termasuk pengabaian terhadap anak yang dilahirkan. Dengan itu, artikel ini hendak mengulas bincang pemahaman poligami antara teks dan konteks dan kaitannya dengan nikah siri.Kata Kunci: Poligami, teks dan konteks, nikah sir

    AKTIVITAS RASŪLULLĀH SAW DI RUANG DOMESTIK (Kajian Historis Peranan Rasūlullāh Saw dalam Membantu Tugas-Tugas Rumah Tangga)

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    Rumah tangga dibangun dalam formula saling suka sama suka dan menempatkan posisi suami-isteri saling kerja sama secara mutual. Suami-isteri memiliki peran yang sama membangun keluarga sakīnah, mawaddah dan raḥmah. Tidak diragukan lagi bahwa dalam setiap sisi kelaurga muslim, Rasūlullāh Saw menjadi satu referensi yang sangat lengkap untuk dapat ditiru dan diimplementasikan dalam kehidupan keluarga. Dalam sisi historis, Rasūlullāh Saw terbukti ikut serta membantu tugas-tugas domestik. Hanya saja saat ini cenderung ada pergesaran peran. Laki-laki berposisi kerja di luar rumah dan perempuan kerja di dalam rumah. Untuk itu, tulisan ini kembali mengulas bincang mengenai apa-apa yang masih tersembunyi di dalam aktivitas Rasūlullāh Saw di ruang domestik

    The Debtor’s Liability For The Loading Of Personal Security In Indonesia

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    This study aims to find out the legal liability as well as the judge’s consideration of personal guarantees in the case of debtors who are declared bankrupt based on act number 37/2004.. The research method used is the normative juridical method, using library data. The results of this study indicate that in personal guarantee liability, there are two different agreements but closely related to each other, namely the guaranteed principal agreement and the personal guarantee agreement as a guarantee of the main agreement. In the personal guarantee agreement, besides the main agreement, there is also an accessory agreement where a personal guarantee serves the obligations. Personal guarantee in this bankruptcy case is the debtor from the obligation to pay off the debt. The personal guarantee assets will only be used to the return of the debts to creditors when the property has been confiscated and auctioned. However, the proceeds are not sufficient to pay the debt. This could be due to the debtor having two or more creditors and not paid off at least one overdue debt and can be collected

    The Repositioning of Campus as a Cultural Movements Engine in the Eradication of Corruption

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    At the theoretical and historical level, the campus has always been a symbol of resistance to all forms of deviation, without exception for efforts to fight corruption as an extraordinary crime. Morally, the campus has an enormous responsibility to ensure and guarantee that mother earth is free from all corrupt practices. Even so, the campus is not a sterile area for corrupt practices. This study used a qualitative research method with a statutory approach. The results of the study state that corruption has penetrated into the joints of the life of the academic community, which should actually play a role as a locomotive in eradicating corruption. Recognizing that the corruption virus has spread among the academic community, it is urgent to reposition the role of the campus in the fight against corruption. Repositioning the role of the campus can be started from (i) aspects of the tri dharma of higher education, (ii) administrative aspects, and (iii) exemplary aspects. Repositioning the role of the campus should be done considering that the campus with the characteristics of its value-oriented academic community is believed to be the best place to teach and instill anti-corruption values as an ongoing cultural movement. The cultural movement has made the campus a laboratory for the process of institutionalizing anti-corruption values, principles, and morality. In the long term, this movement will become a culture that can free the nation's leading cadres from corrupt behavior and mentality.Keywords: Campus; Cultural Movement; Corruptio

    Banking Roles and Policies in Anticipating Cyber Attacks in Indonesia

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    Every year, Indonesia expands. The expansion of digital transformation is a milestone for all industries, including finance. In addition, cybercrime is believed to be on the rise and poses a threat to institutions and customers. And the banking system must also be responsible for safeguarding customer data, and cooperation with customers is expected to be more thorough when using data. Obviously, the digital revolution has contributed significantly to the advancement of both the banking and non-banking sectors. In this instance, however, the banking industry is primarily culpable for this cyber attack. In this paper, the researcher employs a qualitative descriptive method in order to facilitate the writer's analysis of a theory and current legal policies governing banking and cyber, which is a major concern for everyone if it is misused or if it is discovered that bankers are not careful in managing everything. customer data. This study's findings will analyze the role and policies of banks in relation to the transformation of the contemporary digital era. Then, it analyzes the cyber security system, which, as we all know, is not only the responsibility of the banking sector as a service provider, but also that of the customer, who must not be careless in providing banking-related confidential information so that it cannot be easily accessed by criminals. who intentionally intend to take benefits.Keywords: Banking, Cyber Attack, Cyber, Security Syste