190 research outputs found

    Sensibility of the Novel “The God of Small Things” Personifies Realities where Meaning Plays the Protagonist

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    The novel, “The God of Small Things”, is a Booker Prize winner fiction. It is obviously a thought-provoking novel with an apparent viewpoint. It is a novel by Arundhati Roy, an Indian writer. The novel is a story of stories where conflicting ideas of various subjects play vital roles. The subjects appear to be really striking. The style is marvelous. The plot construction is excellent, and the characterization is superb. Language is unique. It’s a worldwide acclaimed novel. The novel speaks on subjects like love, madness, joy, cast-discrimination, women’s exploitation and most importantly the conflict between the Laltain (lantern), the big people, and Mombatti (candles), the small people, which represent the class antagonism. All these antagonisms transform into a meaning. The novelist projects so many meanings together and tries to weave a story on Ammu, the protagonist of the novel. She has created a world where the readers feel the conflict between the social antagonisms and emotional meanings. The novelist, Arundhati Roy, has tried her best to evolve a literal as well as a figurative meaning of emotions. The readers feel spellbound emotions when they start reading the novel and pass through the strong throng until they finish the novel. The novelist succeeds in making her readers feel a trance. They emotionally find themselves in a pang of emotions which remains until the end of the novel. Though the novel is full of many obscurities where the readers fail to understand the obscure images and local languages in the novel, yet they feel satisfaction at the end as it discusses sensibility of the society. The reality apparently transforms itself into a crystal clear meaning of life which is very vital to the novelist as well as to the readers. The meaning of life, reality, appears like a protagonist. Hence, the novel under research is under scrutiny about the idea of reality appearing like protagonist. It is undoubtedly a very successful novel. Readers have liked it very much. The critics have found it interesting. It has been the best seller, too. Thus, this research is trying to find out the answer of the question, Is the novel really successful in arousing a sensibility? Is the meaning of life appears life-like? Does it personify reality of life? Consequently, this research paper has tried to find out the answers for the posted queries. Moreover, the obvious answer is, yes it does. It personifies the realities of the tragedies of the protagonists: Ammu and Velutha

    After the "License Raj": Economic Liberalization and Aggregate Private Investment in India

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    Using three alternative models that incorporate the behavior of both credit constrained and unconstrained firms in a theoretically consistent manner, this paper presents evidence on the effects of economic liberalization of 1991 in India. Two robust conclusions emerge from the estimation of the investment function by ARDL approach. First, the response of private investment with respect to the relative cost of capital has increased at least five times after the dismantling of the License Raj. Second, the evidence implies a significant improvement in the technological efficiency of the firms after the liberalization. In contrast, no robust conclusion can be drawn about the severity of the credit constraint faced by the private sector following the liberalization.Private Investment, India, Economic Liberalization, ARDL

    Optimizing Brain Tumor Classification: A Comprehensive Study on Transfer Learning and Imbalance Handling in Deep Learning Models

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    Deep learning has emerged as a prominent field in recent literature, showcasing the introduction of models that utilize transfer learning to achieve remarkable accuracies in the classification of brain tumor MRI images. However, the majority of these proposals primarily focus on balanced datasets, neglecting the inherent data imbalance present in real-world scenarios. Consequently, there is a pressing need for approaches that not only address the data imbalance but also prioritize precise classification of brain cancer. In this work, we present a novel deep learning-based approach, called Transfer Learning-CNN, for brain tumor classification using MRI data. The proposed model leverages the predictive capabilities of existing publicly available models by utilizing their pre-trained weights and transferring those weights to the CNN. By leveraging a publicly available Brain MRI dataset, the experiment evaluated various transfer learning models for classifying different tumor types, including meningioma, glioma, and pituitary tumors. We investigate the impact of different loss functions, including focal loss, and oversampling methods, such as SMOTE and ADASYN, in addressing the data imbalance issue. Notably, the proposed strategy, which combines VGG-16 and CNN, achieved an impressive accuracy rate of 96%, surpassing alternative approaches significantly.Comment: Our code is available at https://github.com/Razaimam45/AI701-Project-Transfer-Learning-approach-for-imbalance-classification-of-Brain-Tumor-MRI


