5 research outputs found

    The perceived impact of soil erosion on food security in the upper and lower areas of Didimana in the Eastern Cape of South Africa

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    Due to the particular nature of accelerated soil erosion, its impact on food security is usually very intense. The impact starts first on the farmer, and then to his/ her environment. This is why soil erosion, when unchecked, is very devastating. Therefore this study was set to evaluate the perceived impact of soil erosion on food security in the Upper and Lower Areas of Didimana, Eastern Cape of South Africa, and the role farmers’ adoption behaviours play in the interaction. Three specific objectives were put forward by the study, vis-à-vis: (1) to establish farmers’ perceptions on the impact of soil erosion on food security of the study area; (2) to establish farmers’ innovation adoption behaviour with respect to soil erosion control in the study area; and (3) to establish farmers’ perceptions on the impact of extension activities with respect to soil erosion-control in the study area. The central argument of discussion is that soil erosion like every other agricultural problem, is the result of farmers’ non-adoption or inappropriate adoption of improved and recommended soil management technologies in the study area. The survey method of research was adopted for the study, where data were collected, using a well structured questionnaire, from a total of 60 farmers in the study area, through a simple random sampling process. Farmers’ perception suggested that the impact of soil erosion in their area is severe. This severity is demonstrated firstly in the form of climate change, as the time of rain in their area is gradually changing, and thus changing their time of cropping. Similarly the livelihoods of farmers are being negatively affected, as farmers’ crops, livestock, and even household feeding are being affected. More so, findings indicate that most farmers now plant fewer crops and there is an estimation of crop loss by most farmers of well between 21-60 percent of crops every year. Farmers’ perception further revealed that due to soil erosion, over 50 percent of farmers are unsustainable and a total of 71.7 percent of farmers’ population admitted that the amount of food available for their households is being severely affected. In virtually every sphere of human endeavours improved technologies have been developed to solve human problems, but the main reason problems like soil erosion is still very evident is the fact of farmers’ non-adoption or inappropriate adoption of specific recommended technologies. In the study area, the role of farmers’ adoption behaviour in the interaction of the impact of soil erosion on food security was very prominent. Findings indicate that despite the presence of certain recommended soil management technologies in the study area, majority of farmers do not use them neither extension advices. Moreover their satisfaction with those technologies was found to be low, which could be an explanation why they do not use them. For innovation to be adopted, rejected or utilized inappropriately, the effectiveness and performance of agricultural extension, as well as farmers’ perception play a great role. Thus in the study area, farmers’ perception on extension effectiveness indicates that extension hardly talk about soil erosion and its control during times of their visit. Similarly, farmers’ rating for extension services and advices was as well very low (23.4 percent). In fact, a comparison of farmers’ traditional methods of soil erosion control with extension recommendations (53.4 percent) indicated that farmers perceive their local methods of more importance than extension methods. In the same vein, majority of farmers in the area indicated that extension officers are inadequate in their jobs. Reasons offered range from issues of unreliability, lack of regular visits, communication problems, less attention for crop farming, and other reasons such as extension being unconcerned for subsistence farmers, as well as the fact that they focus more on cooperatives. In all, the findings of the descriptive statistics reveal that the impact of soil erosion on food security in the study area is very significant, and the results of the linear regression model of relationships in the study reveal that soil erosion relates positively with age of farmers, their product quality, and their sustainability. In a similar note, the innovation adoption behaviours of farmers was also found to be positively related to farm yield and food accessibility. Thus showing that innovation adoption behaviour of farmers in the interaction of soil erosion and food security in the study area is significant. Therefore, efforts should be geared toward improving factors that increases yield and accessibility of farmers to serve as boosters of farmers’ motivation towards the adoption of appropriate soil management technologies in their area

    Smallholder farmer's adoption decision-making processes in the utilisation of soil conservation practices in South Africa: the case of Qamata Irrigation Scheme, in the Eastern Cape

