169 research outputs found

    Estimation of Buttiker-Landauer traversal time based on the visibility of transmission current

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    We present a proposal for the estimation of B\"uttiker-Landauer traversal time based on the visibility of transmission current. We analyze the tunneling phenomena with a time-dependent potential and obtain the time-dependent transmission current. We found that the visibility is directly connected to the traversal time. Furthermore, this result is valid not only for rectangular potential barrier but also for general form of potential to which the WKB approximation is applicable . We compared these results with the numerical values obtained from the simulation of Nelson's quantum mechanics. Both of them fit together and it shows our method is very effective to measure experimentally the traversal time.Comment: 12 pages, REVTeX, including 7 eps figure

    Dynamical detailed balance and local KMS condition for non-equilibrium state

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    The principle of detailed balance is at the basis of equilibrium physics and is equivalent to the Kubo-Martin-Schwinger (KMS) condition (under quite general assumptions). In the present paper we prove that a large class of open quantum systems satisfies a dynamical generalization of the detailed balance condition ({\it dynamical detailed balance}) expressing the fact that all the micro-currents, associated to the Bohr frequencies are constant. The usual (equilibrium) detailed balance condition is characterized by the property that this constant is identically zero. From this we deduce a simple and experimentally measurable relation expressing the microcurrent associated to a transition between two levels ϵm→ϵn\epsilon_m\rightarrow\epsilon_n as a linear combination of the occupation probabilities of the two levels, with coefficients given by the generalized susceptivities (transport coefficients). Finally, using a master equation characterization of the dynamical detailed balance condition, we show that this condition is equivalent to a "local" generalization of the usual KMS condition

    An introduction to the EPR-Chameleon experiment

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    On September 27 (2001), as a side activity to the "Japan-Italy Joint workshop on: Quantum open systems and quantum measurement", the first; public demonstration of the dynamical EPR-chameleon experiment was performed at Waseda University in order to give an experimental answer to a long standing question in the foundations of quantum theory: do there exist classical macroscopic systems which, by local independent choices, produce sequences of data which reproduce the singlet correlations, hence violating Bell's inequality? The EPR-chameleon experiment gives an affirmative answer to this question by concretely producing an example of such systems in the form of three personal computers which realize a local deterministic dynamical evolution whose mathematical structure is very simple and transparent. In the experiment performed on September 27 the local dynamics used was not a reversible one because the interaction with the degrees of freedom of the apparatus was integrated out giving rise to an effective Markovian dynamics which, although mapping probability measures into probability measures, did not preserve the +/- 1-values of the spin (or polarization) observables. This feature was criticized by some of the partecipants and the following two questions arose: i) is it possible to prove that the Markovian evolution, used in the experiment, is indeed the reduced evolution of a bona fide reversible evolution? ii) if the answer to question (i) is affirmative, is it possible to reproduce the EPR correlations by simply considering empirical averages of +/- 1-values, as one does in usual EPR type experiments? An affirmative answer to these questions was given in the paper [AcImRe01] and it is briefly reviewed in what follows

    Interaction of 3-level atom with radiation

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    The stochastic limit of quantum theory suggests a new, constructive, approach to nonequilibrium phenomena. We illustrate this approach when considering the interaction of 3-level system with a quantum field in a nonequilibrium state. We describe a class of states of the quantum field for which a stationary state drives the system to an inversely populated state. We find that the quotient of the population of the energy levels in the simplest case is described by the double Einstein formula which involves products of two Einstein emis-sion/absorption factors. Emission and absorption of radiation by 3-level atom in nonequilibrium stationary state is described

    Tunneling Time Distribution by means of Nelson's Quantum Mechanics and Wave-Particle Duality

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    We calculate a tunneling time distribution by means of Nelson's quantum mechanics and investigate its statistical properties. The relationship between the average and deviation of tunneling time suggests the exsistence of ``wave-particle duality'' in the tunneling phenomena.Comment: 14 pages including 11 figures, the text has been revise
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