11 research outputs found


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    One of important things in the production of vitally foods is bakery industry. The quality of baked goods can be achieved by improving the quality of dough kneading. In order to achieve this goal a new structure of the working body and methods of mathematical and computer modelling are offered, aimed to determine the working body design factors and visualize the process. Mathematical models of the dependency of dough viscosity from working body structural features and the frequency of its rotation are made. The obtained models are used to determine rational values of controlled parameters. It has been found that for wheat dough mixing the use of equipment with pin working bodies is more preferable. One of them – the main one – is larger in diameter, and two others – supporting ones – are smaller, able to ensure effective implementation of first and second stages of components mixing. The necessity of changing rotation direction of working bodies is substantiated. At the initial stage of mixing it is necessary to ensure larger diameter pin heating and at the stage of plasticization – vice versa – smaller diameter pins heating

    Adhesion effect on environment process injection

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    Тhe analytical analysis of roller impact on the medium and its behavior at deformation influences are carried out, ways of choosing an optimal variant of the process for providing the maximum or minimum value of parameters (criterion) are proposed. The physical essence of the equation of energy flows of the intensity of deformation of the mass of the medium, which depends on the method of applying mechanical forces, the degree of its previous dispersion (recipe) and its physical and mechanical properties, is considered. To reveal the essence and understanding of the general research execution, a number of hypotheses for the determination of adhesion are given and a generalized approach to the definition of adhesion is given. The proposed scheme of causal relationships between the medium and roll, divided into three groups, and determine the change in the process of injection dough. The nature of the maximum increase of the forces of interaction of the dough with the high contact of the roller working body in the injection nozzle of the fuming machine is established. Violation of these mutual relations leads to the production of low-quality products and a decrease in the efficiency of the machine. These phenomena are little studied today, and the nature of adhesion requires research. It is noted that the determination of deformation processes during the passage of the process of injection of the medium by roller working bodies plays an important role in calculating the design of molding, roll-over equipment. The deformation in the knot of the injection dough by rolls and the dependence of the work performed on the influence of adhesion on the flow process in the molding machine are revealed. The contact area of the adhesive and the component forming work for overcoming the adhesion and deformation of the environment in determining the criteria that influence the process, according to each particular period of the deformation stage, are substantiated. The obtained data provide an answer to a number of questions about the possibility of regulating the process of the work of agents on the environmen

    Features of heat transfer in the environment when it is sprayed with rotary rollers

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    The analytical analysis of roller impact on the medium and its behaviour at deformation influences are carried out, ways of choosing an optimal variant of the process for providing the maximum or minimum value of parameters (criterion) are proposed. The physical essence of the equation of energy flows of the intensity of deformation of the mass of the medium, which depends on the method of applying mechanical forces, the degree of its previous dispersion (recipe) and its physical and mechanical properties, is considered. For a more visual view and understanding of the overall performance of the research, a scheme of causal relationships between the medium and the roll, which determine the temperature change of the dough injection process, is proposed. It is noted that the determination of the influence of the temperature of deformation processes during the passage of the process of injection of the medium by roller working bodies plays an important role for calculations of the design of molding, roll-over equipment. The influence of thermal circulatory chaotic streams is considered, the character of which also leads to violations of the general heat circulation in the medium during the injection. At the same time, the level of such violations may be sufficiently deep with changes in the directions in their contours that influence the process, according to each particular period of the deformation stage in the injection site of the molding machine. Partly revealed methods for determining the change in temperature fluxes in the dough and on the surface of the roll. On the basis of which the change of the energy potential in the interaction of the viscous medium with rotating roller working bodies in the molding machine is considered. An exchange of energy between moving particles is discovered due to collisions of molecules of a more heated part of the body with a greater energy and the transfer of the energy particle to adjacent particles with less energy. It is noted that the definition of temperature fluxes during the process of injection of the medium by roller working bodies plays an important role in calculating the design of molding, roll-over, mixing equipment. The obtained data answer a number of questions about the possibility of thermoregulation of the process of the work of the working bodies into the environment.A set of measures for measuring the temperature during the use of devices was carried out. On the basis of their data, a real temperature change in the roller unit of the molding machine is considered, with a comparative analysis of existing ones with a newly designed design. The change of the energy potential in the interaction of the viscous medium with rotating roller working bodies in the molding machine is considered. An exchange of energy between moving particles is discovered due to collisions of molecules of a more heated part of the body with a greater energy and the transfer of the energy particle to adjacent particles with less energy. It is noted that the definition of temperature fluxes during the process of injection of the medium by roller working bodies plays an important role in calculating the design of molding, roll-over, mixing equipment. The obtained data answer a number of questions about the possibility of thermoregulation of the process of the working bodies into the environment. The essence of formation of temperature fluxes is revealed and the method of their determination in a roller assembly of a molding machine with a comparative analysis of existing ones with a newly designed design is proposed.</p

