22 research outputs found
Measurement of direct effects of e-business in small and medium enterprises based on generic process models
U ovom doktorskom radu istražena je problematika mjerenja i procjene izravnih učinaka primjene e-poslovanja u malim i srednjim poduzećima (MSP). Promatranje razmjena strukturiranih elektroničkih dokumenata u procesnom ciklusu od narudžbe do plaćanja (eng. order-to-payment cycle) u komunikaciji poduzeća s poduzećem (B2B). Pregledom literature prepoznate su metode modeliranja i simulacije procesa uz primjenu TDABC metode obračuna troškova kao najperspektivnije u analizi budućih učinaka e-poslovanja. U postojećim metodama prepoznata su četiri znanstveno-istraživačka izazova. Nedostatak znanja i resursa, kao jedan od njih, onemogućava MSP u analizi procesa. Stoga su razvijene detaljne razine generičkog procesnog modela (GPM) 1.-4. kroz 14 studija slučaja utemeljene na referentnim modelima UN/CEFACT, NES i CEN. Razvojem kroz primjenu razvijena je nova metodika utemeljena na detaljnom GPM-u, razvijena na dubinskoj studiji slučaja (SLUČAJ1), a validirana na studiji slučaja (SLUČAJA2). Nova metodika uzima u obzir istraživačke izazove kroz tri komponente preciznosti Nove metodike. Ona omogućava MSP modeliranje i analizu vlastitih poslovnih procesa u ciklusu od računa do plaćanja, prepoznavanje mjesta ostvarivih ušteda te analizu izravnih učinaka uvođenja e-poslovanja. Nova metodika uzima u obzir postupno uvođenje, paralelnu primjenu procesa bez i uz e-poslovanje te razlikuje ostvarive od potencijalnih ušteda. Empirijskim istraživanjemu studijama slučaja (SLUČAJ 1 i 2) GPM je validiran, a Nova metodika pokazala je veću preciznost u odnosu na postojeće metode kroz sve tri komponente preciznosti.This doctoral thesis investigates issues and research challenges related to the measurements and estimation of direct effects of the e-business implementation into small and medium-size enterprises. It analyses methods and techniques used to measure, estimate and analyse the cost effectiveness of implementinge-business. The processes of exchange of structural electronic documents within the order-to-payment process cycle in the communication between enterprises (B2B) are examined. Based on the literature reviewed, the effects of e-business are classified and the knowledge of the methods and techniques of measurement and estimation used so far is systematized. The modelling and simulation of business processes used in the existing methods (predominantly oriented towards large enterprises) are identified as methods which enable analyses of processes and future effects of e-business through identification of key points for the realization of saving. Also, the existing methods and techniques used to analyseand calculate costs of the processes have been identified and investigated. The TD ABC method of calculating direct costs of the processes and the method of simulation are recognized as the most promising methods to be used when analysingfuture implementation of e-business and savings and their benefits for the MSP. From the point of view of the processes, UN/CEFACT, NES and CEN reference process models are meticulously analysed. This analysis resulted in the construction of detailed levels of generic process models which facilitate the analysis and identification of achievable savings in the future implementation of e-business in the MSP. The reviewed literature identifies four weak areas of the existing methods, which affect the accuracy of calculations and estimations of direct effects of the introduction of e-business and which, consequently, represent a challenge to the investigation. In response to those challenges, five goals and two hypotheses are put forth.The research was conducted in four investigating stages. The first stage dealt with the definition and descriptionof the generic process model and the development of the generic process model at the 1st and 2nd level of detail for the entire order-to-payment process cycle, based on the reference models and the experiences from 14 case studies, predominantly the SMEs. Relying on the analysed literature, the second stage included a definition of the first version of the New Methodology, which was then further developed in the third stage by applying it to the in-depth case study (CASE 1), and later on, in the fourth stage, it was IV validated by applying it to the second in-depth case study (CASE 2). Also within the scope of the New Methodology, a detailed generic process model at the 3rd and 4th level was developed, in the part referring to the order-to-payment process cycle, which was the subject of the research (order-to-payment process cycle).The detailed levels of the generic process model were used as the basis for the implementation of the newly developed methodology. They were developed on the basis of the facts found in 13 studies (CASES 3-15) and the in-depth case study (CASE 1). The generic process model at detailed levels was validated in the second in-depth case study (CASE 2).The newly developed methodology enables MSP modelling and analysingof own business processes in the invoice-to-payment process cycle, identification of the points at which e-business makes it possible to realize savings, and estimation of direct effects of the introduction of e-business. The New Methodology takes into account its gradual introduction, simultaneous application of the process without and with e-business (as is and to be), and it distinguishes the realizable from potential savings.The development of the New Methodology, which contains a detailed generic process model, as well as its implementation and validation in the case study (CASE 2), resulted in the achievement of the goal of the research C1 and confirmation of the hypothesis H1. As part of the empirical investigation of the case studies (CASES 1 and 2) the results of the implementation of the New Methodologyand the Existing Methods (Perego and Salgaro, 2010) are compared and hypothesis H2 are confirmed. Hypothesis H2and goals C2, C3, C4and C5 are founded on three components of the New Methodology and together they contribute to the accuracy of estimation of future effects of implementation of e-business. (1) The results point to a deviation in terms of the estimation of employees, as the first component of accuracy, in relation to the measurements conducted by using the New Methodology. The deviations were more significant at the level of particular activities and less at the level of the process itself or process cycle. The significantly bigger difference between estimations and measurements at the activity level points to variability, in other words reduced accuracy of estimations (Existing Methods) in relation to measurements V (New Methodology). Higher accuracy of the New Methodology has been confirmed in both case studies (CASES 1 and 2).(2) The results of comparing the second component in terms of a gradual transition and simultaneous implementation of the process with and without e-business (New Methodology), with an immediate transition to e-business with maximum possible scope of implementation(Existing Methods) have also asserted differences in both case studies (CASES 1 and 2). Based on those differences and the data on the real dynamics of the introduction of e-business with the help of Koch's empiric curve (Koch, 2011), the higher accuracy of the secondcomponent of the New Methodology has been confirmed. (3) The results of the comparison of realizable saving without saving in human work (New Methodology) and the potential saving by immediate introduction of e-business and the maximum scope of the future implementation (Existing Methods) also show differences in both cases, at which the Existing Methods overestimate future savings. These differences confirm the accuracy of the third component of the New Methodology.The comparison of the results of implementation of the New Methodologyand the Existing Methods in the case studies (CASE 1) and the validation of the case study (CASE 2) resulted in achieving research goals C2, C3, C4 and C5 and confirming hypothesis H2. In addition, as part of the final step of the New Methodology, the sensitivity analysis was conducted which left the conclusions of hypothesis H2 unchanged, despite the changing of key parameters (the price of sending e-invoices or the scope of the future implementation). As a result, all hypotheses have been confirmed and all goals of the research achieved and a generic process model has been created, as well as a New Methodology specially adjusted for small and medium-size enterprises with an aim to enabling estimation of effects of the future implementation of e-business based on the real measurement following the new methodology and the gradual introduction of e-business with simultaneous application of the process with and without implementation of e-business, making it possible to distinguish realizable from potential savings
Measurement of direct effects of e-business in small and medium enterprises based on generic process models
U ovom doktorskom radu istražena je problematika mjerenja i procjene izravnih učinaka primjene e-poslovanja u malim i srednjim poduzećima (MSP). Promatranje razmjena strukturiranih elektroničkih dokumenata u procesnom ciklusu od narudžbe do plaćanja (eng. order-to-payment cycle) u komunikaciji poduzeća s poduzećem (B2B). Pregledom literature prepoznate su metode modeliranja i simulacije procesa uz primjenu TDABC metode obračuna troškova kao najperspektivnije u analizi budućih učinaka e-poslovanja. U postojećim metodama prepoznata su četiri znanstveno-istraživačka izazova. Nedostatak znanja i resursa, kao jedan od njih, onemogućava MSP u analizi procesa. Stoga su razvijene detaljne razine generičkog procesnog modela (GPM) 1.