59 research outputs found

    Quality in manufacturing - is a management tool?

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    Microeconomic approach of biomass use optimization in Hungary

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    The use of renewable energy sources has been an important topic of scientific researches and many studies since the first energy crisis (1973) in different aspects through either specific or complex examinations. Until the beginning of the 21st century, national and international objectives were focused on the use of different types of renewable energy sources (i.e. solar, wind, geothermal and biomass energy) without any limits, but nowadays the utilization of sustainable potential in a complex way – considering economic, ecologic and social aspects – has been come to the front. Our present research deals with the renewable energy sources of agricultural origin – i.e. the biomass energy – so it is essential to examine what is the exact role of agricultural production in energy production and how the different energy sources can be utilized. The research examines the profitability of the sustainable production of renewable energy sources at farm level. In our research, in the production of primary products the minimizing of chemicals, while in the course of manufacturing process the minimizing of CO2 emission and water use were taken into consideration as sustainability aspects. For the verification of our hypotheses two methods, life-cycle analysis (LCA) and pivot table were use

    Competitiveness of Hungarian agricultural enterprises at different farm types

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    Nine years has passed since the EU accession, thus, it is possible to make an objective evaluation about the impacts of the accession. Several reviews were made in this topic, but most of them made their assessment at macroeconomic level. This research focuses on the impacts of accession at farm level, using the data of the EU Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) database. The main goals of this research were to explore the impacts of the accession on different farm sizes and types of farming and to find which types of farming were the ‘winners’ or the ‘losers’ of the accession. For the research, the primary data of the Hungarian FADN database were used (between the years 2002 and 2009) created by the Hungarian Research Institute of Agricultural Economics. Based on the domestic and international sources, the ROE ratio was chosen as a top-indicator for measuring profitability, and was used during the further examinations. Based on the research results I show how the profitability of different farm types and farm sizes have been changed and which farm types and sizes may be considered more and less successful since the date of EU accessio

    Lifecycle analysis at small and medium enterprises - theory and practice

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    Efficiency and Profitability Along the Lifecycle Stages of Small Enterprises

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    Les germanistes Patrick Farges et Anne-Marie Saint-Gille Ă©ditent les contributions prĂ©sentĂ©es lors d’un colloque organisĂ© Ă  l’ENS Lyon en janvier 2012 qui avait rassemblĂ© historien-ne-s et germanistes. Ils proposent un parcours Ă  travers ce qui est appelĂ© ici le premier fĂ©minisme allemand sans que l’éditeur et l’éditrice ne le dĂ©finissent plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment. Les Allemandes et les Autrichiennes ont accĂ©dĂ© au suffrage en 1918 ce qui, contrairement Ă  la France, a largement modifiĂ© les conditions d..

    Bibliometric Analysis of Articles on Project Management Research

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    Project management, as a subsidiary of social science, is a vast and varied topic of the area of knowledge. In the past decades, many studies have compiled an immense amount of information for theoreticians and practitioners in this field. In this paper, traditional and novel methods of bibliometric analysis are introduced through a survey for analyzing the history of research in project management. This study focuses on the last four decades of publications on project management, from 1980 to 2019. In the survey, the number of publications, the countries of publication, the cooperating relations among those countries, and the top categories of publications are analyzed. The extraction of publication keywords and the investigation of knowledge seeds are also presented. In the survey, the examination of the network of top occurring keywords, keyword clustering, together with the keyword correlation matrix, were used to explore the main trends in project management. A novel indicator, called the ICCO ranking, is presented by using the degree, betweenness and cluster coefficient of the network of keywords. Using this indicator, the potential knowledge seeds in project management may be identified
