4 research outputs found

    Specific manifestation of enzymomycotic depletion of grain on crop losses

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    Background. Enzymomycotic depletion of grain leads to a significant decrease in the dry matter mass of the grain, as the intensity of respiration increases, protein substances break down, enzymes (in particular, α-amylase) pass from the adsorbed form to the water-soluble one, and their activity increases sharply. One of the consequences of this is the intensive amylolysis of starch, which means a significant deterioration in the technological indicators of the quality of grain and seeds. Materials and Methods. This study gives a thorough description of the process of enzymomycotic depletion of grain of soft winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), sowing rye (Secale cereale L.), winter triticale (Triticosecale Witt.) depending on abiotic factors and the sources of resistance to ear diseases 4, 8, 12 days after the onset of full ripeness in the conditions of the western forest-steppe of Ukraine (2019–2021). Research methods – general scientific, field, measurement and weight, mathematical and statistical. Results and Discussion. According to the obtained results, the dependence of enzymomycotic depletion of grain on abiotic factors was established. The development of ear diseases depended both on weather factors and on the ecological plasticity of the cultivar. The highest percentage of the distribution of ear sepsoria was observed on the 12th day after the onset of full ripeness: wheat – 3.3 %, rye – 2.4 %, triticale – 1.9 %, fusarium, respectively 2.4 %, 1.9 %, 1 %, 8 %. The loss of dry matter in the weight of 1000 grains depended on the ecotype of the cultivar and the duration of the grain stan­ding time 4, 8, and 12 days after full ripeness. Conclusion. The following cultivars were most resistant to EMDG: Oberih Myronivsky (wheat), Kobza (rye), Obrij Myronivsky (triticale); their base seed production profitability rates being 75.1 %, 116.6 %, and 146.8 %, respectively. The results of the study can be used in the selection of varieties of winter grain crops resistant to enzymomycotic grain depletion for the western forest-steppe and Polissya zones of Ukraine, where breeding work on these crops is not carried out and agricultural producers purchase seeds of new varieties from the originating institutions of the central forest-steppe to introduce them into production


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    The article is devoted to the biography of Yaroslav Yuriiovych Zaborovskyi, the outstanding scientist, researcher of the history of agrarian relations of Republican Rome, the Christian Church, pedagogue, professor of a number of higher educational institutions in Ivano-Frankivsk. The main milestones of his life and creative path in Lviv, Leningrad, Drohobych, Ivano-Frankivsk are reflected in the article. His personal contribution to the development of the historical faculty of Vasyl Stefanyk Pedagogical Institute in Ivano-Frankivsk (since 1992 – Precarpathian University, which received the national status in 2004) has been reproduced by the authors. His significant contribution to Ukrainian antiquity studies in the period of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, as well as the investigation of history of the Greek Catholic Church after its exit from the underground in 1989, and his personal ties with the episcopate of the structure restored from the underground are underlined in the paper. The authors emphasize the scientist’s merits in the work of the Ivano-Frankivsk Theological Seminary of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC), the exploration of biographies of the repressed clergy, a part of which, according to the results of scientific studies of the scientist, was beatified by Pope John Paul II in 2001. A considerable attention is focused on the disclosure of pedagogical activities of Yaroslav Yuriiovych Zabo­rovskyi, particularly in the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education. The article is supplemented by an exhaustive bibliography of works written at different times by the scientist, including five individual monographs. Keywords:  Yaroslav Yuriiovych Zaborovskyi, historical education, antiquity studies, history of the Church, university, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv, Leningrad.Стаття присвячена біографії видатного вченого, дослідника історії аграрних відносин Респуб­ліканського Риму, християнської Церкви, педагогові, викладачеві низки вищих навчальних закладів Івано-Франківська Ярослава Юрійовича Заборовського. Відображені головні віхи його життєвого і творчого шляху у Львові, Ленінграді, Дрогобичі, Івано-Франківську. Відтворено його особистий внесок у розвиток історичного факультету Івано-Франківського педагогічного інституту (із 1992 р. – Прикар­патського універ­ситету, що 2004 р. отримав статус національного) імені Василя Стефаника. Підкрес­люється його значний вклад в українське антикознавство за часів УРСР, дослідження історії Греко-Католицької Церк­ви після її виходу із підпілля 1989 р., особисті зв’язки із єпископатом відновленої з під­пілля струк­тури. Відзначено заслуги у роботі Івано-Франківської духовної семінарії УГКЦ, дослі­джен­ня біографій репресованого духівництва, частина якого, за результатами наукових студій вченого, була беатифі­кована папою Іоанном Павлом ІІ 2001 р. Значна увага зосереджена на розкритті педагогічної діяльності Я.Ю. Заборовського, зокрема в Івано-Франківському обласному інституті післядипломної педа­гогічної осві­ти. Статтю доповнює вичерпна бібліографія написаних у різний час праць ученого, зокрема п’яти одноосібних монографій. Ключові слова: Ярослав Юрійович Заборовський, історична освіта, антикознавство, історія Церкви, університет, Івано-Франківськ, Львів, Ленінград

