4 research outputs found

    The effect of peer education to anxiety of teenagers in post menarche in sub district Kasihan Bantul, Indonesia

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    Background: Menarche is an important event in puberty of teenagers. The coming of menarche often causes negative reactions and anxiety. Most teenagers get information about menarche from her friend so that the information obtained is not necessarily true and accurate. In order to reduce anxiety it should be given the right information with various methods and media. These raised our interest to determine the effect of peer education on adolescent anxiety post-menarche.Methods: A quasi experimental equivalent pre-post test control group design was used in this study with quantitative and qualitative approaches. Time of data retrieval was August-September 2014. Subject were classified into two groups that were treatment group was located in SMP Muhammadiyah and control group was located in SMP Mataram Kasihan region, district Bantul. The division of the group is done by raffle. Intervention for the treatment group of peer education and booklet. The total sample in this study was 86 adolescents post menarche taken by purposive sampling in accordance with the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The anxiety instrument being used TMAS (Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale). Analysis data: univariate, bivariate and qualitative analysis to strengthen the result of the study with indepth interview for 5 participants. Statistical test using chi square.Results: The result showed that percentage of respondents who experience anxiety when pre-test 43 (100%) and post-test was 34 (79.1%) versus 3 (7.0%). The result of chi square test with p value 0.000 (p<0.05) means that there was significant differences in anxiety reduction before and after a given peer education. The results of the qualitative analysis among teenagers after attending peer education told that they feeling happy, peer education reduced anxiety, confusion and fear because of peer education increased knowledge, provide an overview and motivation of the problems, means discussion, sharing stories and experiences.Conclusions: Peer education and booklet could reduce anxiety post menarche of teenagers.

    Phenomenological study of primiparous mother's experience of emergency cesarean section in Yogyakarta

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    A phenomenological study of primiparous mothers’ experience of emergency cesarean section in YogyakartaPurposeThe purpose of the study was to explore the experience of primipara mothers when the emergency cesarean section was decided at hospital of Wates Kulon Progo in Yogyakarta.Method A phenomenological study was conducted involving in-depth interviews with 7 post emergency cesarean section mothers at hospital of Wates Kulon Progo in Yogyakarta from April until July 2014. ResultsThe study found three themes in the mothers’ experiences related to emergency cesarean section: the perception of the mothers was associated with emergency cesarean section, the influence of spirituality on positive perceptions of mothers and support for mothers in the face of emergency cesarean section. ConclusionMothers have a specific strategy in dealing with the emergency cesarean section which they will experience. Support for mothers in facing emergency cesarean section, spirituality influences on mother's positive perception and mothers’ perceptions related to emergency cesarean section affect mothers’ readiness to undergo emergency cesarean section. It is necessary to create a policy focusing on FCMC by involving family counselors when the mother has decided for emergency cesarean section.PurposeThe purpose of the study was to explore the experience of primipara mother when the emergency cesarean section was decided at RSUD Wates Kulon Progo Yogyakarta.MethodA phenomenological study was conducted involving indepth interview of 7 post emergency cesarean section mothers at Wates Kulon Progo Yogyakarta hospital in April-July 2014.ResultsThe study found three themes on the mother experience related to emergency cesarean section; the perception of the mother associated with emergency cesarean section, the influence of spirituality on positive perceptions of mothers and support for mothers in the face of emergency cesarean section.ConclusionMothers have a specific strategy in dealing with the emergency cesarean section which they will experience. Support for mothers in facing emergency cesarean section, spirituality influence on mother's positive perception and mother perception related to emergency cesarean section affects mother's readiness to undergo emergency cesaeran section. It is necessary to create a policy focusing on FCMC by involving family counselors when the mother is determined by emergency cesarean section.


