697 research outputs found

    Gebelerde düşme ile yorgunluk, düşme korkusu, duygu durumu ve yaşam kalitesi arasındaki ilişki

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    Objective: There are many studies on the impact of physical changes on pregnancy falls. We conducted this study to investigate the effects of mental changes as well as physical changes on pregnancy fall. Therefore, we evaluated how people who fell during pregnancy were related to fatigue, fear of falling, mood and health-related quality of life. Method: Pregnant women were divided into 2 groups as those who falled (group 1) and those who did not (group 2). Pregnant women in both groups were tested to stand on one leg, and the following forms were filled: fatigue severity scale (FSS), Beck depression inventory (BDI), falls efficacy scale international (FES), and Nottingham health profile (NHP). The groups were compared based on the data obtained. Results: FSS (group 1: 4.9±1.6, group 2: 4.0±1.8, p=0.002), BDI (gsroup 1: 23.9±12.5, group 2: 10.8±7.3, p<0.001), FES (group 1: 39.5±10.5, group 2: 26.6±6.6, p<0.001), and NHP (group 1: 321.9±123.1, group 2: 189.4±96.1 p<0.001) were found to be significantly higher in group 1. FES was positively correlated with FSS, BDI and NHP, and significantly negatively correlated with the test of standing on one leg. The test of standing on one leg was negatively correlated with FES, FSS, BDI and NHP. Conclusion: This study shows that mental changes as well as physical changes can have an impact on falls and balance in pregnant women.Amaç: Fiziksel değişikliklerin hamilelik düşmeleri üzerindeki etkisi üzerine pek çok çalışma bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışma fiziksel değişikliklerin yanı sıra zihinsel değişikliklerin de gebelikte düşme üzerindeki etkilerini araştırmak için yapıldı. Bu amaçla hamilelik sırasında düşen kişilerin yorgunluk, düşme korkusu, ruh hali ve sağlıkla ilişkili yaşam kalitesi ile nasıl ilişkili olduğunu değerlendirdik. Yöntem: Gebe kadınlar düşenler (grup 1) ve düşmeyenler (grup 2) olarak iki gruba ayrıldı. Her iki gruptaki gebelere tek ayak üzerinde durma testi yapılarak ve yorgunluk şiddet ölçeği (FSS), Beck depresyon envanteri (BDE), uluslararası düşme etkinlik ölçeği (FES), Nottingham sağlık profile (NSP) formları dolduruldu. Elde edilen veriler gruplar arasında karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: FSS (grup 1: 4,9±1,6, grup 2: 4,0±1,8, p=0,002), BDE (grup 1: 23,9±12,5, grup 2: 10,8±7,3, p<0,001), FES (grup 1: 39,5±10,5, grup 2: 26,6±6,6, p<0,001), NSP (grup 1: 321,9±123,1, grup 2: 189,4±96,1, p<0,001) skorları grup 1'de anlamlı yüksek bulundu. Korelasyon analizinde FES ile, FSS, BDE ve NSP arasında pozitif yönde ve tek ayakta durma testi arasında negatif yönde anlamlı ilişki vardı. Tek ayak üstünde durma testi ile FES, FSS, BDE ve NSP arasındaki negatif yönde ilişki anlamlı idi. Sonuç: Bu çalışma, fiziksel değişikliklerin yanı sıra zihinsel değişikliklerin hamile kadınlarda düşme ve denge üzerinde etkili olabileceğini göstermektedir

    The impact of type D personality traits on quality of life, sleep, anxiety, and depression in fibromyalgia patients: A comparative study with healthy controls

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    Background: Type D personality has been associated with adverse clinical outcomes and poor quality of life in many diseases. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of type D personality on pain, anxiety and depression, sleep quality, and quality of life in 50 patients with fibromyalgia syndrome. Material/Methods: Fifty patients with fibromyalgia and 50 healthy controls were included in the study. Baseline and post-treatment evaluations encompassed a comprehensive battery of assessment tools: socio-demographic questionnaire, visual analog scale for pain, Beck Anxiety Inventory, Beck Depression Inventory, Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire, SF-36 Short Form Questionnaire, and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. The effects of type D personality traits on clinical parameters were determined by evaluating the participants with the D-Type Personality Scale (DS-14). Results: Twelve participants (24%) in the control group and 30 patients (60%) in the fibromyalgia group had type D personality traits, and the difference was significant (P[removed]0.001). Conclusions: This study draws attention to the high prevalence of type D personality in patients with fibromyalgia and demonstrates that this personality trait has a negative impact on patients' clinical parameters

