23 research outputs found

    Towards An Effective Capacity Building Programme For Sustainable Development

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    The paper considers the overwhelming role of capacity building towards sustainable development. Attempt was this research paper to review the relations/zip between capacity building and sustainability, it was concluded that effective capacity building programmes, there can be no meaningful sustainability. The research also reveals concept of capacity building goes beyond training, it also involve global awareness campaign, provision and of quality information and infrastructural availabity. The paper also highlights the needfor capacity building, that is the clients of capacity building and the various strategies towards ensuring an effective capacity programmes~ such as provision of effective learning curriculum. bl(ilding a virile science and research unit," awareness campaign among others. Also highlighted are the factor~ militating against an effective capacity programmes coupled with the contributions of local and central government in ensuring that this mitigating properly addressed. Altlzouglz the content of this paper is not completely exhaustive on this subject matter, but it a bird eye information to the role of capacity building to sustainability

    Mitigating Climatic Changes Through Emission Reduction Technology

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    This paper considers the role of technology in emission reduction strategies. This includes carbon sequestration, use of renewable emission- free and environmentally friendly energy sources, energy conservation efficiency, atmospheric variability studies modeling of mixing height and the use of biofuels [bioethanol and biodiesel] as measures to check the continuous release of poisonous gases into the environment. Data on variations in temperature according to height for a particular environment was computed for three weeks. Average readings were used to model the mixing height for that particular environment. This model aimed to determine the most effective height stack to guarantee maximum dispersion of any plume released around that particular environment. Attempt was also made to analyse the negative impact of gaseous emissions in an immediate environment. Some of such negative impacts discussed in this research paper include: Stratospheric ozone layer depletion, the issue of acid rain deposition and the greenhouse effect. The focus is on achieving a healthy and emission-free environmen

    Investigation of Heavy Metals Level in selected Boreholes around the Vicinity of some Cemeteries in Benin City, Nigeria

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    Groundwater pollution by heavy metals such as lead, copper, nickel and iron is one of the major environmental issues of concern which has developed into a widely studied area. In this study, attempt was made to investigate the level of heavy metals in selected boreholes around the vicinity of cemeteries in Benin City. Seventy-two (72) samples of groundwater were taken from boreholes in 9 stations around the three cemeteries in Benin City on monthly basis. The samples were analysed for 7 heavy metals, in accordance with standard procedures. The heavy metals include; Zinc, Lead Iron, Copper, Cadmium, Nickel and Mercury. From the results of the study, a variation in the mean concentration of zinc was observed. The mean concentration of zinc in site 1 was 0.450mg/l, for site 2, it was 0.140mg/l and for site 3, it was 1.0533mg/l. For iron, mean concentration was 0.072mg/l in site 1. For site 2, mean concentration of iron was 2.140mg/l and for site 3, mean concentration of iron was 0.560mg/l. It was further revealed based on the results that mean value of heavy metals in groundwater around cemeteries in Benin City were generally lower during dry season compared to wet season. In addition, result of computed pollution index (Pi) revealed that the heavy metal with the highest potential to pollute groundwater is Cadmium, with Pi of 0.5333 and 0.400 representing dry season and wet season respectively

    Characterization of sugarcane bagasse and Moringa Oleifera as potential adsorbent for the treatment of wastewater containing heavy metals

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    Activated carbon from sugarcane bagasse and Moringa oleifera were prepared and their textural properties were evaluated using Fourier transform infra-red (FT-IR) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). The chemical composition of sugarcane bagasse and Moringa oleifera was determine with the aid of X-ray fluorescence (XRF) while the surface area, micropore volume and total pore volume were estimated with the aid of structural characterization (SCAC) software using the iodine value and methylene blue number as the input parameters. The calculated iodine value and methylene blue value of sugarcane bagasse was 24.56mg/g and 2.27g/100g while for moringa oleifera, it was 29.48mg/g and 3.02g/100g. Based on these values, the surface area and total pore volume of sugarcane bagasse was estimated as 234m2/g and 0.14cm3/g, for Moringa oleifera it was 277.4m2/g and 0.21cm3/g. Results of the textural analysis revealed the presence of O-H stretching (which is the site for adsorption) in both the sugarcane bagasse and moringa oleifera. In addition, significant morphological differences were observed between the sugarcane bagasse and moringa oleifera with Moringa oleifera exhibiting better irregular and porous surface characteristics of different lamellae sizes.Keywords: Sugarcane bagasse, Moringa oleifera, Adsorption, Textural analysi

    Overview To Render Renewable Energy Sustainable In Africa

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    A comprehensive evaluation of the various sources of energy and their potential in meeting the energy needs of the people was done. Data on conventional energy generation and consumption was collated on a global scale to ascertain the future of conventional non renewable energy sources as it pertains to the issue of global energy crisis. The main focus is on assessing the potentials of renewable energy towards meeting the energy demands of nations. A detail evaluation of the different renewable energy sources was done; data on their extent of availability was collated to ascertain the degree of energy security which can be derived from renewable energy sources. Attempt was made in designing a renewable energy master plan, its objectives; short, medium and long term targets were critically analyzed coupled with the strategies, planned activities and mile stone in ensuring a sustainable energy future

    Appropriate Technical Education, Entrepreneurship And Skill Training/Acquisition For Tanzania

