69 research outputs found


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    Although shear wave elastography (SWE) has been used to indirectly measure passive force in muscle tissues, it is unknown whether SWE can be utilized to evaluate passive force in capsule tissues. This study investigated the relationship between the shear elastic modulus and passive force in posterior shoulder capsules using SWE. Four middle and four inferior posterior shoulder capsules were dissected from four fresh-frozen cadavers. Passive force (0-400 g in 25-g increments) was applied to each capsule, and elasticity was measured simultaneously using SWE. The relationship between elasticity and passive capsule force was highly linear for all tested capsules (coefficients of determination range: 0.853-0.963). SWE is a valid and useful method of evaluating indirectly and noninvasively the passive force of the posterior shoulder capsules

    Spermatic Cord Lymphoma: A Case Report and Literature Review

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    Spermatic cord lymphoma is a rare lethal disease. It has a poor prognosis even in stage I or II disease when treated locally, therefore, multidisciplinary treatment for early stage is recommended. On the other hand, the treatment of choice for stage III or IV spermatic cord lymphoma remains to be determined. It is said that spermatic cord lymphoma is clinicopathologically similar to primary testicular lymphoma, therefore the treatment of spermatic cord lymphoma has often been determined by reference to the recommended treatment for primary testicular lymphoma. Here we report a new case of spermatic cord lymphoma, which was found in stage IV disease. We also review thirty-three cases which have been reported as spermatic cord lymphoma to date, and discuss treatment options

    Development of an apolipoprotein E mimetic peptide–lipid conjugate for efficient brain delivery of liposomes

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    Liposomes are versatile carriers that can encapsulate various drugs; however, for delivery to the brain, they must be modified with a targeting ligand or other modifications to provide blood–brain barrier (BBB) permeability, while avoiding rapid clearance by reticuloendothelial systems through polyethylene glycol (PEG) modification. BBB-penetrating peptides act as brain-targeting ligands. In this study, to achieve efficient brain delivery of liposomes, we screened the functionality of eight BBB-penetrating peptides reported previously, based on high-throughput quantitative evaluation methods with in vitro BBB permeability evaluation system using Transwell, in situ brain perfusion system, and others. For apolipoprotein E mimetic tandem dimer peptide (ApoEdp), which showed the best brain-targeting and BBB permeability in the comparative evaluation of eight peptides, its lipid conjugate with serine–glycine (SG)5 spacer (ApoEdp-SG-lipid) was newly synthesized and ApoEdp-modified PEGylated liposomes were prepared. ApoEdp-modified PEGylated liposomes were effectively associated with human brain capillary endothelial cells via the ApoEdp sequence and permeated the membrane in an in vitro BBB model. Moreover, ApoEdp-modified PEGylated liposomes accumulated in the brain 3.9-fold higher than PEGylated liposomes in mice. In addition, the ability of ApoEdp-modified PEGylated liposomes to localize beyond the BBB into the brain parenchyma in mice was demonstrated via three-dimensional imaging with tissue clearing. These results suggest that ApoEdp-SG-lipid modification is an effective approach for endowing PEGylated liposomes with the brain-targeting ability and BBB permeability

    Application of artificial sunlight for the elderly as a possible environmental nursing practice

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    Aging and aged societies have arrived in many countries where significant development of medicine and the economy has been achieved. Japan is a highly aged society with a shortage of carers both at home and in long-term care settings. In fact, more persons of advanced age who do not need intensive care in hospitals strongly desire health care to be delivered in their own home with their family. Environmental nursing practice, which means that nurses improve the environment of patients or the elderly properly in accordance with healthcare considerations, is currently playing a more important role, not only to prevent the elderly from contracting various diseases, but also to provide a facility for supporting an aged person to live a fulfilling life, preferably one that includes independence. This approach will lead to a reduction in medical expenditure by increasing the number of aged people with healthy longevity without the need for hospitalization or intensive care. This short communication focuses on healthy lighting for the elderly based on our research and experience regarding the beneficial effects of artificial sunlight on nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), asthma and food allergy, and ulcerative colitis in experimental animal models and clinical settings. Then, we review other studies and discuss how artificial sunlight would be useful for the elderly as one of the environmental nursing practices