-4. kroz 14 studija slučaja utemeljene na referentnim modelima UN/CEFACT, NES i CEN. Razvojem kroz primjenu razvijena je nova metodika utemeljena na detaljnom GPM-u, razvijena na dubinskoj studiji slučaja (SLUČAJ1), a validirana na studiji slučaja (SLUČAJA2). Nova metodika uzima u obzir istraživačke izazove kroz tri komponente preciznosti Nove metodike. Ona omogućava MSP modeliranje i analizu vlastitih poslovnih procesa u ciklusu od računa do plaćanja, prepoznavanje mjesta ostvarivih ušteda te analizu izravnih učinaka uvođenja e-poslovanja. Nova metodika uzima u obzir postupno uvođenje, paralelnu primjenu procesa bez i uz e-poslovanje te razlikuje ostvarive od potencijalnih ušteda. Empirijskim istraživanjemu studijama slučaja (SLUČAJ 1 i 2) GPM je validiran, a Nova metodika pokazala je veću preciznost u odnosu na postojeće metode kroz sve tri komponente preciznosti.This doctoral thesis investigates issues and research challenges related to the measurements and estimation of direct effects of the e-business implementation into small and medium-size enterprises. It analyses methods and techniques used to measure, estimate and analyse the cost effectiveness of implementinge-business. The processes of exchange of structural electronic documents within the order-to-payment process cycle in the communication between enterprises (B2B) are examined. Based on the literature reviewed, the effects of e-business are classified and the knowledge of the methods and techniques of measurement and estimation used so far is systematized. The modelling and simulation of business processes used in the existing methods (predominantly oriented towards large enterprises) are identified as methods which enable analyses of processes and future effects of e-business through identification of key points for the realization of saving. Also, the existing methods and techniques used to analyseand calculate costs of the processes have been identified and investigated. The TD ABC method of calculating direct costs of the processes and the method of simulation are recognized as the most promising methods to be used when analysingfuture implementation of e-business and savings and their benefits for the MSP. From the point of view of the processes, UN/CEFACT, NES and CEN reference process models are meticulously analysed. This analysis resulted in the construction of detailed levels of generic process models which facilitate the analysis and identification of achievable savings in the future implementation of e-business in the MSP. The reviewed literature identifies four weak areas of the existing methods, which affect the accuracy of calculations and estimations of direct effects of the introduction of e-business and which, consequently, represent a challenge to the investigation. In response to those challenges, five goals and two hypotheses are put forth.The research was conducted in four investigating stages. The first stage dealt with the definition and descriptionof the generic process model and the development of the generic process model at the 1st and 2nd level of detail for the entire order-to-payment process cycle, based on the reference models and the experiences from 14 case studies, predominantly the SMEs. Relying on the analysed literature, the second stage included a definition of the first version of the New Methodology, which was then further developed in the third stage by applying it to the in-depth case study (CASE 1), and later on, in the fourth stage, it was IV validated by applying it to the second in-depth case study (CASE 2). Also within the scope of the New Methodology, a detailed generic process model at the 3rd and 4th level was developed, in the part referring to the order-to-payment process cycle, which was the subject of the research (order-to-payment process cycle).The detailed levels of the generic process model were used as the basis for the implementation of the newly developed methodology. They were developed on the basis of the facts found in 13 studies (CASES 3-15) and the in-depth case study (CASE 1). The generic process model at detailed levels was validated in the second in-depth case study (CASE 2).The newly developed methodology enables MSP modelling and analysingof own business processes in the invoice-to-payment process cycle, identification of the points at which e-business makes it possible to realize savings, and estimation of direct effects of the introduction of e-business. The New Methodology takes into account its gradual introduction, simultaneous application of the process without and with e-business (as is and to be), and it distinguishes the realizable from potential savings.The development of the New Methodology, which contains a detailed generic process model, as well as its implementation and validation in the case study (CASE 2), resulted in the achievement of the goal of the research C1 and confirmation of the hypothesis H1. As part of the empirical investigation of the case studies (CASES 1 and 2) the results of the implementation of the New Methodologyand the Existing Methods (Perego and Salgaro, 2010) are compared and hypothesis H2 are confirmed. Hypothesis H2and goals C2, C3, C4and C5 are founded on three components of the New Methodology and together they contribute to the accuracy of estimation of future effects of implementation of e-business. (1) The results point to a deviation in terms of the estimation of employees, as the first component of accuracy, in relation to the measurements conducted by using the New Methodology. The deviations were more significant at the level of particular activities and less at the level of the process itself or process cycle. The significantly bigger difference between estimations and measurements at the activity level points to variability, in other words reduced accuracy of estimations (Existing Methods) in relation to measurements V (New Methodology). Higher accuracy of the New Methodology has been confirmed in both case studies (CASES 1 and 2).