7 research outputs found

    Determination of HPV DNA viral load by hybrid capture assay and its association with cytological findings

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare the relation between HPV viral load by hybrid capture II test (HCII) and cytological findings. METHODS: Three hundred sixty-two reagent samples to HPV DNA by HCII had their viral loads classified in four categories and correlated to cytological results. RESULTS: Twenty-two samples (6.1%) were reagent only to low-risk oncogenic types (group A) and 340 (93.9%) were reagent to high-risk oncogenic types (group B). The correlation between viral load for the reagent samples to group A and cytological results showed low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL) predominance (50%). Most of this group samples had viral load between 1 to <10RLU/PCA. Of the patients that were reagent to group B 52.1% had LSIL cytology and 38.2% were negative to intraepithelial lesion and malignancy (NILM) cytology. The patients with LSIL had viral load well distributed with a slight predominance of 100 to < 1,000RLU/PCB category. The samples had viral load between 1 to <10RLU/PCB showed NILM cytology predominance (48.1%). High-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (3.4%) were present on the samples with viral load between 100 to <1,000RLU/PCB (p = 0.023). There was a correlation between the median for group B viral load and LSIL/HSIL results. CONCLUSIONS: The quantification of viral load, mainly of high-risk HPV types, may be a useful tool for dealing with patients who have suspicious lesions

    Linfócitos CD4, CD8 e células NK no estroma da cérvice uterina de mulheres infectadas pelo papilomavírus humano

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    INTRODUÇÃO: A resposta imune pode ser um elemento chave para a progressão ou remissão da infecção pelo papilomavírus humano (HPV) no estroma da cérvice uterina. Este estudo objetivou quantificar no estroma cervical a presença de linfócitos T CD4, CD8 e células NK, por imunohistoquímica, em lesões de alto e baixo grau em pacientes infectadas por HPV MÉTODOS: Utilizou-se 56 amostras de biópsia da estroma cervical, sendo 43 amostras positivas para DNA de HPV de alto risco oncogênico e com diagnóstico histopatológico de neoplasia intraepitelial cervical (NIC) de alto e baixo grau, ou negativa para lesão intraepitelial e malignidade (NILM), e 13 amostras de pacientes negativas para DNA de HPV com diagnóstico histopatológico NILM RESULTADOS: Maior quantidade de linfócitos T CD4 foi observada em amostras NIC II/III, carcinoma e NILM (p=0,04) e naquelas cuja carga viral esteve entre 10 e 1,000 RLU/PCB. O predomínio de linfócitos T CD8 ocorreu em maior proporção nas amostras NIC II/III (p=0,02) e em amostras com carga viral entre 100 e 1.000 RLU/PCB. As células NK prevaleceram nas amostras com lesões de baixo grau e com baixa carga viral CONCLUSÕES: Este estudo comprovou que nas fases iniciais da infecção, onde não há ainda alterações celulares de alto grau, não temos a presença de células que possam desencadear a fase efetora da resposta imune