124 research outputs found

    A Preliminary Inquiry into the Micro-level Gender Effects of Macroeconomic Adjustment Policies

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    Serving as a preliminary to the inquiry on micro-level effects macroeconomic policies on gender, this paper presents the framework and the theoretical points of the succeeding studies on the subject. Its focus and methodology are also put in place. These are in the hope of shedding judicious analysis on gender-related issues in the future.gender and development, macroeconomic policy, MIMAP, macroeconomic adjustments

    A preliminary inquiry into the micro-level gender effects of macroeconomic adjustment policies

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    Performance Assessment of Artisanal Fisheries in the Kainji Dam Area of Yauri Emirate, Kebbi State Nigeria

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    Performance assessment of artisanal fisheries was conducted to determine the returns per fishing effort by fisherman in Yauri Emirate Kebbi state. The data collected from 135 randomly selected fishermen in the study area revealed that the fish catch per unit effort by majority of the fishermen has declined to less than 2kg after the establishment of the dam compared to more than 8kg realized by majority of the fishermen before the establishment of the dam. The fishermen attributed the decline in fish catch to obnoxious fishing methods such as; use of beach seine (Dala), use of fish fencing (dumba), use of water shedding (rumfar ruwa) and cutting of Niger grass to catch all species of fish that inhabit the particular surrounding water . The findings of the study revealed that efforts made by governmental and non-governmental organizations to control the exploitative fishing methods were not successful. The results of the study suggest that enlightenment campaign on the effects of exploitative fishing methods, establishment of Community Based Fisheries Management (CBFM) programme, and prosecution of violators of fishing regulation will address the unlawful fishing methods currently practiced in the study area. Keywords: Fishermen, fishing, assessmen

    Using the activity parameter to characterize clay mineralogy of expansive soils for infrastructure projects

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    This work focuses on the use of the activity parameter for theidentification of dominant clay minerals in soils. Published data fromfive samples of expansive soils, on which the clay minerals identificationhas been done using different techniques (X-Ray diffraction, FSRclassification, and the consolidation parameters), were used to calculatethe activity parameter. This geotechnical parameter, as well as otherplasticity parameters helped to determine and interpret the soilsproprieties and the principal clay mineral governing the mechanicalbehaviors of these soils. All in all, this study demonstrates that the useof the activity parameter associated with plasticity parameters (PL,LL,SL)is significantly sufficient to identify clay minerals for infrastructureprojects

    Bladder calculus resulting from an intravesical translocation of intrauterine contraceptive device in a postmenopausal woman

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    Although perforation of the uterus by an intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD) is commonly encountered, intravesical translocation and secondary calculus formation is a very rare complication.We report a case of a 60-year old multiparous woman in whom an intrauterine contraceptive Copper-T device inserted 12 years earlier translocated from the uterus to the bladder and resulted in formation of a calculus.Diagnosis was established with pelvic ultrasonography and plain abdominal radiograph.The cystoscopic removal was not successful due to the large size of the calculus.The patient later underwent cystolithotomy.Sonographic follow-up immediately after the insertion and at six month intervals will go a long way in early detection of any possible complications.Keywords: Intravesical,calculus,translocation,contraceptiv

    Role of International Fund for Agricultural Development/ Community Based Agricultural and Rural Development Programme (IFAD/CBARDP) in Improving the Livelihood of Rural Women: A Case Study of Aliero Local Government Area, Kebbi State, Nigeria

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    This study examined the role of IFAD/CBARDP on improving rural women’s livelihood in Kebbi State, Nigeria. Multistage sampling technique was adopted to select 80 IFAD participating women. Structured questionnaire was used in data collection. Descriptive statistics was used to present the data obtained. Majority of the women were married, and at active productive ages. Qur’anic education was the common educational status of the participants. The findings also reveal that all the IFAD participating women were provided with assistance based on needs and interest and the common assistance provided was the training on tailoring, knitting, soap and cream making and later the participants were provided with such machines. In addition, the participants were also provided cash loan. The programme has lead to improvement of the living standards of the participants after programme participation. Attitudinal dispositional test using 3 points Likert’s scale reveal that the participating women strongly agreed that the programme has improved their living standard, the loan was adequate, and all the assistance provided was based on their needs and interest. It is concluded that the participating women were involved in decision making, most especially on the assistance provided, and the management of the assistance. It’s recommended that effort should be geared towards increasing women participation in any intervention programme that could uplift the livelihood of the rural communities.Keywords: Role, IFAD/CBARDP, Poverty Reduction, participating women, Kebbi Stat


