16 research outputs found

    ジドウ ギャクタイ ヨボウ ニ カンスル ホイクシ エ ノ イシキ チョウサ

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    We conducted a questionnaire survey of nursery school teachers in A Prefecture regarding child abuse prevention. Results showed that almost all teachers knew about their duty to report cases of suspected abuse, though about half felt uncomfortable having a consultation with the department in charge and providing information when abuse was discovered. The reasons many teachers gave for this discomfort were feelings of uneasiness about which cases should be announced or reported, having no evidence, and anxiety about damaging the relationship of trust with parents. Of the teachers surveyed, 228(11.4%)had reported cases of suspected abuse in the past. Teachers in their 50s and those with 11−20 years of experience reported abuse most frequently. About half of teachers surveyed had never received any training for child abuse prevention. In addition, there was a positive correlation between age and “duty of reporting” and “internal/external training,” and there was a negative correlation between age and “uncomfortable feeling.” These results suggest that it is important to provide regular training for child abuse prevention, especially to young nursery school teachers

    リンショウ シンリ オ マナブ ダイガクインセイ ノ ニュウジ ホイク タイケン タイケン レポート ニ ミル ダイガクインセイ エノ コウカ

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    Graduate students, learning clinical psychology, experienced with nursing of infants for 3days. After the 3-day experience, a questionnaire was filled in and a report on the experience was made by each student. The responses to the questionnaire and the reports submitted were analyzed to evaluate the effects of infant nursing experience on these students. In response to the question about the usefulness of this kind of experience on future psychological career, contained in the 7-item questionnaire, all students answered that the experience would be useful in deepening their insight into support to child care and basic aspects of psychotherapy. When the students\u27 reports were analyzed by the KJ method, 8upper categories and 21lower categories were extracted. The most frequent upper category was "emotional experience." In this respect, the students most frequently referred to "crying" by infants. The most frequent lower category pertained to "kindergarten workers." In analysis of individual reports, the statements by 4students suggested that these students exercised their sensitivity and imaginary power, which are fundamental means for psychotherapy. Two students made statements suggesting emotional rhythms. The results from this study suggest that important viewpoints for guiding students after this kind of nursing experience are those related to infant cry, sensitivity, imaginary power, emotional rhythms, and so on

    ニュウヨウジ ケンシン ノ シンリ ソウダン ニオケル スケーリング ノ カツヨウ

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    Scaling was employed as a means of assessing personal relationships of parents during interviews for mental consultation provided in public health checkups for infants and children in 3 local communities. Considering factors related to parents\u27 anxiety about child care and to abuse of children, parents were asked to rate the five items related to their personal relationships, i.e. relationship to children, the partner, their mother, their father and to neighbors, on a 11-point scale from 0 to 10. We analyzed the roles and usefulness expected of this scaling method. Scaling appeared to be useful in 33 cases (66%). This method seemed to be useful in the following respects: (1) the unexpected experience with scaling makes it easier for the parents to speak frankly during the interview; (2) essential points of the interview are highlighted by the scaling; and (3) scaling helps the parents complement and confirm their way of child care; (4) the tendency for low scores with this scaling method can be used as a good indicator of the parents\u27 condition; and (5) scaling makes it easier for the interviewer to begin talks on how the parents can improve their personal relationships. An open question identified during this study is how to place questions in a more effective way to the parents after scaling

    リンショウ シンリ オ マナブ ダイガクインセイ ニオケル ホイク ジッシュウ ノ イギ ニツイテ

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    Under the current curriculum at our school, the graduate students, learning clinical psychology, practice training on childcare at day nursery for about 5 months. The present study was undertaken to investigate the significance and efficacy of training at day nursery through an interview of 16 trainees. The records of interview for individual trainees were summarized and analyzed. The responses from trainees were checked for similarities and classified into several categories. The trainees tended to answer both “advantages” and “difficulties experienced” of the day nursery training within the framework of the category “infant comprehension.” Advantages pointed out by the trainees were “having an opportunity of learning infant’s development” and “learning insight into infant’s emotions.” Difficulties experienced by the trainees pertained to how to deal with problematic behaviors of infants and how to contact infants. To the question about “significance of day nursery training to you as an individual person,” the answers of the trainees were often related to the category “self?reflection.” The training at day nursery provided the trainees an opportunity of acquiring objective viewpoints and facilitating growth, confidence and learning. When asked about “significance of day nursery training for graduate students,” the trainees tended to answer the significance of the training as an opportunity for practical experience and facilitation of infant comprehension. The responses of individual trainees suggest that the trainees had the experience of being shaken during the training, including being impressed by their relationship to infants, elevating their sensitivity and increasing their understanding of children and themselves