    An investigation of uses and gratifications for using WEB 2.0 technologies in teaching and learning processes

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    Although the use of Web 2.0 in higher education has been a hot topic for the last decade, a lack of guidelines on how to use Web 2.0 tools has constrained their wider adoption. Therefore, understanding why and how educators use Web 2.0 is a necessary step towards promoting their effective use in teaching and learning. This study draws upon the uses and gratifications perspective to explore faculty members’ uses of Web 2.0 tools in instructional processes in an international higher education context. We gathered data from 15 faculty members via semi-structured interviews as part of a phenomenological study design applying maximum variation sampling. We analyzed the data using content analysis. The results indicated that the faculty members were selective in their use of Web 2.0 tools and utilized a variety of Web 2.0 tools to gratify their cognitive, affective, social integrative and personal integrative needs in relation to instructional processes

    Is it a typical crosstalk: Need for re-implantation?

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    AbstractWith constantly evolving technology and an ever-increasing number of patients with pacemakers, clinicians will encounter various pacemaker malfunctions in their practice. While some of these issues can be solved even by using only the pacemaker׳s mode settings, others require re-intervention; neglecting a pacemaker׳s malfunction without full investigation threatens the patient׳s life. In this report, we describe a patient with a dual-chamber pacemaker with neglected or unresolved dyssynchronization that occurred 2 years after implantation

    How Does Falling Relate to Fatigue, Fear of Falling, Mood and Quality of Life in Pregnancy?

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    Objective:There are many studies on the impact of physical changes on pregnancy falls. We conducted this study to investigate the effects of mental changes as well as physical changes on pregnancy fall. Therefore, we evaluated how people who fell during pregnancy were related to fatigue, fear of falling, mood and health-related quality of life.Method:Pregnant women were divided into 2 groups as those who falled (group 1) and those who did not (group 2). Pregnant women in both groups were tested to stand on one leg, and the following forms were filled: fatigue severity scale (FSS), Beck depression inventory (BDI), falls efficacy scale international (FES), and Nottingham health profile (NHP). The groups were compared based on the data obtained.Results:FSS (group 1: 4.9±1.6, group 2: 4.0±1.8, p=0.002), BDI (gsroup 1: 23.9±12.5, group 2: 10.8±7.3, p<0.001), FES (group 1: 39.5±10.5, group 2: 26.6±6.6, p<0.001), and NHP (group 1: 321.9±123.1, group 2: 189.4±96.1 p<0.001) were found to be significantly higher in group 1. FES was positively correlated with FSS, BDI and NHP, and significantly negatively correlated with the test of standing on one leg. The test of standing on one leg was negatively correlated with FES, FSS, BDI and NHP.Conclusion:This study shows that mental changes as well as physical changes can have an impact on falls and balance in pregnant women

    Morganella morganii in sinonasal region: A rare case report

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    Morganella morganii is a gram negative pathogen andmay cause potentially lethal disease especially in patientswith underlying or immunosuppressive disease. It is commonlyfound in long-term urinary catheter used and immunesystem deficiency patients as nosocomial disease.Involving other systems such as skin, skeletal systemand central nervous system can be seen too. Sporadicoccurrence is rare and can be seen in any system by variouscauses like AIDS, snake bites and poisoning. In thiscase we present sporadic Morganella morganii infectionon sinonasal region with the presence of sinusitis, sinocutaneousfistula, preseptal cellulitis and hard palate defecton 58 year old male diabetic patient. Microbiologicalassessment from open wound and sinuses were reportedas Morganella morganii. To our knowledge, this is the firstcase of sino-nasal Morganella morganii infection with sino-cutaneous fistula, preseptal cellulitis and maxillofacialbone destruction. J Clin Exp Invest 2013; 4 (3): 383-386Key words: Morganella Morganii, sino-nasal fistula, preseptalcellulitis, bone destructio

