13 research outputs found

    Cloud technologies as a tool of creating Earth Remote Sensing educational resources

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    This article is dedicated to the Earth Remote Sensing (ERS), which the authors believe is a great way to teach geography and allows forming an idea of the actual geographic features and phenomena. One of the major problems that now constrains the active introduction of remote sensing data in the educational process is the low availability of training aerospace pictures, which meet didactic requirements. The article analyzes the main sources of ERS as a basis for educational resources formation with aerospace images: paper, various individual sources (personal stations receiving satellite information, drones, balloons, kites and balls) and Internet sources (mainstream sites, sites of scientific-technical organizations and distributors, interactive Internet geoservices, cloud platforms of geospatial analysis). The authors point out that their geospatial analysis platforms (Google Earth Engine, Land Viewer, EOS Platform, etc.), due to their unique features, are the basis for the creation of information thematic databases of ERS. The article presents an example of such a database, covering more than 800 aerospace images and dynamic models, which are combined according to such didactic principles as high information load and clarity.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure, 1 tabl

    Cloud ArcGIS Online as an innovative tool for developing geoinformation competence with future geography teachers

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    The article dwells upon the scientifically relevant problem of using cloud-based GIS-technologies when training future geography teachers (based on ArcGIS Online application). The authors outline the basic principles for implementing ArcGIS Online in the educational process (interdisciplinary integration, the sequence of individualization in training, communicability, distance education and regional studies), and provide an example of an interactive map created with the help of the specified cloud GIS, since this kind of map is the most popular a form of research by geography students. In the article it is noted that integration of ArcGIS Online into the educational process allows the teacher to follow a clear pedagogical strategy, taking into account possible variants of its use (demonstration, direct mastering of GIS in a computer class and independent work in an individual mode). Considering cloud GIS as a new stage in the development of geoinformational education, the authors emphasize their key benefits (round-the-clock access, work with GIS package in the cloud, the ability to use other maps as well as the creation of their own maps and webapplications) and disadvantages (monetization of services, underestimation of the GIS role in the curriculum of the higher school, the lack of Ukrainian content, etc.)

    Pedagogical techniques of Earth remote sensing data application into modern school practice

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    The article dwells upon the Earth remote sensing data as one of the basic directions of Geo-Information Science, a unique source of information on processes and phenomena occurring in almost all spheres of the Earth geographic shell (atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, etc.). The authors argue that the use of aerospace images by means of the information and communication technologies involvement in the learning process allows not only to increase the information context value of learning, but also contributes to the formation of students' cognitive interest in such disciplines as geography, biology, history, physics, computer science, etc. It has been grounded that remote sensing data form students' spatial, temporal and qualitative concepts, sensory support for the perception, knowledge and explanation of the specifics of objects and phenomena of geographical reality, which, in its turn, provides an increase in the level of educational achievements. The techniques of aerospace images application into the modern school practice have been analyzed and illustrated in the examples: from using them as visual aids, to realization of practical and research orientation of training on the basis of remote sensing data. Particular attention is paid to the practical component of the Earth remote sensing implementation into the modern school practice with the help of information and communication technologies

    Cloud ArcGIS Online як інноваційний засіб розвитку геоінформаційної компетентності майбутніх учителів географії

