165 research outputs found

    Efekat intenzivnih svetlosnih pulseva na senzorni kvalitet mesa, divljači i živine

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    Intense light pulses (ILP) are an emerging processing technology, which has a potential to decontaminate food products. The light generated by ILP lamps consists of a continuum broadband spectrum from deep UV to the infrared, especially rich in UV range below 400 nm, which is germicidal. Evaluation of the effect of intense light pulses (ILP) on sensory quality of meat, game and poultry was performed using two kinds of red meat (beef and pork), two kinds of poultry (chicken and turkey) and three game meat samples (deer, rabbit and kangaroo). All the samples were treated with 1 and 5 light pulses (pulse duration of 300 μs and pulse intensity of 3.4 J/cm2) at a rate of one pulse per 2 seconds. Sensory quality changes induced by intense light pulses were different and depended on animal species, type of meat and ILP dose applied. Only the odour of all the meat, poultry and game samples suffered significant changes after the pulsed light treatment. Of all kinds of meat investigated only turkey received scores below the good quality grade after the treatment. Instrumental colour values remained unaffected in chicken and rabbit meat samples while higher doses of ILP significantly compromised both redness and yellowness only in pork and turkey meat.Ispitivanje efekata dekontaminacione tehnike intenzivnih svetlosnih pulseva na senzorni kvalitet i boju mesa obavljeno je na dve vrste crvenih (govedina i svinjetina), na dve vrste mesa (piletine i ćuretina) i na tri vrste mesa divljači (jelen, zec i kengur). Sve vrste uzoraka tretirane su sa 1 i 5 svetlosnih pulseva (dužina trajanja pulsa 300 μs uz intenzitet pojedinačnog pulsa od 3.4 J/cm2) učestalošću od 1 pulsa svake dve sekunde. Senzorni kvalitet mesa varirao je u odnosu na vrstu mesa i jačinu primenjenog tretmana. Miris je jedini senzorni atribut koji je kod svih vrsta ispitivanog mesa pretrpeo značajne promene nakon primenjenog tretmana. Samo je ćureće meso ocenjeno kao 'ispod prosečnog kvaliteta' nakon promena pretrpljenih dejstvom svetlosnih pulseva. Instrumentalne vrednosti boje ostale su nepromenjene kod piletine i zečijeg mesa dok je jači primenjeni tretman značajno izmenio vrednosti udela crvene i žute boje samo kod svinjskog i ćurećeg mesa

    Uticaj intezivnih svetlosnih pulseva na senzorni kvalitet proizvoda od mesa

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    Intense light pulses (ILP) is a promising non-thermal preservation technology. Few data are reported about the impact of the treatment on sensory quality of meat and meat products. Evaluation of the impact of ILP on sensory quality of meat products was performed using five different types of meat products: cooked ham, Parisian sausage, Parma ham, fermented sausage and bacon. All the samples were treated with 1 and 5 light pulses (pulse duration of 300 μs and pulse intensity of 3.4 J/cm2) at a rate of one pulse per 2 seconds. Changes in the sensory quality induced by intense light pulses were different and depended on type of meat product and ILP dose applied. The results for cooked meat products are not promising because ILP significantly deteriorated their sensory quality. Dry-cured meat product, Parma ham and bacon, showed greater sensory resistance to the impact of ILP than examined cooked meat products. Fermented sausage was least affected by ILP of all the meat products investigated. Pulsed light lightened cooked ham after the higher treatment was applied while the lightness of Parisian sausage remained unaffected by the treatment. The a* value significantly decreased only after the 5-pulses treatment in Parma ham, fermented sausage and bacon while the b* value changed significantly (increased) only in bacon.Ispitivan je uticaj intenzivnih svetlosnih pulseva (ISP) na senzorni kvalitet proizvoda od mesa koristeći pet različitih tipova proizvoda od mesa: kuvane šunke, pariske kobasice, Parma šunke, fermentisane kobasice i slanine. Svi uzorci tretirani su sa 1 i 5 svetlosnih pulseva (dužina trajanja pulsa 300 μs i intenzitet pulsa 3,4 J/cm2) u interval od jednog pulsa na svake 2 sekunde. Promene senzornog kvaliteta nastale dejstvom intenzivnih svetlosnih pulseva su se razlikovale i bile su zavisne od vrste proizvoda od mesa i jačine primenjenog tretmana. Rezultati vezani za barene proizvode od mesa nisu obećavajući s obzirom da je ISP značajno umanjio njihov senzorni kvalitet. Suvi salamureni proizvodi od mesa, Parma šunka i slanina, pokazali su veću senzornu postojanost na dejstvo ISP u odnosu na barene proizvode od mesa. Fermentisana kobasica je pretrpela najmanje senzorne promene od svih ispitivanih proizvoda od mesa. IPS je posvetleo kuvanu šunku nakon primene jačeg tretmana dok je svetloća pariske kobasice ostala nepromenjena. Vrednost a* značajno je opala tek nakon dejstva 5 pulseva kod Parma šunke, fermentisane kobasice i slanine dok je b* vrednost značajno promenjena (porasla) samo kod slanine

