143 research outputs found
The perception of women engineers in the construction industry in Palestine
The industrial and occupational distribution of women is such that women are concentrated predominately in a few occupations, mostly in the service sector, such as banking, finance, insurance, public administration, hotel, and catering. Men and women are equal in their capabilities in almost every respect, provided that women are given the same opportunities as men for training, employment, and promotion. There is a lack of research studies on women in the construction industry; therefore this field needs special consideration. The purpose of the current study is to find out working conditions of the Palestinian women civil and architect engineers in the construction industry in the Gaza Strip, Palestine. In addition, it attempts to examine their career prospects and to understand problems experienced by these women throughout their academic years as well as in their careers. Discrimination against women is still
Democratic prospects in Imperial Russia : the revolution of 1905 and the political stock market
This paper assesses the attitude of investors towards Democratic change by performing an event study using Russian government bonds. The Revolution of 1905 offers an ideal occasion as, alongside the related revolutionary events, it was accompanied by two opposing constitutional changes within a short period of time. This study contributes to the debate as to whether Imperial Russia could possibly have followed other Western European states, i.e. gradually adopting a democratic rule, or whether a revolution was inevitable as the writing of Soviet history suggests. Furthermore, the Russo-Japanese War is taken into consideration. The results are basically in line with the literature on the impact of wars on capital markets. Prices of two types of bonds on both the Saint Petersburg and the Berlin stock exchange are employed. As it turns out, investors in the East and West were largely consistent in their reactions
Perspektiven zur Umsetzung einer zielgruppengerechten Lehre an der Universität
An Universitäten bildet das Feld des Lehrens und Lernens einen zentralen Bereich, in dem die Heterogenität der Lehrenden und Studierenden aufeinandertrifft. In der ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Lehre wird der Vielfalt der Studierenden jedoch nur bedingt Rechnung getragen. Aus diesem Grund war es ein Anliegen des BMBF-Projektes "LeWI - Lehre, Wirksamkeit und Intervention", die Einstellungen der Lehrenden in Ingenieurwissenschaften herauszufinden, um hochschuldidaktische Interventionen zu entwickeln, mit denen die heterogenen Zielgruppen besser erreicht werden können. In diesem
Artikel sollen die Ziele, die Umsetzung und Ergebnisse des Projektes dargestellt werden.At universities, the field of teaching and learning is a central area where the heterogeneity of the teachers and students converges. In engineering studies, however, the diversity of students is only partially taken into account. For this reason, the BMBF project "LeWI - teaching and the effectiveness of interventions" aimed to evaluate the attitudes of teachers in engineering sciences in order to develop and implement interventions with which the heterogeneous target groups can be better reached. This article will present the goals, the implementation and results of the project
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