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    The article dwells upon the scientifically relevant problem of using cloud-based GIS-technologies when training future geography teachers (based on ArcGIS Online application). The authors outline the basic principles for implementing ArcGIS Online in the educational process (interdisciplinary integration, the sequence of individualization in training, communicability, distance education and regional studies), and provide an example of an interactive map created with the help of the specified cloud GIS, since this kind of map is the most popular a form of research by geography students. In the article it is noted that integration of ArcGIS Online into the educational process allows the teacher to follow a clear pedagogical strategy, taking into account possible variants of its use (demonstration, direct mastering of GIS in a computer class and independent work in an individual mode). Considering cloud GIS as a new stage in the development of geoinformational education, the authors emphasize their key benefits (round-the-clock access, work with GIS package in the cloud, the ability to use other maps as well as the creation of their own maps and web-applications) and disadvantages (monetization of services, underestimation of the GIS role in the curriculum of the higher school, the lack of Ukrainian content, etc.).У статті розглядається науково значуща проблема використання хмарних ГІС-технологій при підготовці майбутніх вчителів географії (на основі програми ArcGIS Online). Автори описують основні принципи реалізації ArcGIS Online в освітньому процесі (міждисциплінарна інтеграція, послідовність індивідуалізації в навчанні, комунікабельність, дистанційне навчання і регіональні дослідження) і наводять приклад інтерактивної карти, створеної за допомогою вказаного хмари. ГІС, оскільки цей вид карти є найбільш популярною формою дослідження серед студентів географії. У статті наголошується, що інтеграція ArcGIS Online в навчальний процес дозволяє вчителю дотримуватися чіткої педагогічної стратегії з урахуванням можливих варіантів її використання (демонстрація, безпосереднє освоєння ГІС в комп'ютерному класі і самостійна робота на особистості Режим). Розглядаючи хмарні ГІС як новий етап в розвитку геоінформаційного освіти, автори підкреслюють їх ключові переваги (цілодобовий доступ, робота з пакетом ГІС в хмарі, можливість використання інших карт, а також створення власних карти і веб-додатки) і недоліки (монетизація послуг, недооцінка ролі ГІС в навчальній програмі вищої школи, відсутність українського контенту та ін.)

    Географічні дані про харчовий раціон у світі

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    The research of a human food ration is caused by the great social significance in solving the problem of proper supply the population with food in the world countries. The food problem has a most evident geographic character. The world countries having at their disposal various agro-climatic conditions, demographic resources and population growth rates, socio-economic potential, specialization and labor productivity of agriculture production, are essentially distinguished by the food supply level of population and by structural characteristics of food ration. The formation particulars of the world countries population food ration were considered and characterized in the article. The key characteristics and factors of the world population’s food ration were analyzed there. The geographic differences of food ration, as well as the world countries typology by distinctive features of food consumption through their division into groups (nutrition types) according to the content and quantity of basic components in food ration were determined in it.Дослідження харчового раціону людини спричинене великим соціальним значенням у вирішенні проблеми належного забезпечення населення продуктами харчування у країнах світу. Продовольча проблема має найбільш очевидний географічний характер. Країни світу, що мають у своєму розпорядженні різні агрокліматичні умови, демографічні ресурси та темпи приросту населення, соціально-економічний потенціал, спеціалізацію та продуктивність праці сільськогосподарського виробництва, по суті відрізняються рівнем продовольчого забезпечення населення та структурними особливостями харчового раціону. . У статті розглянуто та охарактеризовано особливості формування харчового раціону населення країн світу. Тут проаналізовано основні характеристики та чинники харчового раціону населення планети. У ній були визначені географічні відмінності харчового раціону, а також типологія країн світу за відмітними ознаками споживання їжі через їх поділ на групи (типи харчування) відповідно до вмісту та кількості основних компонентів у харчовому раціоні

    Педагогічні прийоми застосування даних дистанційного зондування Землі в сучасній шкільній практиці

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    The article dwells upon the Earth remote sensing data as one of the basic directions of Geo-Information Science, a unique source of information on processes and phenomena occurring in almost all spheres of the Earth geographic shell (atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, etc.). The authors argue that the use of aerospace images by means of the information and communication technologies involvement in the learning process allows not only to increase the information context value of learning, but also contributes to the formation of students’ cognitive interest in such disciplines as geography, biology, history, physics, computer science, etc. It has been grounded that remote sensing data form students’ spatial, temporal and qualitative concepts, sensory support for the perception, knowledge and explanation of the specifics of objects and phenomena of geographical reality, which, in its turn, provides an increase in the level of educational achievements. The techniques of aerospace images application into the modern school practice have been analyzed and illustrated in the examples: from using them as visual aids, to realization of practical and research orientation of training on the basis of remote sensing data. Particular attention is paid to the practical component of the Earth remote sensing implementation into the modern school practice with the help of information and communication technologies.У статті розглядаються дані дистанційного зондування Землі як один з основних напрямків геоінформатики, унікальне джерело інформації про процеси та явища, що відбуваються практично в усіх сферах географічної оболонки Землі (атмосфера, гідросфера, літосфера і т. Д.). , Автори стверджують, що використання аерокосмічних зображень за допомогою залучення інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій в навчальний процес дозволяє не тільки підвищити інформаційну цінність навчання, а й сприяє формуванню у студентів пізнавального інтересу до таких дисциплін, як географія. біологія, історія, фізика, інформатика та ін. Обґрунтовано, що дані дистанційного зондування формують у учнів просторові, тимчасові і якісні поняття, сенсорну підтримку сприйняття, знання та пояснення специфіки об'єктів і явищ географічної реальності, що, в свою чергу, забезпечує підвищення рівня освітніх досягнень. Методи застосування аерокосмічних зображень в сучасній шкільній практиці були проаналізовані і проілюстровані на прикладах: від використання їх в якості наочних посібників до реалізації практичної і дослідницької спрямованості навчання на основі даних дистанційного зондування. Особливу увагу приділено практичній складовій впровадження дистанційного зондування Землі в сучасну шкільну практику за допомогою інформаційних і комунікаційних технологій