    Formation of Seed Productivity and Sowing Qualities of Soft Winter Wheat Seeds Depending on the Levels of Mineral Nutrition of Plants in the Western Forest Steppe of Ukraine

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    Today, considerable attention is paid to the intensification of grain production, which depends on the accelerated introduction of highly productive varietal resources with the preservation of the properties of the variety in the process of further reproduction, the production of high-quality and competitive products for the sub-markets of pre-basic, basic, and certified seeds. Improved technologies for growing soft winter wheat should be based on the effective use of the soil and climatic conditions of the studied region, the biological, the genetic potential of varieties, technological innovations in agrotechnical methods of growing crops and the optimal use of material and technical resources. They should be effective for both the producer and the consumer of seed products. The purpose of the research was to determine the features of the formation of seed productivity and sowing qualities of soft winter wheat seeds, depending on the levels of mineral nutrition of plants in the Western Forest Steppe of Ukraine. The methodological basis consisted of general scientific and special research methods. Studies have established that with the low natural fertility of grey forest surface-gley soils of the Western Forest Steppe and considering climate change towards warming with a decrease in precipitation, the introduction of new more productive varieties of intensive type, complex forms of mineral fertilisers, microfertilisers, growth regulators into agricultural production, the questions of the nutrition system of soft winter wheat plants are insufficiently substantiated in this region. The research results presented in the article from 2019 to 2021 demonstrate the issues of the influence of the norm of application of mineral fertilisers with stage-by-stage feeding with nitrogen in different phases of organogenesis on the formation of indicators of seed productivity of varieties of the forest steppe ecological type of soft winter wheat. It was found that the rate of yield of conditioned seeds was the lowest in the control without fertilisers and grew by 16-20% for the application of mineral fertilisers. The seed yield varied from 1.58 t/ha in the control to 4.59 t/ha at the rate of N220P90K160S28, and the multiplication factor, respectively, from 6.3 to 19.8 units. According to this option, the total yield of the large and medium fractions was from 94.9 to 95.2%. A balanced complex of macroelements positively influenced the formation of indicators of sowing qualities of seeds, increasing the weight of 1000 seeds by 5.3-7.5 g, germination energy – from 4.8 to 8.4%, laboratory germination – from 13.6 to 14.4

    Efficiency of Microfertilizer Oracle Multicomplex in Corn Cultivation Technology

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    In recent years, the use of all types of fertilizers has sharply decreased, which negatively affected the state of the agroecosystem, its stability and constancy, therefore, it is extremely important to replenish nutrients, including microelements, to maintain the stability of yields. The increasing attention of scientists and industrialists deserves the question of the use of micronutrient fertilizers in the plant nutrition system, as an important element of the technology of growing crops. It is especially important to study the various forms, types and timing of their introduction. The article presents the research results for 2019-2021 according to the effect of microfertilizer Oracle multicomplex (1.5 l/ha) applied foliarly during the development phases of plants of the mid-early hybrid Orzhitsa 237 MB (VVSN 13-15, VVSN 16-18, VVSN 59) against the background of mineral nutrition – N150P90K90. It has been established that on gray forest surface-gley soils of the Western Forest-Steppe zone, a high grain yield of the mid-early corn hybrid (FAO 200-299) of the Orzhitsa 237 MV ripeness group was provided both by favorable weather conditions and by the influence of the Oracle multicomplex. Foliar application of the Oracle multicomplex microfertilizer in the phase BBCH 13-15 (3-5 leaves) increased the yield increase versus control (without micronutrient fertilization) by 0.82 t/ha, by meeting the needs of plants of this period in available forms of phosphorus, nitrogen, zinc, when panicle axes were laid on the tops of the shoots, and lateral apical meristems (future cobs) formed in the leaf axils. The highest yield by 1.19 t/ha was obtained with foliar application of micronutrient fertilizer in the phase of 6-8 leaves (VVSN 16-18). In this phase, panicle flowers, pollen grains in the stamens, the number of ears and grains in a row were laid, therefore, the content of S, Ca, Mg, Mn, Zn in the fertilizer positively influenced the formation of the reproductive organs of maize plants. Under the influence of micronutrient fertility introduced into the phase of full panic appearance (VVSN 59), blooming and pollution of maize effectively taken place, which ensured an increase in grain yield – 1.27 t/ha. The difference in this indicator between the VVSN 16-18 and VVSN 59 phases was unreliable (0.09 t/ha). Balanced nutrition of plants with macroelements (N150P90K90 with a gradual introduction of nitrogen) and micro – Mn, Cu, Zn, Fe, Co, S, Mo contributed to the formation of a 55-59 g higher weight of 1000 grains. The total yield of the coarse and medium grain fractions was 91.5-92.1%, the fine one decreased by 30.6