    Environmental footprints in the meat chain

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    The objective of this paper was to present environmental performance of the meat chain and highlight main environmental footprints. The meat sector is recognized as one of the leading polluting sectors in the food industry. The meat chain was analyzed from a five-link perspective introducing the following actors: farm(er)s, slaughterhouses, meat processors, customers and consumers. Meat production needs natural resources (water and energy) resulting in waste and waste water discharge. As an outcome it has a high influence on climate change in respect to global warming, acidification and eutrophication potentials and ozone depletion substances

    Safety in Serbian animal source food industry and the impact of hazard analysis and critical control points: A review

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    There is a significant lack of HACCP-educated and/or HACCP-highly trained personnel within the Serbian animal source food workforces and veterinary inspectors, and this can present problems, particularly in hazard identification and assessment activities. However, despite obvious difficulties, HACCP benefits to the Serbian dairy industry are widespread and significant. Improving prerequisite programmes on the farms, mainly through infrastructural investments in milk collectors and transportation vehicles on one hand, and increasing hygiene awareness of farmers through training on the other hand has improved the safety of milk. The decline in bacterial numbers on meat contact surfaces, meat handlers' hands and cooling facilities presents strong evidence of improved process hygiene and justifies the adoption of HACCP in Serbian meat establishments. Apart from the absence of national food poisoning statistics or national foodborne disease databases, the main obstacle to fully recognising the impact of HACCP on the safety of animal source food in Serbia is the lack of research regarding the occurrence of chemical and/or physical hazards interrelated with its production

    A comparison between Warner-Bratzler shear force measurement and texture profile analysis of meat and meat products: a review

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    Texture is one of the most important characteristics of meat and we can explain it as the human physiological-psychological awareness of a number of rheological and other properties of foods and their relations. In this paper, we discuss instrumental measurement of texture by Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBSF) and texture profile analysis (TPA). The conditions for using the device are detailed in WBSF measurements, and the influence of different parameters on the execution of the method and final results are shown. After that, the main disadvantages are reflected in the non-standardized method. Also, we introduce basic texture parameters which connect and separate TPA and WBSF methods and mention contemporary methods with their main advantage

