470 research outputs found

    Large spin-orbit splitting and weakly-anisotropic superconductivity revealed with single-crystalline noncentrosymmetric CaIrSi3

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    We report normal and superconducting properties of the Rashba-type noncentrosymmetric com- pound CaIrSi3, using single crystalline samples with nearly 100% superconducting volume fraction. The electronic density of states revealed by the hard x-ray photoemission spectroscopy can be well explained by the relativistic first-principle band calculation. This indicates that strong spin-orbit interaction indeed affects the electronic states of this compound. The obtained H - T phase diagram exhibits only approximately 10% anisotropy, indicating that the superconducting properties are almost three dimensional. Nevertheless, strongly anisotropic vortex pinning is observed.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Electronic correlations and Hund's coupling effects in SrMoO3_3 revealed by photoemission spectroscopy

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    We investigate the electronic structure of a perovskite-type Pauli paramagnet SrMoO3 (t2g2) thin film using hard x-ray photoemission spectroscopy and compare the results to the realistic calculations that combine the density functional theory within the local-density approximation (LDA) with the dynamical-mean field theory (DMFT). Despite the clear signature of electron correlations in the electronic specific heat, the narrowing of the quasiparticle bands is not observed in the photoemission spectrum. This is explained in terms of the characteristic effect of Hund's rule coupling for partially-filled t2g bands, which induces strong quasiparticle renormalization already for values of Hubbard interaction which are smaller than the bandwidth. The interpretation is supported by additional model DMFT calculations including Hund's rule coupling, that show renormalization of low-energy quasiparticles without affecting the overall bandwidth. The photoemission spectra show additional spectral weight around -2 eV that is not present in the LDA+DMFT. We interpret this weight as a plasmon satellite, which is supported by measured Mo, Sr and Oxygen core-hole spectra that all show satellites at this energy.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Evidence for suppressed metallicity on the surface of La2-xSrxCuO4 and Nd2-xCexCuO4

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    Hard X-ray Photoemission spectroscopy (PES) of copper core electronic states, with a probing depth of ∼\sim60 \AA, is used to show that the Zhang-Rice singlet feature is present in La2_2CuO4_4 but is absent in Nd2_2CuO4_4. Hole- and electron doping in La2−x_{2-x}Srx_xCuO4_4 (LSCO) and Nd2−x_{2-x}Cex_xCuO4_4 (NCCO) result in new well-screened features which are missing in soft X-ray PES. Impurity Anderson model calculations establish metallic screening as its origin, which is strongly suppressed within 15 A˚\text{\AA} of the surface. Complemented with X-ray absorption spectroscopy, the small chemical-potential shift in core levels (∼0.2\sim0.2 eV) are shown to be consistent with modifications of valence and conduction band states spanning the band gap (∼1\sim1 eV) upon hole- and electron-doping in LSCO and NCCO.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    High energy, high resolution photoelectron spectroscopy of Co2Mn(1-x)Fe(x)Si

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    This work reports on high resolution photoelectron spectroscopy for the valence band of Co2Mn(1-x)Fe(x)Si (x=0,0.5,1) excited by photons of about 8 keV energy. The measurements show a good agreement to calculations of the electronic structure using the LDA+U scheme. It is shown that the high energy spectra reveal the bulk electronic structure better compared to low energy XPS spectra. The high resolution measurements of the valence band close to the Fermi energy indicate the existence of the gap in the minority states for all three alloys.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, submitted to J. Phys. D: Appl. Phy
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