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    The goal of this study was to determine the nature and factors influencing smallholder farmers in their adoption decision-making regarding the use of soil conservation practices introduced by extension practitioners in South Africa, using the case of farming at Qamata Irrigation Scheme, Eastern Cape. Using a central argument (thesis statement), the study argued that an adequate understanding and definition of smallholder farmers’ adoption decision-making process is very crucial to solving the problem of soil erosion/ degradation problem amongst smallholder farmers. Adopting the case study research design, information from 70 crop farmers (in a farmer focus group interviews) form the basis of the study. Basic models of analysis were the multiple, probit and logit, as well as the binary logistic regression analyses. According to the empirical results, perception was found very relevant in adoption decision-making, interacting positively and significantly with eight of the seventeen adoption variables chosen for the study. The indication therefore is that age (p<0.050), education (p<0.0030), and marriage (p<0.036), have more potentials to improve farmers’ perception. Similarly, higher farmer incomes (from crops [p<0.017], off-farm [p<0.038] and overall [p<0.011] income) also have a likelihood to improve farmers’ perception regarding soil conservation, for improved adoption. Further indication is that farmers who are aware (p<0.015) of the soil practices introduced by extension are also those who participate in their use (p<0.041). Employing the binary logistic, probit and logit regression models, results suggest that the nature of adoption decision-making processes of smallholder farmers is complex (not straight), being influenced by multiple factors. While age (p<0.099), gender (p<0.031), total income (p<0.081) impacted positively significant on smallholder farmers’ adoption decision-making, marital status (p<0.025), sources of land (p<0.063), length of continuously farming on same piece of land (p<0.013), and level of crop production (p<0.002) impacted negatively. The indication therefore was that older farmers preferred their own practices to the recommended practices by extension, which is in line with literature. Also as expected, more females preferred their own practices to extension recommended, while more males preferred the recommended practices. Similarly, marriage, land ownership, farming continuously on a spot for a long period, as well as increase in the level of crop production, all had a propensity to influence farmers toward the adoption of extension recommended practices as against farmers’ practices. Further results indicate, that farmers’ education (p<0.032), household size (p<0.37), and income (off-farm [p<0.036] and total [p<0.004]), measures used to measure farmers’ livelihood standards in the study, were positively significant in association with adoption. The indication was that, adoption decision-making is potentially capable of improving education level of farmers; increase the size of household, thus providing easy family labour; and as well improve level of income for the farmer. Based on the foregoing, the suggestion therefore is that any technology intervention programme that will succeed must begin with a clear understanding and analysis of farmers’ adoption process. This is better achieved when the adoption process is seen as a four-stage process, where the farmer first forms a view about the innovation (perception stage), and then decides whether or not to use it (adoption stage), as well as how much of the innovation to adopt (level of adoption stage), and finally how much is this innovation going to affect my livelihood (impact of adoption stage). Also, due to the particular relevance of perception in the adoption decision-making process, technology disseminators (extension), researchers and policy makers alike must never conclude on the rejection of any technology, not until factors determining perception of individuals have been well studied. The notion here is that, even at the confirmation stage of the adoption process of an individual adopter, when a rejection is confirmed, for an example, analysing factors of the adopter’s perception at play at the particular time of the innovation in question, could go a long way to redirecting the course of the adoption process of the said individual

    Smallholder farmer's adoption decision-making processes in the utilisation of soil conservation practices in South Africa: the case of Qamata Irrigation Scheme, in the Eastern Cape