    Infrared spectroscopy as the method for evaluating technological properties of minerals and their behavior in technological processes

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    Infrared spectroscopy (IR) is a highly effective method for the analysis of minerals, rocks and ores, capable of solving a whole range of problems when choosing innovative solutions for the technological processing of various types of mineral raw materials. The article considers the main directions of using the infrared spectroscopy method in assessing the technological properties of minerals and their behavior in technological processes: evaluation of the grade (quality) of mineral raw materials; analysis of the behavior of minerals in the technological process with prediction of their technological properties; analysis of changes in the structure and properties of minerals in technological processes; operational analysis of mineral substances at various stages of technological processing. The article illustrates all aspects of the use of infrared spectroscopy at various stages of studying the material composition of mineral raw materials in its enrichment assessment by specific examples of solving problems arising from the technological redistribution of various types of ore and non-metallic minerals

    Pedagogical possibilities of tourist and local history activities

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    In the new socio-economic conditions in the education system, forms of organization of tourist and local history activities are developing, which are based on traditions, experience of extracurricular and extracurricular work, taking into account the changes that have occurred in the country. Life requires that the tasks facing educational institutions are resolved quickly and have not just any solution, but one that optimizes the pedagogical process. At the same time, these requirements come into conflict with the state of the education system, the limited ability of most parents to create conditions for the full development of the child. The tasks facing the education system can be implemented in tourism and local history activities. The main task is to create the necessary conditions for the comprehensive development of the child’s personality, his social adaptation in the process of participation in various types of tourist and local history activities. However, the school teacher is not ready to organize and conduct tourist and local history activities at school, as he is not professionally prepared for this activity. Questions of the organization, forms and methods of teacher training for the organization of tourist and local history activities are practically not reflected in the educational and methodological literature. There are no scientific studies that would allow us to effectively solve the pedagogical tasks of preparing the organizers of tourist and local history activities in the school

    Geographic particulars of the world’s population food ration

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    The research of a human food ration is caused by the great social significance in solving the problem of proper supply the population with food in the world countries. The food problem has a most evident geographic character. The world countries having at their disposal various agro-climatic conditions, demographic resources and population growth rates, socio-economic potential, specialization and labor productivity of agriculture production, are essentially distinguished by the food supply level of population and by structural characteristics of food ration. The formation particulars of the world countries population food ration were considered and characterized in the article. The key characteristics and factors of the world population’s food ration were analyzed there. The geographic differences of food ration, as well as the world countries typology by distinctive features of food consumption through their division into groups (nutrition types) according to the content and quantity of basic components in food ration were determined in it

    Cloud ArcGIS Online as an innovative tool for developing geoinformation competence with future geography teachers

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    The article dwells upon the scientifically relevant problem of using cloud-based GIS-technologies when training future geography teachers (based on ArcGIS Online application). The authors outline the basic principles for implementing ArcGIS Online in the educational process (interdisciplinary integration, the sequence of individualization in training, communicability, distance education and regional studies), and provide an example of an interactive map created with the help of the specified cloud GIS, since this kind of map is the most popular a form of research by geography students. In the article it is noted that integration of ArcGIS Online into the educational process allows the teacher to follow a clear pedagogical strategy, taking into account possible variants of its use (demonstration, direct mastering of GIS in a computer class and independent work in an individual mode). Considering cloud GIS as a new stage in the development of geoinformational education, the authors emphasize their key benefits (round-the-clock access, work with GIS package in the cloud, the ability to use other maps as well as the creation of their own maps and web-applications) and disadvantages (monetization of services, underestimation of the GIS role in the curriculum of the higher school, the lack of Ukrainian content, etc.)