42 research outputs found

    Marcus versus Stratonovich for Systems with Jump Noise

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    The famous It\^o-Stratonovich dilemma arises when one examines a dynamical system with a multiplicative white noise. In physics literature, this dilemma is often resolved in favour of the Stratonovich prescription because of its two characteristic properties valid for systems driven by Brownian motion: (i) it allows physicists to treat stochastic integrals in the same way as conventional integrals, and (ii) it appears naturally as a result of a small correlation time limit procedure. On the other hand, the Marcus prescription [IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 24, 164 (1978); Stochastics 4, 223 (1981)] should be used to retain (i) and (ii) for systems driven by a Poisson process, L\'evy flights or more general jump processes. In present communication we present an in-depth comparison of the It\^o, Stratonovich, and Marcus equations for systems with multiplicative jump noise. By the examples of areal-valued linear system and a complex oscillator with noisy frequency (the Kubo-Anderson oscillator) we compare solutions obtained with the three prescriptions.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Non-standard Skorokhod convergence of Levy-driven convolution integrals in Hilbert spaces

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    We study the convergence in probability in the non-standard M1M_1 Skorokhod topology of the Hilbert valued stochastic convolution integrals of the type ∫0tFγ(t−s) dL(s)\int_0^t F_\gamma(t-s)\,d L(s) to a process ∫0tF(t−s) dL(s)\int_0^t F(t-s)\, d L(s) driven by a L\'evy process LL. In Banach spaces we introduce strong, weak and product modes of M1M_1-convergence, prove a criterion for the M1M_1-convergence in probability of stochastically continuous c\`adl\`ag processes in terms of the convergence in probability of the finite dimensional marginals and a good behaviour of the corresponding oscillation functions, and establish criteria for the convergence in probability of L\'evy driven stochastic convolutions. The theory is applied to the infinitely dimensional integrated Ornstein--Uhlenbeck processes with diagonalisable generators.Comment: 34 pages, 1 figur

    Stochastic selection problem for a Stratonovich SDE with power non-linearity

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    In our paper [Bernoulli 26(2), 2020, 1381--1409], we found all strong Markov solutions that spend zero time at 00 of the Stratonovich stochastic differential equation dX=∣X∣α∘dBd X=|X|^{\alpha}\circ dB, α∈(0,1)\alpha\in (0,1). These solutions have the form Xtθ=F(Btθ)X_t^\theta=F(B^\theta_t), where F(x)=11−α∣x∣1/(1−α)sign xF(x)=\frac{1}{1-\alpha}|x|^{1/(1-\alpha)}\text{sign}\, x and BθB^\theta is the skew Brownian motion with skewness parameter θ∈[−1,1]\theta\in [-1,1] starting at F−1(X0)F^{-1}(X_0). In this paper we show how an addition of small external additive noise εW\varepsilon W restores uniqueness. In the limit as ε→0\varepsilon\to 0, we recover heterogeneous diffusion corresponding to the physically symmetric case θ=0\theta=0.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figur