    Horner Sendromu Tortikollis İlişkisi; bir Olgu Sunumu

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    Horner Sendromu, okülosempatik yolaktaki kesinti nedeniyle gözün sempatik innervasyon kaybı sonucu pitozis, miyozis, tek taraflı anhidrozis ve nadiren enoftalmus klinik semptomları ile karakterize nadir görünen bir klinik tablodur. Konjenital musküler tortikollis, sternokleidomastoid kasının fibrozisi ve buna bağlı kısalması ile oluşan bir kas iskelet sistemi malformasyonudur. Bu olgu sunumunda, konjenital musküler tortikollise ikincil gelişen horner sendromu ve bunun rehabilitasyon sürecindeki tanısı ele alınmıştır. Üç aylık bir kız bebek, konjenital musküler tortikollis tanısıyla, çocuk sağlığı ve hastalıkları polikliniği tarafından birimimize yönlendirildi. Öyküsünden, ikiz eşi olarak 34 haftalık gebelik sonrası sezaryen ile doğduğu, doğum sonrası yoğun bakım ihtiyacı olmadığı, ilk kez bir buçuk aylıkken ailesi tarafından boyunda asimetri fark edildiği ve çocuk sağlığı ve hastalıkları polikliniğine başvurduğu öğrenildi. Fizik muayenesinde kraniyofasiyal asimetri, servikal sol lateral fleksiyon, sola rotasyonda kısıtlılık ve olive belirtisi vardı. Rehabilitasyon sırasındaki takiplerinde yüzünün sağ yarısında anhidrozis, daha silik olarak sol tarafta miyozis ve pitozis bulguları da fark edilerek hastaya Horner Sendromu tanısı konuldu. Ayırıcı tanısı yapılarak olası diğer nedenler dışlandı ve etiyoloji hastadaki mevcut tortikollise bağlandı. Sonuç olarak hastalar tortikollis yönünden değerlendirilirken, nadir de olsa, tortikollise Horner Sendromu'nun eşlik edebileceği, klinik bulgular silik seyredebileceğinden tanının kolayca gözden kaçabileceği akılda tutulmalıdırHorner Syndrome is a rare condition characterized with ptosis, miosis, unilateral anhidrosis and rarely enophtalmos resulting from the sympathetic innervation loss by interruption of oculosymathetic pathway. Congenital muscular torticollis is a musculoskeletal system malformation resulting from fibrosis, therefore shortening of sternocleidomastoid muscle. In this report, Horner’s syndrome secondary to congenital muscular torticollis and diagnosis in rehabilitation period are discussed. Three-month-old baby girl was referred to our unit by pediatrics clinic with congenital muscular torticollis diagnosis. Her history comprised of cesarean delivery following a 34-week pregnancy as twin, and no intensive care need; her parents realized asymmetry in neck when she was a-month-anda-half old and they admitted to pediatrics. Craniofacial asymmetry, cervical left lateral flexion, restricted left rotation and olive sign were detected in physical examination. During rehabilitation, anhidrosis in the right side of face, soft left miosis and ptosis were also observed, and patient was diagnosed with Horner’s syndrome. Other possible reasons were ruled out with differential diagnosis and etiology was linked to torticollis. Consequently, while evaluating patients with torticollis, it must be considered that Horner’s syndrome, rarely accompanies, and since clinical findings may be soft, diagnosis may easily be missed ou

    Cytomorphological Effects of Lightweight and Heavyweight Polypropylene Mesh on the Ilioinguinal Nerve: An Experimental Study

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    This study aimed to investigate the cytomorphological effects of heavyweight and lightweight mesh on the ilioinguinal nerve in an experimental animal model.Methods Sixteen New Zealand male rabbits were included in the study. The left inguinal regions of the first six animals were assigned as controls and the right inguinal regions were assigned as the sham group. The left inguinal regions of the remaining 10 animals were assigned as the lightweight mesh group and the right inguinal regions were assigned as the heavyweight mesh group. No intervention was performed in the control group. In the sham group, only ilioinguinal nerve exploration was performed. In mesh groups, ilioinguinal nerve exploration was performed and the mesh was implanted on the ilioinguinal nerve. After three months, ilioinguinal nerve specimens were excised from both sides for cytomorphological examination.Results Myelin sheath thickening, separation of the myelin layers, and myelin vacuolization were more pronounced in the heavyweight mesh group compared to the lightweight mesh group. The G-ratio was moderately increased in the heavyweight mesh group when compared to other groups. The ratio of fibers with = 9 mu m diameter was higher in the heavyweight mesh group than in the other groups (p<0.05).Conclusion Both of the meshes induce cytomorphological alterations on the adjacent nerve tissues caused by foreign body reaction and compression. Ilioinguinal nerve degeneration was more pronounced in the heavyweight mesh than in the lightweight mesh. Histological alterations on the ilioinguinal nerves caused by different meshes may be related to chronic pain after hernia surgery. We believe our study will serve as a guide for future studies on the topic