5 research outputs found

    Development new radiopharmaceutical based on 5-thio-d- glucose labeled technetium-99m

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    The article considers the obtaining and possibility of using 5-thio-D-glucose labeled technetium-99m for the diagnosis of malignant tumors by single photon emission computed tomography. The analysis of the level of international developments of radiopharmaceuticals based on derivatives of glucose has been carried out. Also the article provides information on of using experimental batches of lyophilisate on the basis of 5-thio-D-glucose for preliminary biomedical testing on the mice

    Development and Study of {99m}Tc-1-Thio-D-glucose for Visualization of Malignant Tumors

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    The preclinical studies of {99m}Tc-1-Thio-D-glucose, a new tumor-seeking agent based on technetium-99mlabeled glucose derivative, were conducted, and the feasibility of using this radiopharmaceutical for tumor visualization was studied. The preclinical studies were carried out strictly in accordance with the local legislation and were regulated by the generally accepted research standards. {99m}Tc-1-Thio-D-glucose was found to have optimal pharmacokinetic and physico-chemical properties for diagnostic imaging and was proved to belong to the low-toxic substances. The potential utility of {99m}Tc-1-thio-D-glucose for tumor imaging was studied in vitro and in vivo models. The present study demonstrated that {99m}Tc-1-Thio-D-glucose is a prospective radiopharmaceutical for cancer visualization

    Development and Study of {99m}Tc-1-Thio-D-glucose for Visualization of Malignant Tumors

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    The preclinical studies of {99m}Tc-1-Thio-D-glucose, a new tumor-seeking agent based on technetium-99mlabeled glucose derivative, were conducted, and the feasibility of using this radiopharmaceutical for tumor visualization was studied. The preclinical studies were carried out strictly in accordance with the local legislation and were regulated by the generally accepted research standards. {99m}Tc-1-Thio-D-glucose was found to have optimal pharmacokinetic and physico-chemical properties for diagnostic imaging and was proved to belong to the low-toxic substances. The potential utility of {99m}Tc-1-thio-D-glucose for tumor imaging was studied in vitro and in vivo models. The present study demonstrated that {99m}Tc-1-Thio-D-glucose is a prospective radiopharmaceutical for cancer visualization

    The study of interaction of modified fatty acid with {99m}Tc in alcoholic media

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    The paper presents the results of laboratory research aimed at the development of methods of synthesis of new radiodiagnostic agents based on modified fatty acid labelled with technetium-99m intended for scintigraphic evaluation of myocardial metabolism. In particular, the interaction of substance with {99m}Tc in alcoholic media and the use of ethanol as solvent in the synthesis of the radiopharmaceutical were studied

    Transformation of university teachers’ working and employment conditions in the period of distance learning: socio-psychological aspects and risk assessment

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    The forced transition to distance learning during the pandemic has determined the development of new models of university teachers’ professional activity. The results of the “first wave” show that the community of teachers was not prepared for distance learning not only due to the lack of necessary competencies and skills of working in the online environment but also psychologically. In particular, the psychological unpreparedness of teachers for the transition from traditional formats of interaction to the remote ones, the collapse of the familiar “live” models of communication with students and colleagues turned up to be a major difficulty. Based on the results of research, the key problems of the organization of teachers’ remote work are determined and the socio-psychological consequences of remote employment are revealed. The main groups of risks faced by teachers due to the forced transition to remote employment are also identified. The impact of remote formats on the professional activities of teachers cannot be assessed unequivocally. On the one hand, in the time of remote work, teachers have developed new skills and competencies, mastered innovative online technologies, managed to overcome numerous psychological struggles, etc. On the other hand, teachers are aware that the necessary process of transformation of education will not only substantially change their professional activity but will also lead to the emergence of fundamentally new social roles and models of professional behavior. There is a growing sense of unease and confusion in the teaching community and negative expectations associated with uncertainty in the professional labor market are developing.A transição forçada para o ensino à distância durante a pandemia determinou o desenvolvimento de novos modelos de atividade profissional dos professores universitários. Os resultados da “primeira onda” mostram que a comunidade de professores não estava preparada para a educação a distância não só pela falta de competências e habilidades necessárias para trabalhar no ambiente online, mas também psicologicamente. Em particular, o despreparo psicológico dos professores para a transição dos formatos tradicionais de interação para os remotos, o colapso dos modelos familiares “vivos” de comunicação com alunos e colegas revelou-se uma grande dificuldade.Com base nosresultados da pesquisa, os principais problemas da organização do trabalho remoto dos professores são determinados e as consequências sócio-psicológicas do emprego remoto são reveladas. Os principais grupos de riscos enfrentados pelos professores devido àtransição forçada para empregos remotos também são identificados.O impacto dos formatos remotos nas atividades profissionais dos professores não pode ser avaliado de forma inequívoca. Por um lado, no tempo do trabalho remoto, os professores desenvolveramnovas habilidades e competências, dominaram tecnologias online inovadoras, conseguiram superar inúmeras lutas psicológicas, etc. Por outro lado, os professores estão cientes de que o necessário processo de transformação da educação não apenas mudará substancialmente sua atividade profissional, mas também levará ao surgimento de papéis sociais e modelos de comportamento profissional fundamentalmente novos. Há um sentimento crescente de mal-estar e confusão na comunidade de ensino e as expectativas negativasassociadas à incerteza no mercado de trabalho profissional estão se desenvolvendo.La transición forzada a la educación a distancia durante la pandemia ha determinado el desarrollo de nuevos modelos de actividad profesional del profesorado universitario. Los resultados de la “primera ola” muestran que la comunidad de profesores no estaba preparada para la educación a distancia no solo por la falta de competencias y habilidades necesarias para trabajar en el entorno en línea sino también psicológicamente. En particular, la falta de preparación psicológica de los docentes para la transición de los formatos tradicionales de interacción a los remotos, el colapso de los modelos familiares de comunicación “en vivo” con estudiantes y colegas resultóser una gran dificultad.Sobre la base de los resultados de la investigación, se determinan los problemas clave de la organización del trabajo a distancia de los profesores y se revelan las consecuencias sociopsicológicas del empleo a distancia. También se identifican los principales grupos de riesgos a los que se enfrentan los docentes debido a la transición forzada al empleo a distancia.El impacto de los formatos remotos en las actividades profesionales de los profesores no puede evaluarse de forma inequívoca. Por un lado, en la época del trabajo a distancia, los docentes han desarrollado nuevas habilidades y competencias, dominado tecnologías innovadoras en línea, logrado superar numerosas luchas psicológicas, etc. Por otro lado, los docentes son conscientes de que el proceso necesario de transformación de la educación no solo cambiará sustancialmente su actividad profesional, sino que también conducirá al surgimiento de roles sociales y modelos de comportamiento profesional fundamentalmente nuevos. Existe una creciente sensación de malestar y confusión en la comunidad docente y se están desarrollando expectativas negativas asociadas con la incertidumbre en el mercado laboral profesional