    Characteristics of mucous-forming polysaccharides extracted from flax seeds

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    The research used the seeds of long flax of the "Vruchy" variety and oil-curly flax of the "Original" variety. To extract mucus, whole flax seeds were hydrated for 3 hours. in tap water, at a ratio of 1:20 and a temperature of 18 – 20 °C with constant stirring with a magnetic stirrer. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of temperature and duration of extraction on the yield of mucilaginous polysaccharides in aqueous solution from flaxseed. Change range: the temperature is selected in the range from 0 °С to 100 °С with a step of 20 °С; with a duration, ranging from 10 min to 140 min in 10 min increments. The yield of polysaccharides from flax seeds was determined for each combination of controlled factors. It was established that in the first 10 – 20 min. there is an increase in the yield of polysaccharides and the rate slows over time. For 90 min. equilibrium occurs at a temperature of 80 °C. This period of the process is optimal for the extraction of mucilage-forming polysaccharides from flaxseed. The mass of the extracted polysaccharides, from the mass of the seeds after a time of 95 min was 5.74%, and 6.00% at a temperature of 80 °С. A package of applied statistical programs was employed during the research to process the experimental data. A mathematical model of the process of extracting mucus-forming polysaccharides in an aqueous solution of flax seeds was built using regression analysis methods. The obtained regression equations determined the optimal regimes of the sought values in terms of temperature (80 – 85 °C), time (85 – 90 min) and conducted in compliance with the prescribed amount of water of 200 cm3. Within 10 – 20 min the formation of a transparent gel capsule around the flax with a phase separation boundary under seed contact with water, which does not change further. This indicates the completion of the hydration process

    Estimating method of productivity of labour in the bakery sphere

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    В умовах технічного прогресу вдосконалення системи визначення показників продуктивності праці є актуальним завданням. Пропонується новий підхід щодо розрахунку продуктивності праці в хлібопекарській галузі

    Uzasadnienie reologicznego modelu procesu wtrysku materiałów z tworzywa sztucznego przez rolki

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    It is justified thatproblems related to the changes in structural and mechanical properties of plastic material and influence of structural elements of equipment and modes of implementation of the for-mation process on them are considered detail, taking into account empirical data, theoretical dependencies and results of physical experiments. It was established that during the mechanical influence of rollers with grooves on a structured dispersion plastic material in the node of injection of the molding machine, internal shear, and shearing deformation have a preponderant value. Accordingly, the productivity of machines is determined mainly by the structural parameters of the working bodies geometry, kinematics, and contact area. It is shown that increasing the pressure in the plastic material causes a decrease in its volume, but the relationship between pressure and volume has a nonlinear character. It has been established that regardless the variety of flour from which the plastic material was prepared for bagels, its moisture content and the duration of fermentation reduced viscosity of the effective plastic material along with the increase of the shear stress. The paper describes the refined rheological model of the Bingham body deformation, which develops instantaneously, and the velocity of the common elastic deformation in the dough is a simultaneous function of stresses and temperatures, which are close to exponential ones.Jest uzasadnione, że problemy zmiany właściwości konstrukcyjnych i mechanicznych materiału plastycznego oraz wpływu na nie elementów konstrukcyjnych sprzętu i sposobów realizacji procesu formowania są rozpatrywane w kompleksowo, biorąc pod uwagę dane empiryczne, zależności teoretyczne i wyniki ek-sperymentów fizycznych. Ustalono, że podczas mechanicznego wpływu rolek z rowkami na ustrukturyzowany materiał dyspersyjny plastyczny w węźle wtrysku maszyny do formowania, ścinanie wewnętrzne i odkształcenie ścinające mają przewagę. W związku z tym wydajność maszyn zależy głównie od parametrów kon-strukcyjnych geometrii ciał roboczych, kinematyki i powierzchni styku. Pokazano, że zwiększenie ciśnienia w materiale plastycznym powoduje zmniejszenie jego objętości, ale związek między ciśnieniem i objętością ma charakter nieliniowy. Ustalono, że bez względu na różnorodność mąki, z której przygotowano materiał plastyczny na bułec-zki, jego wilgotność i czas trwania fermentacji zmniejsza lepkość efektywnego tworzywa sztucznego wraz ze wzrostem naprężeń ścinających W artykule opisano wyrafinowany model reologiczny deformacji ciała Binghama, która rozwija się natychmiast, a prędkość wspólnej deformacji sprężystej w cieście jest jednoczesną funkcją naprężeń i temperatur, które są bliskie wykładniczym