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    The goal of this study was to determine the nature and factors influencing smallholder farmers in their adoption decision-making regarding the use of soil conservation practices introduced by extension practitioners in South Africa, using the case of farming at Qamata Irrigation Scheme, Eastern Cape. Using a central argument (thesis statement), the study argued that an adequate understanding and definition of smallholder farmers’ adoption decision-making process is very crucial to solving the problem of soil erosion/ degradation problem amongst smallholder farmers. Adopting the case study research design, information from 70 crop farmers (in a farmer focus group interviews) form the basis of the study. Basic models of analysis were the multiple, probit and logit, as well as the binary logistic regression analyses. According to the empirical results, perception was found very relevant in adoption decision-making, interacting positively and significantly with eight of the seventeen adoption variables chosen for the study. The indication therefore is that age (p<0.050), education (p<0.0030), and marriage (p<0.036), have more potentials to improve farmers’ perception. Similarly, higher farmer incomes (from crops [p<0.017], off-farm [p<0.038] and overall [p<0.011] income) also have a likelihood to improve farmers’ perception regarding soil conservation, for improved adoption. Further indication is that farmers who are aware (p<0.015) of the soil practices introduced by extension are also those who participate in their use (p<0.041). Employing the binary logistic, probit and logit regression models, results suggest that the nature of adoption decision-making processes of smallholder farmers is complex (not straight), being influenced by multiple factors. While age (p<0.099), gender (p<0.031), total income (p<0.081) impacted positively significant on smallholder farmers’ adoption decision-making, marital status (p<0.025), sources of land (p<0.063), length of continuously farming on same piece of land (p<0.013), and level of crop production (p<0.002) impacted negatively. The indication therefore was that older farmers preferred their own practices to the recommended practices by extension, which is in line with literature. Also as expected, more females preferred their own practices to extension recommended, while more males preferred the recommended practices. Similarly, marriage, land ownership, farming continuously on a spot for a long period, as well as increase in the level of crop production, all had a propensity to influence farmers toward the adoption of extension recommended practices as against farmers’ practices. Further results indicate, that farmers’ education (p<0.032), household size (p<0.37), and income (off-farm [p<0.036] and total [p<0.004]), measures used to measure farmers’ livelihood standards in the study, were positively significant in association with adoption. The indication was that, adoption decision-making is potentially capable of improving education level of farmers; increase the size of household, thus providing easy family labour; and as well improve level of income for the farmer. Based on the foregoing, the suggestion therefore is that any technology intervention programme that will succeed must begin with a clear understanding and analysis of farmers’ adoption process. This is better achieved when the adoption process is seen as a four-stage process, where the farmer first forms a view about the innovation (perception stage), and then decides whether or not to use it (adoption stage), as well as how much of the innovation to adopt (level of adoption stage), and finally how much is this innovation going to affect my livelihood (impact of adoption stage). Also, due to the particular relevance of perception in the adoption decision-making process, technology disseminators (extension), researchers and policy makers alike must never conclude on the rejection of any technology, not until factors determining perception of individuals have been well studied. The notion here is that, even at the confirmation stage of the adoption process of an individual adopter, when a rejection is confirmed, for an example, analysing factors of the adopter’s perception at play at the particular time of the innovation in question, could go a long way to redirecting the course of the adoption process of the said individual

    Analysis of the Living Conditions at eZakheleni Informal Settlement of Durban: Implications for Community Revitalization in South Africa

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    This study investigated the living conditions of the eZakheleni informal settlement, Durban metropolis of Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa. The utilized data were collected with the use of a well-structured questionnaire through a multistage sampling of 255 households. The descriptive results indicated low levels of educational attainment, large number of female headed households, high unemployment rates, inadequate sources of income, poor security and low government intervention programmes. The results of inferential analysis indicate that factors such as water accessibility, toilet accessibility, years of working experience, food security status, educational status and access to good health were the significant factors that were key to improving the living conditions of the residents in the study area. The study therefore concluded that education, basic housing services (water accessibility, toilet accessibility), food security, working experience, social connectivity and health are key contributors to households’ living condition in the study area and recommended several future research and policy directions which could improve the living conditions of the informal settlement

    Impacts of Climate Change on Soil Microbial Interactions: Echoes of the New Normal

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    Concerns over the negative impacts of climate change on ecosystems and human life have entered a new phase where many hypothetical views are fast becoming realities. Presently, the rampaging effect of climate change is, in theory, causing ecological catastrophes, and it is being felt at an alarming scale worldwide. As an important ecological niche, the soil ecosystem hosts a diversity of microbiomes and macrobiomes and affords a soil-plant-microbes ecological continuum. Also, it supports essential ecological processes meant to promote life-sustaining habits. However, changes in plant diversity due to increasing greenhouse effects, anthropogenic activities, and global warming have severely impacted the stability of soil microbial communities and interactions, particularly the soil-plant-microbe interaction. A good understanding of the mechanisms underpinning the plant-soil-microbial interactions, the complexity of the soil microbiome, ecosystem adaptability to climate change-induced stresses, and niche functionality of microbiota is necessary for the empirical impact assessment of climate change on soil microbial behaviors. Moreover, the soil system parameters and the various ecological services affected need to be further studied to identify opportunities that could assist the quest to mitigate the debilitating effects of climatic change in the soil ecosystem and sustainable food security initiatives