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    Defects emanating from the onsite operation of the grouted sleeve connector have a significant impact on the ultimate tensile capacity of the connector. In this research, an experiment on the capacity of the fully grouted sleeve connector considering different configurations of defects was carried out. The experiment results indicated that the connector is highly sensitive to the location of the defects, which engenders a drop of 15% in the ultimate capacity of the connector. Based on the accurate simulation of the experiment model, a series of parametric analyses were conducted to evaluate the interaction of defects with other mechanical properties of the connector. It was found that the different values of the ratio of the sleeve diameter to that of the bar within the design recommended interval significantly influence the connection's performance. The lowest ratio value engenders approximately 10% to 16% of tensile strength recovery in the weakened configuration, while a bigger ratio value engenders a decline in the capacity. This work proposes the incorporation of a safety constant in the average bond expression

    Criblage et caractéristiques de germination des semences de Jatropha curcas L. (Euphorbiacée) en milieu expérimental au Niger

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    Cette étude a été conduite à la Faculté d’Agronomie de Niamey au Niger. Elle vise, à travers la mesure des paramètres biométriques et pondéral, à sélectionner des semences de Jatropha curcas présentant de bonnes aptitudes à la germination. La longueur, la largeur et le poids moyens des fruits sont respectivement de 2,55 cm ± 10% ; 1,90 cm ± 13,2% et 1,83 g ± 45,36%. Le poids d’un fruit est fortement corrélé à sa longueur et à sa largeur (r =.0,83 et 0,82). La classification des fruits montre que 19,94% sont petits, 62,88% moyens et seulement 17,17% de gros fruits. La largeur, l’épaisseur et la longueur moyennes des graines sont respectivement de 1,10 cm ± 5,5% ; 0,84 cm ± 7,14% et 1,77 cm ± 5,65%. La moyenne du poids d’une graine étant de 0,498 g ± 38,15%. Selon le poids, 20,53% des graines sont petites ; 60% sont moyennes et 19,47% sont grosses. Les caractéristiques de germination au laboratoire et celles de la levée en pépinière sont meilleures pour les grosses graines par rapport aux graines moyennes et petites. Cette étude a permis de distinguer les semences de Jatropha curcas qui offrent les meilleures aptitudes de germination et de levée. Mais, avant toute diffusion, il est nécessaire de poursuivre cette investigation afin d’apprécier la répercussion des différences observées sur tout le cycle de développement de la plante.© 2016 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clés: Biocarburant, effet de serre, système agraire, agroforesterie, séquestration carbone, haie viveEnglish Title:  Screening and seed germination characteristics of Jatropha curcas L. (Euphorbiaceae) in experimental condition in NigerEnglish AbstractThis study was conducted at the Faculty of Agriculture, UAM Niamey, Niger. It focuses on measuring the biometric parameters and weight, to select Jatropha curcas seeds with good germination capabilities. Length, wide and weight averages of fruits are respectively 2.55 cm ± 10% ; 1.90 cm ± 13.2% and 1.83 g ± 45.36%. The weight of a fruit is highly correlated to its length and wide (r = 0.83 and 0.82). Classifications shows 19.94% of fruits are small, 62.88% are medium and only 17.17% are thick. Wide, thickness and length averages of seeds were respectively 1.10 cm ± 5.5% ; 0.84 cm ± 7.14% and 1.77 cm ± 5.65%. The weight average of seed was 0.498 g ± 38.15%. Accordingly, the weights (20.53%) of seeds were small, 60% were medium and 19.47% were thick. The laboratory assey on germination characteristics and those of the lifting nursery were best for larger seeds compared to medium and small seeds. Thus, this study helped to distinguish Jatropha curcas seeds with best capabilities of germination and emergence. But before distribution, it is necessary to go on with the investigation in order to assess the impact of differences throughout the plant life cycle.© 2016 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Keywords: Biofuel, greenhouse effect, agrarian system, agroforestry, carbon sequestration, hedge brigh
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