272 research outputs found

    TASI Lectures: Introduction to the AdS/CFT Correspondence

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    This is an introductory review of the AdS/CFT correspondence and of the ideas that led to its formulation. We show how comparison of stacks of D3-branes with corresponding supergravity solutions leads to dualities between conformal large NN gauge theories in 4 dimensions and string backgrounds of the form AdS5×X5AdS_5\times X_5 where X5X_5 is an Einstein manifold. The gauge invariant chiral operators of the field theory are in one-to-one correspondence with the supergravity modes, and their correlation functions at strong `t Hooft coupling are determined by the dependence of the supergravity action on AdS boundary conditions. The simplest case is when X5X_5 is a 5-sphere and the dual gauge theory is the N=4{\cal N}=4 supersymmetric SU(N) Yang-Mills theory. We also discuss D3-branes on the conifold corresponding to X5X_5 being a coset space T1,1=(SU(2)×SU(2))/U(1)T^{1,1}=(SU(2)\times SU(2))/U(1). This background is dual to a certain N=1{\cal N}=1 superconformal field theory with gauge group SU(N)×SU(N)SU(N)\times SU(N).Comment: Lectures at TASI '99, Boulder, June 1999; 36 pages, LaTeX; v2: corrected factor of 2 in eq. (9) and related factor

    Interpolating between aa and FF

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    We study the dimensional continuation of the sphere free energy in conformal field theories. In continuous dimension dd we define the quantity F~=sin(πd/2)logZ\tilde F=\sin (\pi d/2)\log Z, where ZZ is the path integral of the Euclidean CFT on the dd-dimensional round sphere. F~\tilde F smoothly interpolates between (1)d/2π/2(-1)^{d/2}\pi/2 times the aa-anomaly coefficient in even dd, and (1)(d+1)/2(-1)^{(d+1)/2} times the sphere free energy FF in odd dd. We calculate F~\tilde F in various examples of unitary CFT that can be continued to non-integer dimensions, including free theories, double-trace deformations at large NN, and perturbative fixed points in the ϵ\epsilon expansion. For all these examples F~\tilde F is positive, and it decreases under RG flow. Using perturbation theory in the coupling, we calculate F~\tilde F in the Wilson-Fisher fixed point of the O(N)O(N) vector model in d=4ϵd=4-\epsilon to order ϵ4\epsilon^4. We use this result to estimate the value of FF in the 3-dimensional Ising model, and find that it is only a few percent below FF of the free conformally coupled scalar field. We use similar methods to estimate the FF values for the U(N)U(N) Gross-Neveu model in d=3d=3 and the O(N)O(N) model in d=5d=5. Finally, we carry out the dimensional continuation of interacting theories with 4 supercharges, for which we suggest that F~\tilde F may be calculated exactly using an appropriate version of localization on SdS^d. Our approach provides an interpolation between the aa-maximization in d=4d=4 and the FF-maximization in d=3d=3.Comment: 41 pages, 4 figures. v4: Eqs. (1.6), (4.13) and (5.37) corrected; footnote 9 added discussing the Euler density counterter

    Schwarzschild Black Holes in Various Dimensions from Matrix Theory

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    In a recent paper it was shown that the properties of Schwarzschild black holes in 8 dimensions are correctly described up to factors of order unity by Matrix theory compactified on T^3. Here we consider compactifications on tori of general dimension d. Although in general little is known about the relevant d+1 dimensional theories on the dual tori, there are hints from their application to near-extreme parallel Dirichlet d-branes. Using these hints we get the correct mass-entropy scaling for Schwarzschild black holes in (11-d) dimensions.Comment: 7 pages, latex; a typo corrected (version to appear in Physics Letters B

    Matrix Model Approach to d>2d>2 Non-critical Superstrings

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    We apply light-cone quantization to a 1+11+1 dimensional supersymmetric field theory of large N matrices. We provide some preliminary numerical evidence that when the coupling constant is tuned to a critical value, this model describes a 2+1 dimensional non-critical superstring.Comment: 11 pages, 3 Encapsulated Postscript figures. uses psfig.sty (available from http://xxx.lanl.gov/ftp/hep-th/papers/macros

    One Loop Tests of Higher Spin AdS/CFT

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    Vasiliev's type A higher spin theories in AdS4 have been conjectured to be dual to the U(N) or O(N) singlet sectors in 3-d conformal field theories with N-component scalar fields. We compare the O(N^0) correction to the 3-sphere free energy F in the CFTs with corresponding calculations in the higher spin theories. This requires evaluating a regularized sum over one loop vacuum energies of an infinite set of massless higher spin gauge fields in Euclidean AdS4. For the Vasiliev theory including fields of all integer spin and a scalar with Delta=1 boundary condition, we show that the regularized sum vanishes. This is in perfect agreement with the vanishing of subleading corrections to F in the U(N) singlet sector of the theory of N free complex scalar fields. For the minimal Vasiliev theory including fields of only even spin, the regularized sum remarkably equals the value of F for one free real scalar field. This result may agree with the O(N) singlet sector of the theory of N real scalar fields, provided the coupling constant in the Vasiliev theory is identified as G_N ~ 1/(N-1). Similarly, consideration of the USp(N) singlet sector for N complex scalar fields, which we conjecture to be dual to the husp(2;0|4) Vasiliev theory, requires G_N ~ 1/(N+1). We also test the higher spin AdS3/CFT2 conjectures by calculating the regularized sum over one loop vacuum energies of higher spin fields in AdS3. We match the result with the O(N^0) term in the central charge of the W_N minimal models; this requires a certain truncation of the CFT operator spectrum so that the bulk theory contains two real scalar fields with the same boundary conditions.Comment: 20 pages. v3: minor corrections, version published in JHE