    El efecto de la luz pulsada intensa sobre la calidad sensorial de los mariscos

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    Ovo istraživanje predstavlja sistematsko ispitivanje učinka pulsirajućeg svjetla velike snage (engl. Intense Light Pulse, IPL) na senzorsku kakvoću plodova mora. Četiri vrste morskih organizama (tuna, losos, iverak i rakovi) izložili smo utjecaju od 1 do 5 svjetlosnih impulsa (impuls trajanja 300 μs i snage 3,4 J/cm2) s učestalosti od jednog impulsa svake 2 sekunde. Bez obzira na primijenjeni postupak izloženosti pulsirajućem svjetlu velike snage, svi su uzorci morskih organizama ocijenjeni kao vrlo prihvatljivi, s ukupnom vrijednosti ocjene jednakoj ili većoj od 4,6. Miris se pokazao senzorskom značajkom najpodložnijom utjecaju pulsirajućeg svjetla velike snage. Pulsirajuće svjetlo umanjilo je L* vrijednosti tune tek nakon izloženosti veće snage (17 J/cm2), a vrijednosti a* i b* nisu se značajnije razlikovale od vrijednosti kontrolnih uzoraka. Izloženost utjecaju manje količine pulsirajućeg svjetla (3,4 J/cm2) u našem istraživanju uopće nije imala učinka na vrijednosti boje tune. Uzorci lososa prikazivali su značajno niže L* vrijednosti neposredno po izloženosti manjoj količini svjetla, dok su a* i b * vrijednosti ostale nepromijenjene čak i nakon izloženosti pulsirajućem svjetlu velike snage. Uzorci mesa iverka i rakova pokazali su da je, u odnosu na stupanj crvenila i svjetloće, kod iverka i rakova stupanj žutoće podložniji utjecaju pulsirajućeg svjetla velike snage. Istraživanje je pokazalo da pulsirajuće svjetlo velike snage može utjecati na boju plodova mora, no ne u mjeri u kojoj bi isto značajnije utjecalo na ukupne rezultate senzorske procjene.The study represents systematical evaluation of the intense light pulses (ILP) on sensory quality of seafood. Four seafood species (tuna, salmon, flounder and crab) were treated with 1 and 5 light pulses (pulse duration of 300 μs and pulse intensity of 3.4 J/cm2) at a rate of one pulse per 2 seconds. All the seafood samples were assessed as very acceptable, with the total score value equal or greater than 4.6 regardless of the ILP treatment applied. The most sensitive sensory attribute to the ILP treatment was odor. Pulsed light decreased L* values in tuna but only after the higher treatment (17 J/cm2) was applied while a* and b* values were not significantly different to the control samples. The lower dose of pulsed light (3.4 J/cm2) had no effect on the color values of tuna in our study. The salmon samples exhibited significantly lower L* values even after the lower dose was applied while a* and b* values remained unaffected by the ILP treatment. Flounder and crab meat samples revealed that its yellowness was more sensitive to ILP compared to lightness and redness. Study revealed that ILP can affect the color of seafood but not to the extent of significantly disturbing total sensory scores.Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit einer systematischen Untersuchung der Auswirkung des intensiv pulsierenden Lichts (engl. Intense Light Pulse, IPL) auf die sensorische Qualität von Meeresfrüchten. Vier Meeresorganismen (Thunfisch, Lachs, Flunder und Krebse) wurden der Auswirkung von 1 bis 5 Lichtimpulsen (Impuls in Dauer von 300 μs, mit einer Leistung von 3,4 J/cm2) mit einer Frequenz von einem Impuls je 2 Sekunden ausgesetzt. Trotz der Einwirkung des intensiv pulsierenden Lichts wurden alle Meeresorganismenproben als sehr akzeptabel beurteilt, mit einer Gesamtnote von 4,6 oder mehr. Der Geruch erwies sich dabei als die sensorische Eigenschaft, die dem intensiv pulsierenden Licht am meisten ausgesetzt ist. Das pulsierende Licht konnte den L* Wert von Thunfisch erst nach einer intensiven Wirkung des Lichts (17 J/cm2) herabsetzen, während bei den Werten a* und b* keine bedeutenden Abweichungen im Vergleich zu den Kontrollproben festgestellt wurden. Die Wirkung einer geringeren Menge des pulsierenden Lichts (3,4 J/cm2) wirkte sich in unserer Untersuchung auf den Farbwert von Thunfisch überhaupt nicht aus. Bei den Lachsproben zeigten sich unmittelbar nach Wirkung einer geringeren Menge von Licht bedeutend Eniedrigere L* Werte, während die