10 research outputs found

    Romanian university sports-cultural landscape defined by the sportive space determined by national competitions (in 2015) in team sports

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    The spatial analysis of sports competitions can be accomplished according to sports branch, specific infrastructure elements and the teams trained in competitions. By limits, geographic position, structure and dynamics, such an area is defining in outlining a type of university cultural-sportive landscape. In the case of this study, through specific analysis methods, tried in the specialty literature, our purpose is to analyze the spatial impact of team sports through the static component – infrastructure and the dynamic one – sports clubs (teams). The analysis may target especially the age group, gender group, the environment, amateur or professional level, etc. At the level of the Romanian political space, the present study will reflect from territorial point of view the relationship between the dynamic and static components at the level of the year 2015, on 7 branches with team sports, amateurs, professionals, which represent the university environment. The purpose is to outline the role of university sports in the unit of the Romanian sports through quantifiable elements, useful in the spatial planning and organization strategies

    The tourist map, scientific tool that supports the exploration of protected areas, Bihor County, Romania

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    The study area is a Nature 2000 protected site from Bihor County, Romania. The present study aims at identifying the opportunities for the implementation of a bioeconomic exploitation system, by tourism development, according to its necessities for conservation and protection of cultural and natural elements. The landscape value is assessed, using different available thematic layers, using a combination of GIS and graphics. The resulting visibility of the tourist map of natural and anthropic values can be a very useful tool for tourists, the conservational custodian of the Nature 2000 site, local public administration for tourism development and leisure activities, participative touristic planning etc

    The patrimony of wooden churches, built between 1531 and 2015, in the <i>Land of Maramureș</i>, Romania

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    <p>The map and temporal scale of the territory known as ‘The Land of Maramureș’ outlines a real heritage treasure, built in historical time and formed of 74 wooden churches. Varying in terms of architecture, dimensions and cult, the wooden churches are indeed heritage objects, 33 of them being on the list of historical monuments in Romania, while 5 are included in the UNESCO world heritage list. An impressive database, which includes the edifices built during 1531–2015 period, is processed, analyzed, synthesized and mapped in this project. By using cartographic methods and specific programs (ArcGis, CorelDRAW), suggestive pictograms are generated, expressing relevant elements for the proposed purpose: spatiality, a series of technical details (height, architectural style, etc.), monument type and oldness. Such a complex material is useful in the process of territorial planning and organization from the point of view of those concerned with issues of urban development and tourism as well as for the general public as well.</p

    Źródła naturalne w prewencyjnej konserwacji tekstyliów naturalnie starzejących się

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    Natural antimicrobials can eliminate fungi and prevent the aging of cotton fabrics. While fungi can cause severe infections to the fabric user etc, natural antimicrobials have the advantage of not being toxic to humans. The present study showed that the essential oils of lemon (Citrus limon), lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) and mint (Mentha piperita) have inhibitory effects on yeast and mould spores on a piece of textile from Romanian cultural heritage, "ie", stored in a space within an ethnographic museum., inhibitory action against Botrytis sp., the inhibitory effect of lemon essential oil on Cladosporium sp. and that of peppermint essential oil on yeast species Rhododtorula mucilaginosa were demonstrated, respectively. Being environmentally friendly, these sources, can be tested on a large scale.Naturalne środki przeciwdrobnoustrojowe mogą eliminować grzyby i zapobiegać starzeniu się tkanin bawełnianych. Chociaż grzyby mogą powodować poważne infekcje u użytkowników wyrobów, naturalne środki przeciwdrobnoustrojowe mają tę zaletę, że nie są toksyczne dla ludzi. Przeprowadzone badanie wykazało, że olejki eteryczne z cytryny (Citrus limon), lawendy (Lavandula angustifolia) i mięty (Mentha piperita) działają hamująco na zarodniki drożdży i pleśni na tkaninie z rumuńskiego dziedzictwa kulturowego, przechowywanej w przestrzeni muzeum etnograficznego. Przyjazne dla środowiska źródła mogą być rekomendowane do stosowania na dużą skalę

    Monitoring Forest Cover Dynamics Using Orthophotos and Satellite Imagery

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    The assessment of changes in forest coverage is crucial for managing protected forest areas, particularly in the face of climate change. This study monitored forest cover dynamics in a 6535 ha mountain area located in north-west Romania as part of the Apuseni Natural Park from 2003 to 2019. Two approaches were used: vectorization from orthophotos and Google Earth images (in 2003, 2005, 2009, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017, and 2019) and satellite imagery (Landsat 5 TM, 7 ETM, and 8 OLI) pre-processed to Surface Reflectance (SR) format from the same years. We employed four standard classifiers: Support Vector Machine (SVM), Random Forest (RF), Maximum Likelihood Classification (MLC), Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM), and three combined methods: Linear Spectral Unmixing (LSU) with Natural Breaks (NB), Otsu Method (OM) and SVM, to extract and classify forest areas. Our study had two objectives: 1) to accurately assess changes in forest cover over a 17-year period and 2) to determine the most efficient methods for extracting and classifying forest areas. We validated the results using performance metrics that quantify both thematic and spatial accuracy. Our results indicate a 9% loss of forest cover in the study area, representing 577 ha with an average decrease ratio of 33.9 ha/year−1. Of all the methods used, SVM produced the best results (with an average score of 88% for Overall Quality (OQ)), followed by RF (with a mean value of 86% for OQ)

    Serum Interleukin (IL)-23 and IL-17 Profile in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Patients Could Differentiate between Severe and Non-Severe Disease

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    Interleukin (IL)-17 and IL-23 are crucial for mediating gut mucosal inflammation in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which has led to new therapeutic strategies. We assessed the relevancy of IL-17 and IL-23 serum levels as potential biomarkers towards severe IBD discrimination and disease-related complications. Sixty-two patients diagnosed with Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) were included. Serum IL-17 and IL-23 were measured by sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA). IL-23 and fecal calprotectin (FCal) were significantly higher in severe CD (p &lt; 0.001) and UC (p &lt; 0.001 and p = 0.001, respectively), compared to mild or moderate. Elevated C-reactive protein (CRP) was correlated with severe disease only in CD (p = 0.008), whereas for UC, disease severity was associated with increased IL-17 values (p &lt; 0.001). Diagnostic role of IL-23 was superior to FCal in discriminating between severe and mild to moderate CD (p &lt; 0.001). IL-23 levels were also significantly higher in CD patients with intestinal complications (p = 0.04). Both IL-17 and IL-23 correlate with IBD severity, and IL-23 might be a promising novel biomarker for severe CD. Identifying the dominant IL pathway involved in IBD severity could serve as guidance for clinical decision-making on biologic therapy