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    PENGARUH KONSELING LAKTASI PADA IBU HAMILTRIMESTER III TERHADAP PEMBERIAN PRELAKTAL BAYIBARU LAHIRHappy Dwi Aprilina1, Risanto Siswosudarmo2, Wahyu Ikka Setiyarini3ABSTRACTBackground: Exclusive breastfeeding’s rate in Indonesia is still low. One of the causes of this failure is theprelacteal feeding in infants’ early life. Prelacteal feeding can cause the infants reluctance to suckle theirmothers’ breasts, diarrhea, allergy, ear infections and respiratory disorders in infants. One of the efforts toprevent prelacteal feeding is providing lactation counselingto women in the third trimester of pregnancy.Objective: To assess the impact of lactation counseling to women in the third trimester of pregnancytoward prelacteal feeding to newborn infants.Method: This research design usedrandomized controlled trial (RCT) which is divided into treatment group(pregnant women class and individual lactation counseling) n=33 and control group (pregnant women classonly) n=34. The subjects are woman in the third trimester of pregnancy in the work area of PuskesmasSokaraja 1, Banyumas. The sampling technique is simple random sampling. Chi square, relative risk (RR)and logistic regression analysis is used for statistical analysis.Result and Discussion: Proportion mothers who did not give prelacteal feeding wassignificantly higher inintervention group than in control group, 69% vs 30% with RR = 1.69 (95% CI: 1.06 to 2.68) p = 0.01.Conclusion: Mothers who received counseling lactation in the third trimester of pregnancy had a 1.69times greater chance to not give prelacteal than mothers who did not receive counseling lactation.Keywords: Exclusive Breastfeeding, Lactation Counseling, Prelacteal, Health Education, BreastfeedABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Cakupan pemberian ASI Eksklusif di Indonesia masih dalam rendah. Salah satu penyebabkegagalan ASI Eksklusif adalah pemberian prelaktal pada awal kehidupan bayi. Pemberian prelaktal dapatmenyebabkan bayi malas menyusu, diare, alergi, infeksi dan gangguan pernapasan pada bayi. Salah satuupaya dalam mencegah pemberian prelaktal yaitu dengan memberikan konseling laktasi pada ibu hamiltrimester ketiga.Tujuan: mengetahui pengaruh konseling laktasi pada ibu hamil trimester ketiga terhadap pemberianprelaktal bayi baru lahir.Metode: Desain penelitian menggunakan randomized controlled trial (RCT),dibagi menjadi kelompokperlakuan (kelas ibu hamildan konseling laktasi) n=33 dan kelompok kontrol (kelas ibu hamil saja) n=34.Subjek penelitian yaitu ibu hamil trimester ketiga di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Sokaraja 1 Banyumas. Teknikpengambilan sampel menggunakan simple random sampling. Chisquare, risiko relatif (RR) dan analisisregresi logistik digunakan untuk analisis statistik.Hasil dan Pembahasan: Proporsi ibu tidak memberikan prelaktal pada kelompok intervensi lebih tinggidibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol; 69% vs 30% dengan RR=1,69 (95% CI: 1,06-2,68), sehingga terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna secara statistik pada kelompok perlakuan dibandingkan dengankelompok kontrolKesimpulan: Proporsi ibu yang mendapatkan konseling laktasi pada kehamilan trimester ketiga 1,69 kaliberpeluang lebih besar tidak memberikan prelaktal daripada ibu yang tidak mendapatkan konseling laktasi.Kata kunci: ASI Eksklusif, Konseling laktasi, Prelaktal, Pendidikan Kesehatan, Menyusui1 E-mail: [email protected]; Program Studi Magister Keperawatan Universitas Gadjah Mada2 Bagian Obstetri dan Ginekologi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Gadjah Mada3 Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Banyuma

    Memeriksa Striae Gravidarum untuk Memperkirakan Laserasi Perineum

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    Background: Striae gravidarum is a common phenomenon that occurs in pregnant women and a marker of decrease in skin elasticity. Poor elasticity of the perineum can result perineal laceration in vaginal childbirth. This study was to determine the relationship of striae gravidarum perinenum with the occurrence lacerations in normal labor, and the factors that most influence the occurrence of mild and severe perineal lacerations.Method: Used a cross sectional design, with a sample of 188 respondents. Assessment striae gravidarum using Atwal et al (2006) which has been modified, assessment of perineal lacerations used RCOG (2006). Data collection was done during the months of April to July 2015 in the maternity room Panembahan Senopati Bantul Hospital.Results: Factors that influence the occurrence of mild laceration were striae gravidarum moderate-severe (RP 1,230: CI 95% 1,23053-1,23066), primiparous (RP 1,2675: CI 95% 1,13709-1,41298). Factors that influence the occurrence of severe laceration were striae gravidarum moderate-severe (RP 1,676: CI 95% 1,246-2,255), primiparous (RP 1,117: CI 95% 1,1172-1,1175), the lithotomy position (RP 1,012: CI 95% 1,011-1,0629).Conclusion: Striae gravidarum is factor that influence the occurance of perineal laceration. Checking of striae gravidarum can be to estimate the severity of perineal laceration, the more scores striae gravidarum more severe perineal laceration that may be experienced by childbirth mothers. Keywords: striae gravidarum; perineal laceration; childbirt