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    One of important things in the production of vitally foods is bakery industry. The quality of baked goods can be achieved by improving the quality of dough kneading. In order to achieve this goal a new structure of the working body and methods of mathematical and computer modelling are offered, aimed to determine the working body design factors and visualize the process. Mathematical models of the dependency of dough viscosity from working body structural features and the frequency of its rotation are made. The obtained models are used to determine rational values of controlled parameters. It has been found that for wheat dough mixing the use of equipment with pin working bodies is more preferable. One of them – the main one – is larger in diameter, and two others – supporting ones – are smaller, able to ensure effective implementation of first and second stages of components mixing. The necessity of changing rotation direction of working bodies is substantiated. At the initial stage of mixing it is necessary to ensure larger diameter pin heating and at the stage of plasticization – vice versa – smaller diameter pins heating

    Wpływ rozdrobnienia miękiszu ziemniaka na cechy jakościowe placków ziemniaczanych®

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    The article presents the results obtained during the research on the impact of the type of potato grating thickness on the quality of potato pancakes. Four mixtures were made, each by means of blades with different size of grating holes. The mixtures differed in consistency and appearance, which resulted in different quality parameters of fried potato pancakes. The pancakes were subjected toorganoleptic assessment with the 5-point method. The evaluation team consisted of a group of fifteen trained reviewers. Based on the obtained assessments, the results were analyzed and discussed. Potato pancakes made with a rotary grinding machine with a drum blade for potato grating were rated the highest. Their appearance, smell, taste and consistency were characteristic of this dish. Pancakes made on blades with medium holes were rated the worst. During frying, these pancakes quickly browned from the outside, but inside the mass of potato mixture remained raw. The conducted research confirmed that the way of grinding vegetables into potato mass has a large impact on the quality of ready potato pancakes, and thus on their sensory acceptability.Artykuł przedstawia wyniki uzyskane podczas badań wpływu rodzaju rozdrobnienia ziemniaków na jakość placków ziemniaczanych. Sporządzono 4 ciasta, każde z wykorzystaniem różnych grubości oczek do tarcia. Ciasta różniły się między sobą konsystencją oraz wyglądem, co skutkowało różnicą parametrów jakościowych usmażonych placków ziemniaczanych. Placki zostały poddane ocenie organoleptycznej metodą 5 punktową. Zespół oceniający stanowiła piętnastoosobowa grupa przeszkolonych ankieterów. Na podstawie uzyskanych ocen dokonano analizy i dyskusji wyników. Najwyżej ocenione zostały placki ziemniaczane wykonane maszynką do mięsa z funkcją tarcia ziemniaków na placki ziemniaczane. Ich wygląd, zapach, smak i konsystencja była charakterystyczna dla tej potrawy. Najgorzej oceniono placki sporządzone na ostrzach z grubymi oczkami. Placki te podczas smażenia szybko ulegały zarumienieniu się z zewnątrz, lecz w środku masa ciasta ziemniaczanego pozostawała surowa. Przeprowadzone badania potwierdziły, że sposób rozdrobnienia warzyw do masy ziemniaczanej ma duży wpływ na jakość gotowych placków ziemniaczanych, a przez to na ich akceptowalność sensoryczną