14 research outputs found

    A propos d’un cas de grossesse abdominale trĂšs prolongĂ©e

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    Un cas de grossesse abdominale prolongée d'environ 18 mois avec mort foetale, vécu à l'hÎpital général de référence de Mulongo dans la provincedu Katanga, en République Démocratique du Congo, est rapporté dans ce papier. Ce cas clinique d'évolution étonnante permet de faire la revue dela littérature, de rappeler l'importance d'un bon suivi clinique et  échographique de la grossesse et de s'interroger sur le niveau d'éducation de la femme ainsi que la qualité des soins prénataux en milieu rural congolais

    Matricellular Proteins Produced by Melanocytes and Melanomas: In Search for Functions

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    Matricellular proteins are modulators of cell-matrix interactions and cellular functions. The group includes thrombospondin, osteopontin, osteonectin/SPARC, tenascin, disintegrins, galectins and CCN proteins. The production of matricellular proteins such as osteopontin, SPARC or tenascin is highly upregulated in melanoma and other tumors but little is known about their functions in tumor growth, survival, and metastasis. The distribution pattern of CCN3 differs from most other matricellular proteins, such that it is produced abundantly by normal melanocytes, but is not significantly expressed in melanoma cells. CCN3 is known to inhibit melanocyte proliferation and stimulate adhesion to collagen type IV, the main component of the basement membrane. CCN3 has a unique role in securing adhesion of melanocytes to the basement membrane distinct from other melanoma-produced matricellular proteins which act as de-adhesive molecules and antagonists of focal adhesion. Qualitative and quantitative changes in matricellular protein expression contribute to melanoma progression similar to the E-cadherin to N-cadherin class switch, allowing melanoma cells to escape from keratinocyte control