331 research outputs found

    Investments in oil field development by the example of Tomsk oblast

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    The article describes the geologic structure of the formation located not far from Strezhevoy Tomsk Oblast. The formation has been poorly studied by seismic methods. The reserves categories С[1] and С[2] as well as hydrocarbon potential are presented. 4 exploratory and 39 production wells are designed to be drilled depending on geologic knowledge and formation conditions. The article deals with the investment plan including development, oil export expenditures and implementing cost calculation

    Роль и значение математического моделирования в подготовке будущих специалистов для сферы экономики и финансов

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    The authors investigate the problem of teaching students to mathematical modeling of economic processes. The possibilities of the didactic treatment of educational material on the theme of "derivative of the function." The example of using supply and demand factors in the study of the dynamics of market equilibriu

    Модели управления запасами в экономике

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    One of the fundamental aspects of the economy of the enterprise is inventory management. The article includes a brief comparative analysis of some mathematical models of inventory management in the enterprise. The basic calculation methods optimize the enterprise and minimize total costs that are related with the acquisition and storage of stock

    Системы массового обслуживания на примере модели супермаркета

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    Methods of queuing theory can be solved many problems of the study of the processes occurring in the economy. Mathematical methods allow obtaining the main characteristics of the system. This means that you can perform qualitative analysis of the impact of individual factors on the work efficiency. The article considers one of the important tasks of commercial activity, the rational organization of trade and manufacturing process of mass service, for example in the supermarke

    Анализ механизмов защиты межгенерационных прав

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    Ильина Р. Ю. Анализ механизмов защиты межгенерационных прав / Р. Ю. Ильина // Міжнародні читання з міжнародного права пам’яті професора П. Є. Казанського : матеріали четвертої міжнар. наук. конф. (м. Одеса, 8–9 лист. 2013 р.) / відп. за випуск к.ю.н., доц. М. І. Пашковський; Національний університет "Одеська юридична академія". – Одеса : Фенікс, 2013. – С. 155-159

    Использование инструментов аналитической геометрии для поиска экстремума производственной функции

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    The authors consider a method for searching the extremes of the production function using the tools of analytic geometr

    Использование инструментов аналитической геометрии для поиска экстремума производственной функции

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    The authors consider a method for searching the extremes of the production function using the tools of analytic geometr

    Методические особенности обучения математике бакалавров экономических направлений в условиях реализации ФГОС

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    The author considers the methodological features of teaching mathematics bachelors economy based on competence-based approach. The analysis of the objectives, contents of teaching mathematics in the logic of competence-based approach. The necessity of forming the ability to use mathematical knowledge and skills in their future professional activit

    Heat of Fusion of Na3AlF6 Eutectic Mixtures with CaF2 and Al2O3

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    The heat of fusion of eutectic mixtures of sodium cryolite with alumina and calcium fluoride was measured using differential scanning calorimetry. Melting temperatures were found to be in good agreement with literature data. The molar heat of fusion of cryolite salts and eutectic mixtures was found to be directly dependent on melting temperature. The temperature dependence coefficient is the same as that of alkali halides

    Synthesis and Research of Alumina Ceramics Properties

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    The article describes in detail alumina powder synthesis by different methods at varying parameters. The technique of obtaining ceramics and the research of the optical properties for determining the materials with the maximum luminescence efficiency is presented. The concentration of the luminescence intrinsic centers and various defects differ for ceramics synthesized by different methods. It is determined that ceramics based on the powder synthesized by a sol-gel method has the maximum thermoluminescence intensity in the F-center peak, whereas for the peak of 360 °C it is obtained with the powder prepared by precipitation of aluminum nitrate with a PEG‑20000 stabilizer