7 research outputs found

    Role Played by Investment in Ensuring the Development of Ukrainian Rural Areas as Tourist Destinations

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    Given the unsatisfactory state of rural areas development in Ukraine, tourism development becomes one of the promising ways to overcome the decline in rural areas, labor migration, and unemployment, and to increase employment among countrymen, as well as to restore and expand tourism infrastructure in rural areas, etc. However, to develop tourism in rural areas, investment should be increased by attracting new funds. The authors consider some theoretical and methodological aspects of the role played by investment to ensure that rural areas be developed as tourist destinations. The conceptual and terminological apparatus in the field of tourism has been improved, and the investment activity concept has been specified. Taking into account the fact that investment activity largely depends on both the way it is supposed to influence investment objects and on the intended goals of its implementation, the authors present a typology for investment activity forms depending on investment objects (innovation, capital construction, leasing, corporate investment), which can be implemented while ensuring the development of rural areas as tourist destinations. Based on the considered general characteristics of investment activity, its various features, available types and forms of implementation, the investment types helping to ensure the development of rural areas as tourist destinations have been classified according to the following features: income sources (and the corresponding form of ownership); investment objects; investment risk level; profitability level; level of social responsibility. Priority areas for attracting investment to develop tourism in rural areas are highlighted. Emphasis is placed on improving the tools used within the state regulation of investment activities, and the mechanism for attracting investment resources in order to develop rural touris

    Оцінювання рівня фінансової безпеки комерційних банків України (Evaluation of commercial banks financial security level in Ukraine)

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    У роботі систематизовано напрацювання науковців у галузі фінансової безпеки та запропоновано вдосконалений науково-методичний підхід до оцінювання рівня фінансової безпеки комерційних банків України, який ґрунтується на розрахунку інтегрального індексу з подальшим ранжуванням і групуванням банківських установ за рівнем фінансової безпеки. Цей підхід дозволяє оперативно, на основі найбільш суттєвих і доступних офіційних статистичних показників, виявити проблемні банки та своєчасно ухвалити регулятивні управлінські рішення щодо мінімізації дії негативних чинників і загроз та підвищити їхню фінансову стійкість і рівень безпеки банківського сектору країни загалом. (In the article, basing on the previous research, the scientific and methodological approaches have been improved in order to evaluate the financial security level of commercial banks in Ukraine. The evaluation of the integral index of commercial banks’ financial security is the core element of the proposed approach. The integral index is suggested to be calculated in accordance with the following sequence of stages: 1) the formation of indicators list; 2) determination of indicators’ characteristic values; 3) collection of statistical data for the calculation of indicators; 4) the indicators valuation; 5) the indicators’ weight determination; 6) integral index calculation. The article proposes a system of banks’ financial security indicators and their characteristic values constituting the structure of the integral index. Indicators were chosen in accordance with the principle of information availability, that is, the availability of statistical data for its calculation. To determine the weight of the indicators, the method of pairwise comparisons is proposed. The evaluated indicators are compared with each other in pairs and the results are entered into the matrix. To determine the banks’ financial security levels the universal scale of Harrington is proposed. On the basis of official statistics published on 01.01.2019 by the National Bank of Ukraine, integral financial security indexes of all commercial banks that have a license for banking activity are defined. According to the results of Ukrainian banks ranking and grouping, banks with a high, sufficient, average, low and critical level are distinguished by the value of the financial security integral index. Evaluation of the commercial banks financial security level is an important stage in terms of control functions of executive authorities, research institutes and other stakeholders. This issue is especially relevant in the context of the risk and instability in the financial sector of the Ukrainian economy. Taking into account the most significant and accessible official statistical indicators, this approach allows to identify problem banks and adopt necessary regulatory and managerial decisions to minimize the negative effects and threats. In this case financial stability and banking sector security level tend to be increased.

    Ocena efektywności gospodarczej projektu inwestycyjnego z uwzględnieniem ryzyka

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    The scientific and methodological approach is elaborated to evaluate the economic effectiveness of investment projects with risk consideration, which, unlike the existing ones, gives the opportunity to take into account the causal relationships between the main factors of risk and take them into account comprehensively when evaluating the economic effectiveness of investment projects depending on their specific character. The results are tested on the example of purchasing equipment for the limited liability company “Ukr-Polymer”.W artykule opracowano naukowe i metodologiczne podejście do oceny efektywności ekonomicznej projektów inwestycyjnych obarczonych ryzykiem, które, w przeciwieństwie do istniejących, daje możliwość uwzględnienia związków przyczynowych między głównymi czynnikami ryzyka oraz umożliwia ich kompleksową integrację przy ocenie efektywności ekonomicznej projektów inwestycyjnych w zależności od ich specyfiki. Wyniki są testowane na przykładzie zakupu sprzętu dla LLC „Ukr-Polymer”

