24 research outputs found

    Профили авторов и организаций в информационных системах Dimensions и Lens: исследование возможностей

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    The paper demonstrates the features of author and organizational publication profiles in Dimensions and Lens information systems. In recent years, these systems have been successfully competing with many subscription-based systems. The authors discuss the advantages of these databases in terms of coverage of research content in publication profiles as compared to that of commercial bibliographic platforms, as well as the wide range of functional capabilities. As illustrated by publication profiles of two research organizations and their authors, we describe original approaches to searching bibliographic information, as well as editing bibliographic errors in databases. These features enable (a) to monitor effectively the scholarly output of research organizations and authors, and (b) to enhance visibility of research findings in the international information space. Solving information-retrieval problems and editing publication profiles of Russian organizations and authors in Dimensions and Lens prove to be similar to that of commercial systems, i. e. Web of Science and Scopus. The vast experience of working with proprietary databases and subscription-based systems, would enable Russian academic libraries to adapt to new interfaces in a short time frame.Показаны особенности работы с публикационными профилями авторов и научных организаций в информационных системах Dimensions и Lens, роль которых существенно возросла в последнее десятилетие и которые всё успешнее конкурируют с коммерческими системами. Продемонстрировано превосходство этих баз данных (БД) в наполнении публикационных профилей научным контентом по сравнению с платными библиографическими платформами, а также широкий набор их функциональных возможностей. На примере профилей двух научных учреждений и их сотрудников описаны реализованные авторами статьи подходы к поиску библиографической информации, а также к внесению необходимых корректировок в БД. Описанные подходы, с одной стороны, позволяют эффективно отслеживать публикационную активность организаций и авторов, а с другой – повышать видимость их научных результатов в международном информационном пространстве. Показано, что решение информационно-поисковых задач и редактирование публикационных профилей в Dimensions и Lens во многом схожи с ранее проводимой аналогичной работой в коммерческих системах Web of Science и Scopus. Поэтому, с учётом накопленного российскими библиотеками значительного практического опыта работы с проприетарными БД, адаптация к работе с новыми системами может быть реализована в значительно более краткие сроки

    Морфологические аспекты пластичности коры головного мозга в состоянии алкогольного опьянения

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    Burdenko State Medical Academy of Voronezh, Voronezh, Russia, Conferinţa Știinţifică Internaţională ”Probleme actuale ale morfologiei” dedicată сentenarului profesorului B.Z. Perlin, Chişinău, 20-22 septembrie 2012Abstract The paper covers the experimental study of the morphofunctional organization of the CA1 hippocampal field and the piriform region of a rat’s brain cortex in alcohol intoxication, caused by an intraperitoneal introduction of a 15% solution of alcohol. The results showed the morphogenetic mechanisms of nerve cells plasticity developing by the 600th min of alcohol intoxication. They manifest in the formation of hypochromic reparative regeneration, characterized by the increase of the volume of hypochromic neurons, containing two nucleoli and regenerative hypertrophy, characterized by intracellular hyperplasia of the organelles and nuclei. В работе рассматриваются экспериментальные исследования морфофункциональной организации участка СА1 гиппокампа и грушевидной области коры головного мозга крыс при алкогольной интоксикации, вызванной внутрибрюшинным введением 15% раствора спирта. Результатыпоказали, что морфогенетические механизмыпластичности нервных клеток развиваются к 600-й минуте алкогольного опьянения. Они проявляются в формировании гипохромной репаративной регенерации, характеризуются увеличением объема гипохромных нейронов, содержащих два ядрышка и регенерационной гипертрофией, характеризующейся гиперплазией внутриклеточных органелл и ядра

    Study of the Bs0J/ψϕμ+μK+KB_{s}^{0} \to J/\psi\phi \mu^{+}\mu^{-} K^{+}K^{-} channel with CMS

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    The prospects of study of the Bs->J/psi Phi->mu+ mu- K+ K- decay channel with CMS detector at LHC are presented. An emphasis is given to the strategies of the High Level Trigger and offline selection of signal events. Selection efficiencies and signal event yields are estimated

    Study of the B/s0 ---> J/psi Phi ---> mu+ mu- K+ K- channel with CMS

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    The prospects for the study of the Bs 0 → J/ψφ → μ+μ-K+K- decay channel with the CMS detector at LHC are presented. Emphasis is given to the strategies of the High Level Trigger and offline selection of signal events. Selection efficiencies and signal event yields are estimated. © 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V


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    Aim. Control for the population herd immunity against seasonal influenza viruses as well as for emergence of antibodies against influenza with pandemic potential in human blood sera. Materials and methods. HAI reaction against vaccine and epidemic influenza viruses as well as HPAI viruses A/rook/Chany/32/2015 (H5N1) (clade andA/Anhui/01/2013 (H7N9). Results. Among all the sera samples collected in the autumn of 2014 and 2015, none had reacted in HAI against A(H5N1) and A(H7N9) antigens even at 1:10 dilution. Among samples collected in autumn 2014, 41% were positive to A/Califorrna/07/09(HlNlpdm09) virus, 36% - A/Texas/50/2012 (H3N2), 40% - B/Brisbane/60/2008 (Vict.lin.) and 47% reacted in HAI against the B/Massachusetts/2/2012 (Yam.lin.) strain. 22% of all the samples had a titer of at least 40 against all the antigens and only 10% in HAI had a titer of 40 or more against all the vaccine strains. Among the samples collected in autumn 2015, the number of seropositive against A/Califorrna/07/09(HlNlpdm09) varied from 31% in the Urals FD to 46% in the Southern FD. The amount of seropositive against A/Switzerland/9715293/13 (H3N2) strain was at the level of 4 - 13% in all the FDs except Urals, where this parameter was slightly above 30%. The amount of seropositive against vaccine influenza В viruses varied from 23 to 76%. Only 2% of sera had titers in HAI of 40 or above against all the vaccine strains, 29% of all the samples were seronegative. Conclusion. Population immunity in Russia against influenza A(H3N2) is at a very low level, thus socially significant consequences of influenza epidemics in many aspects will depend on the vaccination campaign of autumn 2016

    The Impact Annual Immunization against Flu on Morbidity of Flu in the Russian Federation

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    Assessment of influence of annual seasonal vaccination on flu incidences of the Russian Federation population is carried out. The strong inverse correlation between the preventive flu vaccination coverage and the incidence of this infection is established. It is shown that the season vaccination in 2013 - 2014 result that about 40% of the samples of blood serum collected in 25 regions of Russia were positive to the vaccine influenza strains. It is necessary to vaccinate annually not less than 50% of total population, with not less than 90% immunization coverage of risk groups for ensuring necessary level of population immunity to stop a flu epidemic and to promote decrease in incidence of this infection in the Russian Federatio