a* und b *Werte sogar nach der Einwirkung eines intensiv pulsierenden Lichts unverändert blieben. Die Fleischproben von Flunder und Krebsen zeigten, im Vergleich zum Grad der Röte und Helligkeit, dass der Grad der Gelbfärbung beim Flunder und den Krebsen unter einem größeren Einfluss des intensiv pulsierenden Lichts steht. Die Untersuchungen haben gezeigt, dass sich das intensiv pulsierende Licht auf die Farbe von Meeresfrüchten auswirken kann, nicht aber in dem Umfang, in dem es die Gesamtergebnisse der sensorischen Bewertung bedeutend beeinflussen würde.Questa ricerca presenta i risultati dell’esame sistematico degli effetti della luce pulsata ad alta intensità (in inglese: Intense Light Pulse, IPL) sulla qualità sensoriale dei frutti di mare. Quattro specie di organismi marini (tonno, salmone, passera pianuzza e crostacei) sono state esposte all’impatto degli impulsi luminosi (da 1 a 5) con una durata di 300 μs, un’intensità di 3,4 J/cm2 e una frequenza di un impulso ogni 2 secondi. A prescindere dal procedimento adottato di esposizione alla luce pulsata ad alta intensità, tutti i campioni degli organismi marini sono stati valutati come altamente accettabili, con valutazione complessiva pari o superiore a 4,6. L’odore s’è dimostrato la caratteristica sensoriale più sensibile all’impatto della luce pulsata ad alta intensità. La luce pulsata ha ridotto il valore L* del tonno soltanto dopo la sua esposizione a una maggiore intensità (17 J/cm2), mentre i valori a* e b* non hanno mostrato sensibili differenze rispetto ai campioni di riferimento. L’esposizione all’impatto di minori quantità di luce pulsata (3,4 J/cm2) nella nostra ricerca non ha avuto alcun effetto sul valore del colore del tonno. I campioni di salmone hanno mostrato valori L* sensibilmente inferiori subito dopo l’esposizione a una minore quantità di luce, mentre i valori a* e b* sono rimasti invariati anche dopo l’esposizione alla luce pulsata ad alta intensità. Circa il grado di rossore e luminosità, i campioni di carne della passera pianuzza e dei crostacei esaminati hanno dimostrato che il grado di “giallosità” è il più sensibile all’impatto della luce pulsata ad alta intensità. La ricerca ha, inoltre, dimostrato che la luce pulsata ad alta intensità può incidere sul colore dei frutti di mare, ma non in misura tale da incidere sensibilmente sui risultati complessivi della valutazione sensoriale.Esta investigación representa una prueba sistematizada del efecto de la luz pulsada intensa (ing. Intense Light Pulse, IPL) sobre la calidad sensorial de los mariscos. Cuatro especias de organismos marinos (atún, salmón, platija europea y cangrejos) expusimos a la influencia de 1 a 5 pulsos de luz (pulsos de duración de 300 μs y potencia 3,4 J/cm2) con la frecuencia de un pulso cada 2 segundos. Independientemente del aplicado método de la exposición a la luz pulsada intensa, todas las muestras de los oganismos marinos fueron calificados como aceptables, con los valores de la calificación en total igual a o más alta que 4,6. El olor se mostró como la característica sensorial más sujeta a la influencia de la luz pulsada intensa. La luz pulsada intensa redujo las valores L* del atún apenas después de la exposición a la potencia más alta (17 J/cm2), y los valores a* i b* no difirieron significativamente de las muestras de control. La exposición a la potencia más baja de la luz pulsada intensa (3,4 J/cm2) en nuestra investigación no tuvo influencia en absoluto sobre las valores del color del atún. Las muestras del salmón mostraron los valores L* significativamente más bajas directamente después de la exposición a menor cantidad de luz, mientras las valores a* i b * quedaron sin alterar incluso después de la exposición a la luz pulsada intensa. Las muestras de la platija europea y de los cangrejos mostraron que, con respecto al grado de la rojez y de la luminosidad, en la platija europea y en los cangrejos el grado del amarillez fue más sujeto a la influencia de la luz pulsada intensa. La investigación mostró que la luz pulsada intensa puede influenciar sobre el color de los mariscos, pero no mostró en que parte lo mencionalo podría afectar los resultados de la evaluación sensorial