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    Objectives: Use of phytoconstituents, especially obtained from fruits extract with high content of flavonoids has gained considerable importancein personal care products such as creams and lotions. Finding new results and data through experiments will be helpful for both researchers andindustry on the subject. The purpose of this study was to evaluate in-vitro sunscreen activity of a cream formulation containing the fruit extract ofMusa accuminata, Psidium gujava and Pyrus communis based on their flavonoid contents.Methods: Extraction of fruits to include maximum quantity of flavonoids was carried out using solvent system comprising of methanol (35%),ethanol (35%), and distilled water (30%). The cream was formulated and tested for the physicochemical parameters such as color, odor, pH andspreadability. While total flavonoid content was determined by aluminum chloride colorimetric method. The in-vitro sun protection factor (SPF) ofcream formulation and commercially available sunscreen was determined by ultraviolet spectrophotometric method.Results: The total flavonoid content of cream formulation was found to be 45.81±8.49 and expressed in terms of standard quercetin equivalentĂŽÂŒg/g. The SPF value for the cream formulation was recorded as 3.90, whereas commercially available sunscreen it was 12.26, indicating that creamformulation has photoprotective activity and may be used to develop a good cosmetic formulation and to explore its commercial viability.Conclusion: Use of phytoconstituents, especially those obtained from fruits extract with high content of flavonoids has gained considerableimportance in personal care products such as creams and lotions. Finding new results and data through experiments will be helpful for bothresearchers and industry on the subject. The proposed spectrophotometric method is simple and rapid for SPF determination. Due to the high costand time consumption relating to in vivo SPF determination andsome ethical issues for the volunteers, the in vitro method is gaining more importance.Keywords: Antioxidants, Formulation, In-vitro sun protection factor, Photoprotection, Fruit extract, Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy.Â

    Topical nanoemulsion of turmeric oil for psoriasis: characterization, ex vivo and in vivo assessment

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    Psoriasis is a chronic; T lymphocyte mediated autoimmune inflammatory disorder characterized by well-defined erythematous (reddish) plaques with large adherent silvery scales that affects the skin and other parts of the body. The essential oil in turmeric is anti-inflammatory and effective in treating chronic disorders like psoriasis that have inflammation as a root symptom. Nanoemulsions are isotropic, thermodynamically stable transparent (or translucent) systems of oil, water, surfactant and co-surfactant with a droplet size usually in the range of 20–200 nm. Their long-term stability and ease of preparation (spontaneous emulsification) make it promising tool for drug delivery. The aim of this study was to obtain nanoemulsions of turmeric oil for psoriasis and to evaluate their physical stability, irritation potential and in vivo inflammatory activity. For the preparation of nanoemulsion titration method was used which was composed of 15% turmeric oil, 42 % Smix (1:1) and 43 % distilled water. The nanoemulsion was stable during the period of study and was found to be practically non-irritating in the organotypic HET-CAM model. The anti inflammatory activity of optimized nonoemulsion was carried out by carragennen induced paw edema and found to be 70.35 % inhibition


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    Production of varieties granolapotatostill cannotmeet theneeds of society. Even the production tends to decrease from year to year due to the used of tuber that is less right and farmer dependence to synthetic fertilizers resulting in circles of ravage. The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of seed tubers and banana stems compost on growth, yield and quality of G4 potato granola varieties. This research was conducted in the village of Los Cimaung, Rt.04 RW.18, Margamukti Village, District Pangalengan, Bandung regency from June to August 2015. The method that used was experimental method randomized block design (RBD) factorial pattern with three replications and consisting of two factor. The first factors was the size of the tuber seed potatoes (25 - 30 g/tuber, 45 - 50 g/tuber and 65 - 70 g/tuber). The second factor was the compost dose of banana stem (control, 10 tons/ha, 15 tons/ha, 20 tons/ha, 30 t/ha). The results showed the interaction between the seed tubers and compost banana stems to the addition of fresh weight at 90 days after planting. Seed tuber size has provided an independent effect into plant height, number of stolon productive, harvest index and quality (grading). The banana stems compost treatment has significant effect on number of stolon productive and harvest index. The seed tubers b1 (25-30 g/tuber) and b2(45 - 50 g/tuber)provide the highest result on the L (101-200 g/tuber) quality, the using of b3(65 - 70 g/tuber)seed tubers has the highest number on S (<50 g/tuber) quality. Seed size of weight seed tuber and dose of compost banana stems that recommended to improve the growth, yield and quality is b2 (45 - 50 g/tuber) and m4 (20 tons/ha)

