394 research outputs found

    A low-temperature dynamic mode scanning force microscope operating in high magnetic fields

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    A scanning force microscope was implemented operating at temperatures below 4.2K and in magnetic fields up to 8T. Piezoelectric quartz tuning forks were employed for non optical tip-sample distance control in the dynamic operation mode. Fast response was achieved by using a phase-locked loop for driving the mechanical oscillator. Possible applications of this setup for various scanning probe techniques are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, submitted to "Review of Scientific Instruments

    Time-resolved charge detection in graphene quantum dots

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    We present real-time detection measurements of electron tunneling in a graphene quantum dot. By counting single electron charging events on the dot, the tunneling process in a graphene constriction and the role of localized states are studied in detail. In the regime of low charge detector bias we see only a single time-dependent process in the tunneling rate which can be modeled using a Fermi-broadened energy distribution of the carriers in the lead. We find a non-monotonic gate dependence of the tunneling coupling attributed to the formation of localized states in the constriction. Increasing the detector bias above 2 mV results in an increase of the dot-lead transition rate related to back-action of the charge detector current on the dot.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Charge Detection in Graphene Quantum Dots

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    We report measurements on a graphene quantum dot with an integrated graphene charge detector. The quantum dot device consists of a graphene island (diameter approx. 200 nm) connected to source and drain contacts via two narrow graphene constrictions. From Coulomb diamond measurements a charging energy of 4.3 meV is extracted. The charge detector is based on a 45 nm wide graphene nanoribbon placed approx. 60 nm from the island. We show that resonances in the nanoribbon can be used to detect individual charging events on the quantum dot. The charging induced potential change on the quantum dot causes a step-like change of the current in the charge detector. The relative change of the current ranges from 10% up to 60% for detecting individual charging events.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Imaging Localized States in Graphene Nanostructures

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    Probing techniques with spatial resolution have the potential to lead to a better understanding of the microscopic physical processes and to novel routes for manipulating nanostructures. We present scanning-gate images of a graphene quantum dot which is coupled to source and drain via two constrictions. We image and locate conductance resonances of the quantum dot in the Coulomb-blockade regime as well as resonances of localized states in the constrictions in real space.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure

    High-frequency gate manipulation of a bilayer graphene quantum dot

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    We report transport data obtained for a double-gated bilayer graphene quantum dot. In Coulomb blockade measurements, the gate dielectric Cytop(TM) is found to provide remarkable electronic stability even at cryogenic temperatures. Moreover, we demonstrate gate manipulation with square shaped voltage pulses at frequencies up to 100 MHz and show that the signal amplitude is not affected by the presence of the capacitively coupled back gate

    Spin States in Graphene Quantum Dots

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    We investigate ground and excited state transport through small (d = 70 nm) graphene quantum dots. The successive spin filling of orbital states is detected by measuring the ground state energy as a function of a magnetic field. For a magnetic field in-plane of the quantum dot the Zemann splitting of spin states is measured. The results are compatible with a g-factor of 2 and we detect a spin-filling sequence for a series of states which is reasonable given the strength of exchange interaction effects expected for graphene

    Electron-Hole Crossover in Graphene Quantum Dots

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    We investigate the addition spectrum of a graphene quantum dot in the vicinity of the electron-hole crossover as a function of perpendicular magnetic field. Coulomb blockade resonances of the 50 nm wide dot are visible at all gate voltages across the transport gap ranging from hole to electron transport. The magnetic field dependence of more than 50 states displays the unique complex evolution of the diamagnetic spectrum of a graphene dot from the low-field regime to the Landau regime with the n=0 Landau level situated in the center of the transport gap marking the electron-hole crossover. The average peak spacing in the energy region around the crossover decreases with increasing magnetic field. In the vicinity of the charge neutrality point we observe a well resolved and rich excited state spectrum.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Characterization of a microwave frequency resonator via a nearby quantum dot

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    We present measurements of a hybrid system consisting of a microwave transmission-line resonator and a lateral quantum dot defined on a GaAs heterostructure. The two subsystems are separately characterized and their interaction is studied by monitoring the electrical conductance through the quantum dot. The presence of a strong microwave field in the resonator is found to reduce the resonant conductance through the quantum dot, and is attributed to electron heating and modulation of the dot potential. We use this interaction to demonstrate a measurement of the resonator transmission spectrum using the quantum dot.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    Quantum dot admittance probed at microwave frequencies with an on-chip resonator

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    We present microwave frequency measurements of the dynamic admittance of a quantum dot tunnel coupled to a two-dimensional electron gas. The measurements are made via a high-quality 6.75 GHz on-chip resonator capacitively coupled to the dot. The resonator frequency is found to shift both down and up close to conductance resonance of the dot corresponding to a change of sign of the reactance of the system from capacitive to inductive. The observations are consistent with a scattering matrix model. The sign of the reactance depends on the detuning of the dot from conductance resonance and on the magnitude of the tunnel rate to the lead with respect to the resonator frequency. Inductive response is observed on a conductance resonance, when tunnel coupling and temperature are sufficiently small compared to the resonator frequency.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure
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