    Modelovanje oralnog procesiranja čvrste hrane korišćenjem metoda Quality Function Deployment

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    This paper shows a model for food oral processing using quality function deployment. Modelling consists of two phases. In the first phase, authors constructed a generic flow chart of solid foods oral processing, based on which five oral processing quality demands were derived. These five characteristics were inputs in the second phase where a house of quality has been constructed translating oral processing characteristics into useful information for research and development of solid food. As a conclusion, authors suggest methods to validate this model with the aid of a qualified sensory panel and results of a consumers' survey. When validated, this method can be of interest in the product development process, especially for developing special purpose products such as food for denture wearers, food for healthy aging or food for sportsmen.U ovom radu prikazan je model oralnog procesiranja primenom metoda planiranja kvaliteta usmerenog ka potrebama kupaca (QFD - Quality Function Deployment). Modelovanje se sastojalo iz dve faze. U okviru prve faze, autori su predstavili uopšteni dijagram toka oralnog procesiranja čvrste hrane. Na osnovu njega, izvedeno je pet zahteva za kvalitetom. Ovih pet karakteristika predstavljaju ulaze u drugu fazu koju čini kuća kvaliteta koja je konstruisana kako bi se prevele karakteristike oralnog procesiranja u informacije koje bi mogle biti od koristi pri istraživanju i razvoju čvrste hrane. Kao zaključak, autori predlažu metode za validaciju ovog modela uz pomoć kvalifikovanog senzornog panela i istraživanja stavova potrošača. Kada se validira, ova metoda može biti korišćena i u procesu razvoja novog proizvoda, posebno za razvoj proizvoda posebne namene kao što su hrana za nosioce proteza, hrana za zdravo starenje ili hrana za sportiste

    How do food safety tools support the animal origin food supply chain?

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    This study gives on overview of food safety tools that have been developed recently through the perspective of the animal origin food supply chain. It introduced some expected food safety legal issues, new technological outbreaks, food safety culture outlined in latest versions of food safety management system standards and tools applicable for the entire supply chains. Finally, the paper briefly shows some incentives associated with food safety and Covid-19 as well as the role of UN Sustainable Development Goals in animal origin food