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    This paper considered the development of enterprising people: especially youths in order to inculcate an attitude of self - reliance using appropriate learning processes, entrepreneurship education and training programme that are aimed directly at stimulating entrepreneurship which may be defined as independent small business ownership or the development of opportunity- seeking managers within companies. The paper considered national growth and poverty reduction by encouraging training that will lead to the developmerlt of enterprises small and medirmz scale industries and entrepreneurs amongst the teaming youths around the world and Tanzania in particular. The central focus was human capacity building for national growth and poverty reduction, ,appropriate teclmica/ education with a view to incorporating entrepreneurship studies and skill acquisition as vital component aimed at empowering the youtlzs with ddequate knowledge and entrepreneurial skills that would prepare them for the world of work

    The Role Of Professionals In Effective Facilities Management And Maintanance

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    11w paper is jiJcused 011 tile rete vance (~/facility mai11tenance and management viz-a-viz tile role c~l professiviwls in ensuring !hat maintenance principltts for Engineering facilities are strictly adlwred tv, in other fo ensure that such facilities work e.ffi~iently. For a nation to meet the ·UN Millennium Developmenf Goals, emphasis must be placed 011 file mww.f{tcfuring indust1y, lienee 1/ie need to establish a maintenance culture which will guarantee continuous production. The paper is anchored on the relevant maintainabilily criteria's and the methods employed in perjimning such functions. Also highlighted are the dijj~rent types of maintenance needed to increase the life span of equipment or machine as it will also go a long way to im:reuse the level ofproduction. Factors militating against proper muintenance I management of equipments were highlighted and the ways forward were suggeste

    Poverty Alleviation And National Development: Prospects And Challenges

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    This paper attempts to explain the concept of poverty and the root causes of poverty in 'our society. The major focus is identifying the basic strategies for poverty reduction. The research investigation identifies among other things; the role of government, international and other donor organizations in alleviating poverty from our society. The contributions of entrepreneurial development as a vital tool for pqverty eradication were also studied coupled with an in-depth review of the fives basic factors of poverty. It was discovered that ignorance, disease, apathy and ot~ers, if properly handled and addressed will go a longer way in solving the issue of poverty which has eaten deep into the fabric of our society

    Multivariate Analysis of Vehicular Emissions in Parts of Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria

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    The focus of this study is to monitor the incidence of vehicular emissions in some parts of Benin City in addition to studying the spatial variation of the pollutant using multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). Seven (7) georeferenced sampling points were employed for data collection and gaseous pollutants such as; dinitrogen oxide (NO2), carbon monoxide (CO) including the total radiation were monitored in the morning and evening for 35 days with the aid of portable toxic gas monitors and radiation alert meters. Also measured were maximum temperature and wind speed using infra-red thermometers and portable anemometer respectively. From the result, it was observed that for temperature, the mean ± standard deviation during morning session was 30.549 ± 1.3716 and during evening season it was 28.879 ± 1.1788. For NO2, the mean ± standard deviation during morning session was 0.0181 ± 0.01119 and during evening season it was 0.0230 ± 0.01282. For CO, the mean ± standard deviation during morning session was 0.5428 ± 0.36396 and during evening season it was 0.6169 ± 0.32395. For total radiation, the mean ± standard deviation during morning session was 0.247 ± 0.1285 and during evening season it was 0.281 ± 0.1298. On the significance difference of the overall results, it was revealed that the difference in concentration of vehicular emissions during the early hours of the morning and peak hours of evening is significant. With a calculated partial Eta squared based on Pillai’s trace of 0.325, it was concluded that; there exist about 32.50% variability among the dependent variables

    Development of a Simple to use Regression Model for Estimating the Energy Value of Municipal Solid Waste

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    In Nigeria and many other African countries, the volume of solid waste generated continues to increase coupled with lack of infrastructure for adequate waste treatment. Nigeria with a population growth rate of about 2.8% per annum and an urban growth rate of about 5.5 % per annum generates about 0.58 kg solid waste per person per day. The focus of this study is to develop a simple regression model for estimating the energy value of municipal solid waste components.The study took a comprehensive evaluation of the solid waste composition in seven major communities in Benin City; Edo State Nigeria. The communities include; Evbuotubu, Ekenwan, Ikpoba- Hill, Ogbebuya, New Benin Oko-Central and Ugbowo. Solid waste survey/ collection using the stratified random sampling approach was done on a daily bases for a period of eight (8) weeks in order to generate enough data for specific analysis. In addition to the stratified random sampling approach 400 survey questionnaires were administered to 400 households (400) per community in order to acquire information about residents’ attitudes towards waste, socio-economic characterization including waste management behaviour etc. To determine the economic value of the waste, analytical method for energy value estimation was employed while the least square regression approach was used to develop the mathematical model for predicting the energy value of solid waste. To validate the reliability of the regression model, selected goodness of fit statistics, namely; coefficient of determination (R2), correlation coefficient (r), Adjusted Coefficient of Determination (Adj. R2) and error sum of square (SSE) were employed.From the energy value estimation, it was observed that 99,693.86KJ/kg of energy was obtain for waste collected from Evbuotubu, 65,599.30 KJ/kg for waste collected from Ekenwan, 68,638.31 KJ/kg for waste collected from Ikpoba Hill, 110,904.98 KJ/kg for waste collected from New Benin, 90,301.96 KJ/kg for waste collected from Ogbebuya, 89,513.86 KJ/kg for waste collected from Oko Central and 79,861.51 KJ/kg for waste collected from Ugbowo. With a coefficient of determination (R2) value of 0.992832 and Adjusted R-Squared value of 0.990784, it was concluded that the regression model developed for predicting the energy value is valid. Keywords: Waste characterization, Energy value, Least square regression, Dependent variables, Independent variables and Sustainable Waste Management DOI: 10.7176/CER/14-5-04 Publication date:August 31st 202