75 research outputs found

    NEI VFQ-25 overall composite score and subscale scores for the present study and previously published studies, mean (SD).

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    <p>VFQ-25: National Eye Institute Visual Functioning Questionnaire-25, GH: General Health, GV: General vision, OP: Ocular pain, NA: Near activities, DA: Distance activities, VSSF: Vision Specific Social Functioning, VSMH: Vision Specific Mental Health, VSRD: Vision Specific Role Difficulties, VSD: Vision Specific Dependency, D: Driving, CV: Color Vision, PV: Peripheral Vision, OCS: Overall Composite Score, SD: standard deviation, RRD: rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, PVD: posterior vitreous detachment, MH: macular hole, ERM: epiretinal membrane.</p><p>NEI VFQ-25 overall composite score and subscale scores for the present study and previously published studies, mean (SD).</p

    NEI VFQ-25 overall composite score and subscale scores (mean ± SD).

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    <p>Nominal significant values are indicated in bold.</p><p>NEI VFQ-25: National Eye Institute Visual Functioning Questionnaire-25, SD: standard deviation, GH: General Health, GV: General vision, OP: Ocular pain, NA: Near activities, DA: Distance activities, VSSF: Vision Specific Social Functioning, VSMH: Vision Specific Mental Health, VSRD: Vision Specific Role Difficulties, VSD: Vision Specific Dependency, D: Driving, CV: Color Vision, PV: Peripheral Vision, OCS: Overall Composite Score, PVR: Proliferative vitreoretinopathy, PPV: Pars Plana Vitrectomy.</p>a<p>Average of vision-targeted subscale scores, without GH.</p>b<p>Family history of RRD.</p>c<p>Numbers of detached retinal quadrants at presentation.</p>d<p>Duration of macular detachment.</p>e<p>Number of re-detachments.</p>f<p>PPV with or without an encircling band.</p>g<p>Postoperative tamponade after PPV; SF6 gas (short acting) versus C3F8 gas & silicon oil (long acting).</p><p>NEI VFQ-25 overall composite score and subscale scores (mean ± SD).</p

    Spearman's rank correlation coefficients between LogMAR BCVA, log contrast acuity, and CCI (saturated and desaturated).

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    <p>BCVA: best corrected visual acuity, CCI: Color vision Confusion Index. Measurements were performed 12 months after retinal detachment surgery.</p><p>Spearman's rank correlation coefficients between LogMAR BCVA, log contrast acuity, and CCI (saturated and desaturated).</p

    characteristics of the RRD patients.

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    <p>SD: standard deviation; TPPV: trans pars plana vitrectomy; M: Male F: Female</p

    Spearman's rank correlation coefficients between age, preoperative factors (height and duration of retinal detachment), LogMAR BCVA, contrast acuity, CCI (saturated and desaturated), and NEI VFQ-25 subscale scores and OCS.

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    <p>Nominal significant values are indicated in bold.</p><p>NEI VFQ-25: National Eye Institute Visual Functioning Questionnaire-25, GH: General Health, GV: General vision, OP: Ocular pain, NA: Near activities, DA: Distance activities, VSSF: Vision Specific Social Functioning, VSMH: Vision Specific Mental Health, VSRD: Vision Specific Role Difficulties, VSD: Vision Specific Dependency, D: Driving, CV: Color Vision, PV: Peripheral Vision, OCS: Overall Composite Score. BCVA: best corrected visual acuity, CCI: Color vision Confusion Index.</p>a<p>Height of the retinal detachment in an upright position.</p>b<p>Duration of macular detachment.</p><p>Spearman's rank correlation coefficients between age, preoperative factors (height and duration of retinal detachment), LogMAR BCVA, contrast acuity, CCI (saturated and desaturated), and NEI VFQ-25 subscale scores and OCS.</p

    Method to measure the height of the foveal detachment by ultrasonography.

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    <p><b>a</b>. Schematic drawing of the measurement of the distance between the center of the optic nerve head and fovea, and assessment of the angle between their connecting line with the horizon. <b>b</b>. Drawing of the measurement of the distance between the center of the optic nerve head (determined by drawing a circle along the outer edge of the optic disc, excluding the area of peripapillary atrophy) and fovea, and assessment of the angle between their connecting line with the horizon made on a fundus photograph. <b>c</b>. Schematic position of the ultrasound probe at the correct angle between the horizon and the connecting line between the center of the optic nerve head and the fovea based on the measurement made on the fundus photograph <b>d</b>. Measurement of the height of the retinal detachment by ultrasonography at the measured distance between the center of the optic nerve head and the fovea, as obtained by measuring this distance on the fundus photograph.</p

    Factors influencing recovery of visual function 12 months after surgery.

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    <p>Presented are the effect sizes (a larger b-value represents a greater effect size) and significances (p-values) of the covariates that are statistically significantly associated with visual function measurements for the total group of 45 patients. Subgroup analyses in patients with macula-off RRD of ≤7 days duration (n = 25) and those with macula-off RRD of >7 days duration (n = 20) show that most of the findings observed in the entire patient group remain statistically significant. Significant results after multiple testing correction are shown in bold, nominally significant results (p-value <0.05) are shown in italic.</p><p>*Effect size of interaction of covariate with short or long duration of macula-off RRD. A statistically significant p-value for the interaction indicates that the regression coefficients differ significantly between the two groups and hence the effect size of the covariate in one group is larger compared to the effect size in the other group.</p>†<p>LogMar analyzed with linear regression.</p><p>**Log contrast acuity analyzed with ordinal regression with a complementary log-log link function.</p>‡<p>CCI saturé analyzed with ordinal regression with a negative log-log link function.</p><p>***ln(CCI desaturé) analyzed with linear regression.</p><p>b: regression coefficient.</p

    Visual function tests in operated versus in fellow control eyes.

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    <p>BCVA: best corrected visual acuity, CCI: Color Confusion Indices, SD: standard deviation, HM: hand movements. Postoperative measurements were performed 12 months after retinal detachment surgery.</p>a<p>Mean LogMAR visual acuity converted to Snellen visual acuity.</p><p>Visual function tests in operated versus in fellow control eyes.</p

    Tests of visual functioning in operated and non-operated fellow eyes(n = 45).

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    <p>At twelve months postoperatively, all visual function test outcomes are still significantly worse in operated compared to fellow eyes.</p><p>*Paired Student's t-test; <sup>†</sup> Pearson's correlation coefficient;</p><p>**Wilcoxon rank test;</p>‡‡<p>Spearman's correlation coefficient,</p><p>*** = n = 43, because two colorblind patients were excluded.</p
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