    The Origin and Contribution of Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts in Colorectal Carcinogenesis

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    Background & Aims: Cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) play an important role in colorectal cancer (CRC) progression and predict poor prognosis in CRC patients. However, the cellular origins of CAFs remain unknown, making it challenging to therapeutically target these cells. Here, we aimed to identify the origins and contribution of colorectal CAFs associated with poor prognosis. Methods: To elucidate CAF origins, we used a colitis-associated CRC mouse model in 5 different fate-mapping mouse lines with 5-bromodeoxyuridine dosing. RNA sequencing of fluorescence-activated cell sorting–purified CRC CAFs was performed to identify a potential therapeutic target in CAFs. To examine the prognostic significance of the stromal target, CRC patient RNA sequencing data and tissue microarray were used. CRC organoids were injected into the colons of knockout mice to assess the mechanism by which the stromal gene contributes to colorectal tumorigenesis. Results: Our lineage-tracing studies revealed that in CRC, many ACTA2+ CAFs emerge through proliferation from intestinal pericryptal leptin receptor (Lepr)+ cells. These Lepr-lineage CAFs, in turn, express melanoma cell adhesion molecule (MCAM), a CRC stroma-specific marker that we identified with the use of RNA sequencing. High MCAM expression induced by transforming growth factor β was inversely associated with patient survival in human CRC. In mice, stromal Mcam knockout attenuated orthotopically injected colorectal tumoroid growth and improved survival through decreased tumor-associated macrophage recruitment. Mechanistically, fibroblast MCAM interacted with interleukin-1 receptor 1 to augment nuclear factor κB–IL34/CCL8 signaling that promotes macrophage chemotaxis. Conclusions: In colorectal carcinogenesis, pericryptal Lepr-lineage cells proliferate to generate MCAM+ CAFs that shape the tumor-promoting immune microenvironment. Preventing the expansion/differentiation of Lepr-lineage CAFs or inhibiting MCAM activity could be effective therapeutic approaches for CRC

    国際バカロレア(IB)教育についての考察 : 各教員の専門・関心分野における教育との比較検討

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    研究ノート 聖隷クリストファー大学社会福祉学部こども教育福祉学科では、国際バカロレア教員認定資格(IBEC)のプログラムを2021 年9 月から開始する。それに伴い、IBEC の具体的な中身の検討を行うため、学科の各教員が専門や関心領域と関連づけて研究・研修を行って来た。そこから得た国際バカロレア教育に関する理解や考察について各執筆者が以下の内容についてまとめる。聖書・キリスト教的価値観と国際バカロレア、SDGs との関連、初等教育プログラムにおける算数、初等教育プログラムにおける理科、初等教育プログラムにおける言語、PYP における体育の重要性、初等教育プログラムにおける芸術、IB 教育の「学習者像」と教育要領「10 の姿」の比較。「PYP のつくり方:初等教育のための国際教育カリキュラム」を基に比較検討を行う


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    調査報告 聖隷クリストファー大学社会福祉学部こども教育福祉学科は、2019 年度より小学校教員養成課程を設置した。さらに新しい時代に求められる資質・能力を児童が身に付けられるよう大学の教育課程に「国際バカロレア(以下、IB)」関連の科目を置き、主体性や国際的な視点を持った全人教育を推進する教員養成を目指すことにした。 IB 教育は、知識や人格のバランスがとれた世界的に通用する人材を育成することを目的としている。この教育内容を理解するために、本学では研究会・講演会開催や国際バカロレア教育学会に参加することを年間通じて計画・実行してきた。本報告は、こうした研究会や学会を通して学習・考察した内容についてまとめていくものである。 そうすることで、IB 教育と本学の教育や授業との関係を整理し、IB に関する理解を教員全員で深め、本学科の教育の独自性や特色ある内容について検討・創造していく第一歩とするものである

    Barkhausen Noise Measurement System Using a Three-Pole Probe

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