    ニュウヨウジ トノ カカワリ ト シンリ リンショウ : リンショウ シンリシ ヨウセイ ノ タメ ノ ホイク ジッシュウ ノ アリカタ

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    The purposes of this study were to collect awareness and learning that author experience in the day nursery, and to examine the concern with clinical psychology. The case took up two people who belong to the one year old child class and two year old child class that author was concerned a lot. As a result, about relations with infants, there were some common features with a psychology clinical scene, especially the importance of relationship was found. Moreover, it was suggested that sociality, common sense, a flexible attitude, snuggling up to a heart, and fostering sensitivity that is necessary for person who aimed at the clinical psychologist is obtained. In addition, the one that led to psychology clinical activity in the future was obtained

    ショシンシャ カウンセラー ニヨル ニュウヨウジ カンサツ ノ アリカタ : カウンセラー トシテ ノ シシツ オ ハグクム タメ ニ

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    Referring to the ways of observation of infants and small children adopted at Tavistock Clinic within the framework of training for pediatric clinical psychologists, we practiced observation of infants and small children at nursery school. This is a case study of observation of infants and small children at nursery school aimed at fostering capabilities and skills of inexperienced counselors. The usefulness of this approach as well as the open issues and possibilities related to it as a means of observing infants and small children at nursery school are also discussed.The study lasted for a period of8months. Observation of infants and small children was done once a week (for one hour each time) and the findings from observation were reviewed. The study period corresponded to the period during which Child A(7-month.old infant) began to walk. Records were taken, focusing on the relationship between Child A and Nursery Governess P and including changes in the mind of the observer.While following the growth of Child A during the study period, the observer kept watching her own mind by means of reverse transition and deepened her self.understanding. The observer increased in the ability to read and perceive the infant\u27s mind, accompanied by activation of her five senses. This experience was useful for the inexperienced counselor to stimulate capability and skill development. However, when observing infants and small children at nursery school, the observer was sometimes forced to leave the principle of "avoiding active involvement.

    ニュウヨウジ トノ ジョウドウ チョウリツ ニヨル カンジュセイ クンレン ノ コウカ : シンリ リョウホウカ オ メザス ダイガクインセイ オ タイショウ ニ

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    Training institutes, including graduate schools for clinical psychology have been producing qualified and skilled clinical psychologists in society. In order to become good clinical psychologists, the candidates need to have not only knowledge and skills in the subject area but should also have personal characteristics such as sensitivity, empathy, and introspection. In this study a sensitivity training program, which focused on emotional attunement to infants and children, was developed and its effectiveness was investigated using three questionnaires : the perceived coding ability scale, the interpersonal sensitivity measure, and the non-verbal sensitivity scale. Out of 60 graduate students, 18 participated in this program once a week at a nursery school for a period of 5 months. The results showed that the scores of the perceived coding ability scale were significantly increased for students who participated in this program but there was no difference in the scores of the other two scales. The results also showed that there were significant differences between the scores of students who participated in the program and those who did not, with respect to the perceived coding ability and interpersonal sensitivity scales. Students who participated in this program showed higher sensitivity scores even before participating in this program. Therefore, we concluded that the program needs to focus more on emotional attunement and the selection process must change such that all students participate in this program

    ヨウチエン デノ プレイ セラピー ノ ジッセン ケンキュウ : ヨウジ ノ ソダツ チカラ ト コソダテ シエン トシテノ コウカ

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    Collaboration was organized between A university and two kindergartens in A city and play therapy was performed with nine children using empty kindergarten classrooms. University teachers with a clinical psychology qualification held discussions with the parents of these children, and kindergarten teachers provided consultation to the parents and exchanged information with them. The effectiveness of play therapy was verified on the basis of a questionnaire conducted before and after play therapy implementation. The results showed that after play therapy, the children became emotionally stable, had fewer behavior problems, and showed an improvement in their social nature. Moreover, seven out of the nine parents perceived that their children had matured. The kindergarten teachers presented the same evaluation from their results. The practice records showed that the children gained confidence and pride by enjoying playing with therapists and being accepted by them, which led to them taking interest in their friends. Their growth potential was activated. In addition, changes in parent−child relationships were observed. Play therapy also supported the parents, and it was considered an effective child raising support measure


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