2 research outputs found


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    Purpose of the study: The article focuses on the study of gallantry culture in terms of the theory of intercultural communication on the example of fiction written by N.M. Karamzin, an outstanding representative of European and Russian sentimentalism. Methods and materials: The theoretical aspects of the problem of gallantry are considered in the context of the main provisions of modern concepts of intercultural communication. N.M. Karamzin’s “sensitive” novels are analyzed from the standpoint of gallant secular ceremonies. Main findings: The concept of gallantry is associated with the psychological aspects of the new secular personality. It is correlated with the educational and didactic ideas of the Enlightenment and the chivalry code. The basis of true gallant psychology as a sensitive world view is love, passion, and tenderness, which forms a system of ideas for the gallant education of the younger generation in a new society at the turn of the 18th – 19thcenturies. The article reveals the main features of the gallant gentleman: sensitivity, melancholy, virtue, lack of rational principles. The originality of the study: The ideas about the interrelated gradual comprehension of Beauty and Virtue, Love and the sensory perception of Beauty as a Divine principle are likewise important. The discoveries of N.M. Karamzin, a writer and a psychologist, in the sphere of gallant psychology and the general cultural phenomenon of gallantry are connected with the analysis of the person’s internal rules of behavior, thinking and world perception. The article shows how the writer developed new cultural studies at the joint of literature, everyday life and psychology, which laid the foundation of the studied problem

    Problem of Plastic Beauty in the Philosophical Consciousness of Russian Literary Culture in the 18th -19th Centuries

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    The purpose of the research is to study the general problem of Plastic Beauty in the philosophical and aesthetic thought of Russian literary culture of the late 18th – early 19th centuries. The study showed the phenomenon of plastic beauty in russian literary culture originated in the ancient russian period unlike the western model. The novelty of the study lies in the system of complex evidence of plastic beauty multi-level nature based on the material of russian aesthetics and poetry with a focus on the turn of the 18th – 19thcenturies, as well as in the substantiation of a free correlation of this concept with its antiquing (anthological) tradition.El objetivo de la investigación es estudiar el problema general de la belleza plástica en el pensamiento filosófico y estético de la cultura literaria rusa de finales del siglo XVIII y principios del XIX. El estudio mostró que el fenómeno de la belleza plástica en la cultura literaria rusa se originó en el antiguo período ruso, a diferencia del modelo occidental. La novedad del estudio radica en el sistema de evidencia compleja de la naturaleza plástica multinivel basada en el material de la estética y la poesía rusa, con un enfoque en el cambio de los siglos XVIII y XIX, así como en la sustanciación de una correlación libre de este concepto con su antigua tradición (antología)