7 research outputs found

    Procena kvaliteta morske vode: efekti akvakulture i otpadnih voda iz domaćinstva

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    The aim of this study was to determine influence of marine fish farm and sewage on water quality in Rize coast located at southeastern Black Sea. For this purpose, water samples were taken monthly from 5 points around fish cages, 2 points effected sewage areas, a reference point without effects of fish farm and sewage,from June 2007 to April 2009. Measurements were performed according to standard methods. Data was given as min-max for coastal, fish cage and reference points, respectively. Results were for water temperature7.83-27.51, 7.79-27.41, 7.72-27.00 °C; for dissolved oxygen7.60-11.00, 7.00-11.2, 7.80-11.60 mg/L; for pH 8.04-8.43, 7.93-8.38, 7.62-8.33; for salinity16.61-18.60, 16.77-19.03, 16.78-18.97 ppt; for silicate 0.29-14.64, 0.25-16.43, 0.25-11.70µM; for orthophosphate 0.10-1.71, 0.09-1.50, 0.10-1.95 µM; for total phosphorus 0.24-3.73, 0.12-3.30, 0.10-3.52 µM; for total suspended solids 1.70-26.40, 1.00-20.40, 1.00-11,80mg/L; for chlorophyll-a 0.46-3.26, ND-3.25, 0.10-4.99 µg/L, respectively. According to the results, no significant effects of fish farm on water quality were observed in field study. Based on levels of these parameters observed in the study, it was defined that the fish farming was less effect to water quality than domestic sewage discharge.Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio procena uticaja morskih ribnjaka i otpadnih voda iz domaćinstva na kvalitet vode na obali Rize lociranoj na jugoistoku Crnog Mora. U tu svrhu je voda uzorkovana mesečno sa 5 tačaka oko kaveza sa ribama, 2 tačke sa mesta izliva otpadnih voda i jedne referentne tačke bez efekta kaveza i otpadnih voda, od juna 2007 do aprila 2009. Merenja su izvođena standardnim metodama. Podaci su prikazani kao minimum i maksimum sledećim redom: obalske tačke, kavezi sa ribama i referentna tačka. Dobijeni su sledeći rezultati: za temperaturu vode 7.83-27.51, 7.79-27.41, 7.72-27.00 °C; za rastvoreni kiseonik 7.60-11.00, 7.00-11.2, 7.80-11.60 mg/L; za pH 8.04-8.43, 7.93-8.38, 7.62-8.33; za salinitet 61-18.60, 16.77-19.03, 16.78-18.97 ppt; za silikate 0.29-14.64, 0.25-16.43, 0.25-11.70µM; za ortofosfate 0.10-1.71, 0.09-1.50, 0.10-1.95 µM; za ukupni fosfor 0.24-3.73, 0.12-3.30, 0.10-3.52 µM; za ukupne suspendovane materije 1.70-26.40, 1.00-20.40, 1.00-11,80mg/L; za hlorofil-a 0.46-3.26, ND-3.25, 0.10-4.99 µg/L, gore navedenim redom. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata nisu konstatovani značajni efekti kaveznih sistema na kvalitet vode. Na osnovu vrednosti pomenutih parametara u ovom istraživanju manje je negativnih efekata na kvalitet vode koji potiču od delatnosti uzgoja riba u odnosu na otpadne vode iz domaćinstva

    A Mercury Displacement Method to Measure Fish Feed Density

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    In order to advance a theoretical approach to settling velocity one must know density of the feed pellets. In this study a device to measure fish feed density was constructed. The device measures buoyancy force applied to the feed in the mercury and from the known density of mercury the volume of the feed pellet is calculated. The mass of the pellet is accurately measured with a precision scale and density is calculated from mass and volume data. The device is tested by measuring densities of some steel spheres with the device and Sartorious Density Measurement Kit. Both measurements agree within 0.1% which proves that the device is working well. The density of fish feed pellets is different for each pellet. As an example to the use of this device on fish pellets, we investigated density distribution of standard trout feed (6 mm) produced by Trouw company. © Medwell Journals, 2011

    Irreversible starvation using RNA/DNA on lab-grown larval anchovy, Engraulis encrasicolus, and evaluating starvation in the field-caught larval cohort