    Macroeconomic indicators and CO2 emissions in the EU region

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    The anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere are one of the problems facing mankind on a global scale. Therefore, the governments of many countries are making efforts to reduce CO2 emissions through regulatory measures. Environmental pollution from CO2 emissions is not only an environmental problem, but also an economic one. Therefore, the authors focus on conducting a multi-econometric study of the impact of macroeconomic factors (gross domestic product, exports, imports, inflation, and unemployment) on CO2 emissions in the EU region. Systematization, empirical comparative analysis, and econometric modeling (determining the relationships between indicators) were the research methods applied in our research. The results, which were carried out based on statistical data for the period 1970-2020 in the EU, confirmed the existence of dependence of carbon dioxide emissions on macroeconomic indicators such as gross domestic product, exports, imports, inflation, and unemployment. To know whether to reduce or maintain allowable CO2 emissions, governments can use multivariate regression models to optimize, monitor, and forecast their macroeconomic indicators

    Formulation of Development Strategies for Regional Agricultural Resource Potential: The Ukrainian Case

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    The agricultural sector is one of the leading ones in the economy of many countries, as it creates the basis for their economic growth. Every region in every country has its own unique sphere of social reproduction due to different resource potential, i.e., fertile soils, favourable climatic conditions, etc. Under such conditions, it is irrelevant to choose a single development path for this sector. Given these facts, the study formulates development strategies for regional agricultural development of the country. In particular, we grouped regions into clusters according to the level of development of crop production and stockbreeding potential, as well as investment attractiveness. The method of cluster analysis was used to group regions by the level of capacity development, whilst the matrix method was used to formulate a matrix for choice of the strategy to improve the agricultural potential of regions. On the basis of the conducted analysis, the 3D matrix for the choice of investment strategy of the regional agricultural development of the country depending on the level of development of crop production and stockbreeding potential and investment attractiveness was constructed

    CO<sub>2</sub> Emissions and Macroeconomic Indicators: Analysis of the Most Polluted Regions in the World

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    There is no sector of the economy that is not dependent on the state of development of the energy sector. This sector produces a significant share of global CO2 emissions. Harmful CO2 emissions and greenhouse gas emissions accelerate global warming. Therefore, more and more countries are adopting a strategy for the transition to carbon-neutral energy. However, energy independence and economic competitiveness are closely linked. One cannot analyze them separately. Given these facts, we focused on conducting an econometric study of the impact of key macroeconomic indicators on the level of CO2 emissions into the air in the United States and the Asia-Pacific region as the regions with the largest CO2 emissions. The modeling was carried out using the method of a correlation–regression analysis with the subsequent construction of econometric models. The quality of the built econometric models was checked using the coefficient of determination and Fisher’s criterion. The sample of statistics was formed from all the available values of the World Bank’s annual indicators for the period 1970–2020. The findings achieved showed that: (i) The results of our study confirmed the dependence of CO2 emissions on macroeconomic factors such as GDP, exports and imports, the rate of inflation, and unemployment. It allows the governments of many countries to use research findings to diagnose, monitor, and forecast macroeconomic outcomes to reduce or maintain allowable CO2 emissions. (ii) Identifying and assessing economic losses from environmental pollution by CO2 emissions using econometric models will allow to ensure effective public environmental and economic policies aimed at reducing harmful CO2 emissions into the air. It may be regarded as the practical importance of our study

    CO2 Emissions and Macroeconomic Indicators: Analysis of the Most Polluted Regions in the World

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    There is no sector of the economy that is not dependent on the state of development of the energy sector. This sector produces a significant share of global CO2 emissions. Harmful CO2 emissions and greenhouse gas emissions accelerate global warming. Therefore, more and more countries are adopting a strategy for the transition to carbon-neutral energy. However, energy independence and economic competitiveness are closely linked. One cannot analyze them separately. Given these facts, we focused on conducting an econometric study of the impact of key macroeconomic indicators on the level of CO2 emissions into the air in the United States and the Asia-Pacific region as the regions with the largest CO2 emissions. The modeling was carried out using the method of a correlation&ndash;regression analysis with the subsequent construction of econometric models. The quality of the built econometric models was checked using the coefficient of determination and Fisher&rsquo;s criterion. The sample of statistics was formed from all the available values of the World Bank&rsquo;s annual indicators for the period 1970&ndash;2020. The findings achieved showed that: (i) The results of our study confirmed the dependence of CO2 emissions on macroeconomic factors such as GDP, exports and imports, the rate of inflation, and unemployment. It allows the governments of many countries to use research findings to diagnose, monitor, and forecast macroeconomic outcomes to reduce or maintain allowable CO2 emissions. (ii) Identifying and assessing economic losses from environmental pollution by CO2 emissions using econometric models will allow to ensure effective public environmental and economic policies aimed at reducing harmful CO2 emissions into the air. It may be regarded as the practical importance of our study