    Organizational Internal Factors, Corporate Entrepreneurship, and Organizational Performance

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    The purpose of this study is to examine and explain the effect of: a) top management support on corporate entrepreneurship, b) supportive organizational structure on corporate entrepreneurship, c) resources availability on corporate entrepreneurship, d) reward system on corporate entrepreneurship, e) work discretion on corporate entrepreneurship, f) corporate entrepreneurship on financial performance, and g) corporate entrepreneurship on non financial performance. The data collection was done using a survey. The sample of this study was manager or director of Bank Sulselbar, regional development bank in South Sulawesi and West Sulawesi Province in Indonesia with 97 questionnaires were distributed with 91.78% response rate. The data were analyzed using Generalized Structured Component Analysis (GSCA). The result reveals that: a) top management support has a positive and significant effect on corporate entrepreneurship, b) supportive organizational structure has a positive but not significant effect on corporate entrepreneurship, c) resources availability has negative and not significant effect on corporate entrepreneurship, d) reward system has positive and significant effect on corporate entrepreneurship, e) work discretion has positive and significant effect on corporate entrepreneurship, f) corporate entrepreneurship has a positive and significant effect on financial performance, and g) corporate entrepreneurship has a positive and significant effect on non financial performance. Keywords: top management support, supportive organizational structure, resources availability, reward system, work discretion, corporate entrepreneurship, organizational performanc

    Pengaruh berbagai ukuran bobot ubi benih kentang G4 (Solanum tuberosum L.) varietas granola dan kompos batang pisang terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil serta kualitas kentang

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    Produksi kentang varietas granola masih belum bisa memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat.Bahkan produksi hasil cenderung menurun dari tahun ketahun akibat penggunaan ubi yang kurang tepat dan ketergantungan petani terhadap pemakaian pupuk sintetik yang berakibat kerusakan pada lingkungan.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh ubi benih dan kompos batang pisang terhadap pertumbuhan, hasil dan kualitas kentang G4 varietas granola. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kampung Los Cimaung, RT.04 RW.18, Desa Margamukti, Kecamatan Pangalengan, Kabupaten Bandung dari bulan Juni sampai dengan bulan Agustus 2015. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode experimental berupa Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) pada faktorial dengan tiga ulangan dan terdiri dari dua faktor, faktor pertama adalah ukuran ubi benih kentang b1(25 - 30 g/ubi), b2(45 - 50 g/ubi) dan b3(65 - 70 g/ubi), sedangkan faktor kedua yaitu dengan kompos dosis batang pisang m1(kontrol / tanpa kompos batang pisang), m2(10 ton/ha), m3(15 ton/ha), m4(20 ton/ha), m5(30 ton/ha). Hasil penelitian menunjukan adanya interaksi antara ubi benih dan kompos batang pisang terhadap penambahan bobot segar pada 90 HST. Ukuran ubi benih berpengaruh nyata terhadap parameter tinggi tanaman, jumlah stolon produktif, indeks panen dan kualitas (grading).Perlakuan kompos batang pisang berpengaruh nyata terhadap jumlah stolon produktif dan indeks panen. Ubi benih b1(25 - 30 g/ubi)dan b2(45 - 50 g/ubi)memberikan hasil yang paling tinggi yaitu pada kualitas L(101-200 g/ubi), penggunaan ubi benih b3(65 - 70 g/ubi)memiliki jumlah terbanyak pada kualitas S(<50 g/ubi). Ukuran bobot ubi benih dan dosis kompos batang pisang yang direkomendasikan untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan, hasil dan kualitas adalah b2 (45-50 g/ubi) dan m4 (20 ton/ha)