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    Altinok, Ilhan/0000-0003-3475-521X; YANDI, ilhan/0000-0003-1780-3654WOS: 000427668900005The recruitment of anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus, the crucial forage fish in the Black Sea ecosystem, has drastically decreased in the last two decades, mainly due to overfishing. the wild-caught fertilized anchovy eggs were hatched and the larvae exposed to the different feeding levels to indicate the irreversible starvation criteria based on RNA/DNA, then the nutritional status of wild-caught larvae were evaluated. the newly hatched larvae had mean notochord length of 3.25 +/- 0.04 mm and first feeding started on day 3 after hatching. the feeding levels applied to produce the irreversible starvation were fed control (FC), unfed control (UC), delayed first feeding for 1 (1DF), 2 (2DF) and 3 days (3DF). the whole body RNA/DNA ratio and the daily protein growth rate were individually analyzed. There were no survivors left in unfed group on day 6. Irreversible starvation (IS) occurred on the first day after first feeding which suggest the Black Sea anchovy larvae have a very low tolerance to starvation and the critical RNA/DNA ratio was 1.022 +/- 0.20. the survival rate in the unfed control was similar to the other delayed groups. the highest daily protein growth rates were on day 6 with 43.45% for FC. Based on IS derived from RNA/DNA, 91% survival probability was detected in field-caught larvae. in future, irreversible RNA/DNA ratio can be used for monitoring and comparing of nutritional status and recruitment probability of different cohorts of the Black Sea anchovy larvae.Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK) [110O050]This study was supported by grant from the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) with Project number 110O050. We like to tank Dr. Ilknur Yildiz for determination of plankton from field-sampled. We are grateful to Dr. Hannah Murphy from Fisheries and Oceans Canada for revising this article


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    YANDI, ilhan/0000-0003-1780-3654WOS: 000395724300054The gill histology in fish is used as an identification of infectious and non-infectious diseases. This approach has also been used in recent years as a biomarker for the determination of pollution and as a tool in environmental monitoring. the gill structure is extremely influenced by external factors, and might serve as an indicator of many problems. in the present study, pathology associated with Ichthyobodo necator, Ichthyophthirius Apiosoma sp., Dactylogyrus sp., Gyrodactylus sp. (parasites), Flavobacterium sp. (bacteria) and concrete contamination were investigated on different fish gills (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Salmo coruhensis, Salvelinus fontinalis, Acipenser baeri and Symphysodon discus). the gill tissues of all examined fish were fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin embedded in paraffin blocks and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Hyperplasia and lamellar apposition were observed as the most common pathologies on the gills analyzed. However, abundant necrotic cells, as an indication of a more serious complication, were also observed on the gills of Symphysodon discus infested by Gyrodactylus sp. the vacuolisation of the gills in brook trout, infected with Flavobacterium sp. was recorded as another notable finding

    Introduce the Siberian Sturgeon (Acipenser baerii) to Turkish aquaculture industry: Duoculture possibility with Rainbow Trout

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    KURTOGLU, ILKER ZEKI/0000-0002-4214-7997WOS: 000496712500002Duo culture response of Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baeri) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) was evaluated in culture tank conditions. Triplicated culture groups were planned as: mono-culture sturgeon (M, n=10), duo-culture sturgeon (DM, n=10) and duo-culture trout (DA, n=10), and mono-culture trout (A, n=10). Examination of mono and duo culture of each species, showed neither sturgeon nor trout, was indicated any significance on specific growth rate (SGR) and condition factor (CF). As for final biomasses among groups, no significant differences were recorded (p<0.05).Recep Tayyip Erdogan University BAP unitRecep Tayyip Erdogan University [2011.103.02.3]The study was conducted as a work package of a research project namely "Investigation of the diamond sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedti) and Siberian sturgeons (Acipenser baeri) being potential additional species under the Eastern Black Sea Region conditions. (Project Code; 2011.103.02.3)", funded by Recep Tayyip Erdogan University BAP unit. We are very thankful to Dr. Fatma Delihasan-Sonay, Ozay Kose, and Cansu Yilmaz for their valuable contributions