    Cómo mejorar la cadena de carne: revisión de los criterios

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    Ovaj rad daje pregled postojećih metodologija koje se primjenjuju za procjenu lanca mesa. Ovisno o ulozi proizvođača u samom lancu, vrsti procjene i kriterijima ocjenjivanja, autori su analizirali različite sustave i postupke usmjerene poboljšanju sigurnosti hrane i značajki kvalitete u proizvodnji mesa. Uloga pojedine tvrtke mesne industrije u lancu mesa utječe na provođenje očekivanih kriterija za sigurnost i/ili kvalitetu hrane. Autori su identificirali razne međunarodne norme koje se odnose na navedene zahtjeve i procijenili ih primjenom akreditiranih i neakreditiranih programa. Ovisno o vrsti audita (prve, druge i treće strane), autori su istraživali glavne sudionike i njihovu ulogu u procesu procjene. Naposljetku, autori su analizirali zakonske zahtjeve i metodologiju za procjenu pravne usklađenosti, koji se odnose na sigurnost mesnih proizvoda.This paper gives an overview of present methodologies in assessing the meat chain. Depending on the role in the meat chain, types of assessments and assessment criteria, authors analyzed various schemes and practices that are focused on improving food safety and quality aspects of meat production. Role of the meat company in the meat chain influences food safety and / or quality criteria that are expected to be implemented. Regarding these requirements, authors recognized various international standards, assessed through accredited and unaccredited schemes. Depending on the type of audits (first, second and third party) authors explored the main participants and their role in the assessment process. Finally, authors analyzed legal requirements and methodologies for assessing legal compliance focused on safety of meat products.Diese Arbeit gibt eine Übersicht über die Methodologien, die bei der Bewertung der Fleischkette zur Anwendung kommen. In Abhängigkeit von der Fleischkette, der Art der Bewertung und den Bewertungskriterien haben die Verfasser diverse Systeme und Verfahren zur Steigerung der Lebensmittelqualität und der Qualitätsmerkmale in der Fleischproduktion ausgewertet. Die Rolle einzelner Fleischbetriebe in der Fleischkette wirkt sich auf die Umsetzung der erwarteten Kriterien der Lebensmittelsicherheit und/oder deren Qualität aus. Die Verfasser haben verschiedene internationale Normen identifiziert, die sich auf die genannten Kriterien beziehen; diese Normen wurden anhand von akkreditierten und nicht akkreditierten Programmen bewertet. Abhängig vom Typ des Audits (internes Audit, Lieferantenaudit und Zertifizierungsaudit) haben die Verfasser die Hauptakteure und ihre Rolle im Bewertungsverfahren untersucht. Schließlich haben die Verfasser die gesetzlichen Anforderungen und die Methodologie für die Beurteilung der rechtlichen Konformität ausgewertet, die die Sicherheit von Fleischprodukten betreffen.Il presente studio offre un quadro delle metodologie applicate alla valutazione della filiera della carne. In base al ruolo nella filiera della carne, al tipo di valutazione e ai criteri di valutazione, gli autori hanno analizzato differenti sistemi e procedimenti diretti al miglioramento della sicurezza della carne e delle caratteristiche qualitative nella produzione della carne. Il ruolo di singole aziende dell’industria della carne nella filiera della carne incide sull’attuazione dei criteri attesi per la sicurezza e/o la qualità alimentare. Gli autori hanno identificato differenti norme internazionali che si riferiscono ai suddetti requisiti, valutandoli con l’applicazione dei programmi accreditati e non accreditati. A seconda del tipo di audit (di prima, seconda o terza parte), gli autori hanno analizzato i principali attori ed il loro ruolo nel processo valutativo. Infine, gli autori hanno anche analizzato i requisiti di legge e la metodologia per la valutazione della compliance normativa che si riferisce alla sicurezza dei prodotti a base di carne.Este estudio da la revisión de la metodología aplicada para la evaluación de la cadena de carne. Los autores analizaron diferentes sistemas y procedimientos dirigidos a la mejora de la seguridad de los alimentos y a las características de calidad en la producción de carne, dependiendo tanto de la función en la cadena de carne como del tipo y de los criterios de la evaluación. La función de cada empresa en la industría cárnica en la cadena de carne influye sobre la realización de los criterios esperados de la seguridad y/o sobre la calidad de los alimentos. Los autores identificaron varias normas internacionales que son relativas a las demandas mencionadas e hicieron la evaluación aplicando los programas acreditados y no acreditados. Dependiendo del tipo de la auditoria (primeros, segundos y terceros), los autores investigaron los participantes principales y sus funciones en el proceso de la evaluación. Finalmente, los autores analizaron los requisitos legales y la metodología para la evaluación del cumplimiento legal, relativos a la seguridad de los productos cárnicos

    Are egg classes enough, or do we need an egg quality index?

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    This research on eggs from one of the largest producers on the Serbian market shows variations in the most important internal and external quality characteristics in relation to freshness (expressed in Haugh Units (HUs)) and weight class (S, M, L, XL). In parallel, sensory evaluation was conducted (for the two most common culinary methods of preparation) in order to determine whether consumers notice differences in quality when consuming scrambled eggs and how panellists perceive boiled eggs. Knowing that HUs are a scientific-based quality dimension, as opposed to weight classes that are consumer-based and associated with size of eggs, the authors have introduced a new total quality index elevating the perspective of HUs. © 2022 Meat Technology. All rights reserved