(2) The results of comparing the second component in terms of a gradual transition and simultaneous implementation of the process with and without e-business (New Methodology), with an immediate transition to e-business with maximum possible scope of implementation(Existing Methods) have also asserted differences in both case studies (CASES 1 and 2). Based on those differences and the data on the real dynamics of the introduction of e-business with the help of Koch's empiric curve (Koch, 2011), the higher accuracy of the secondcomponent of the New Methodology has been confirmed. (3) The results of the comparison of realizable saving without saving in human work (New Methodology) and the potential saving by immediate introduction of e-business and the maximum scope of the future implementation (Existing Methods) also show differences in both cases, at which the Existing Methods overestimate future savings. These differences confirm the accuracy of the third component of the New Methodology.The comparison of the results of implementation of the New Methodologyand the Existing Methods in the case studies (CASE 1) and the validation of the case study (CASE 2) resulted in achieving research goals C2, C3, C4 and C5 and confirming hypothesis H2. In addition, as part of the final step of the New Methodology, the sensitivity analysis was conducted which left the conclusions of hypothesis H2 unchanged, despite the changing of key parameters (the price of sending e-invoices or the scope of the future implementation). As a result, all hypotheses have been confirmed and all goals of the research achieved and a generic process model has been created, as well as a New Methodology specially adjusted for small and medium-size enterprises with an aim to enabling estimation of effects of the future implementation of e-business based on the real measurement following the new methodology and the gradual introduction of e-business with simultaneous application of the process with and without implementation of e-business, making it possible to distinguish realizable from potential savings
Smart city initiatives in the context of digital transformation – Scope, services and technologies
Digital transformation is an emerging trend in developing the way how the work is being done, and it is present in the private and public sector, in all industries and fields of work. Smart cities, as one of the concepts related to digital transformation, is usually seen as a matter of local governments, as it is their responsibility to ensure a better quality of life
for the citizens. Some cities have already taken advantages of possibilities offered by the concept of smart cities, creating new values to all stakeholders interacting in the living city ecosystems, thus serving as examples of good practice, while others are still developing and growing on their intentions to become smart. This paper provides a
structured literature analysis and investigates key scope, services and technologies related to smart cities and digital transformation as concepts of empowering social and collaboration interactions, in order to identify leading factors in most smart city initiatives
Measuring Public Procurement for Innovation on the Country Level and the Role of ICT Support
In recent years, the use of public procurement as a tool for promoting innovation has captured the interest of many researchers. However, their research mostly focuses on the impact of public procurement on companies’ innovativeness. This article discusses the findings of available literature on this topic and proposes a model of transferring the concept from a company level to the level of the whole country. One of the major problems is the unavailability of appropriate measures for this phenomenon, so the authors of this paper suggest that the concept of public procurement for innovation can be approximated by applying the most economically advantageous tender (MEAT) criterion. The implementation of this criterion in choosing the best offer can be supported and facilitated by the use of ICT, which can improve the efficiency of procurement process and enable more innovations
Understanding Digital Transformation Initiatives: Case Studies Analysis
Background: Complexity of the digital transformation (Digital Transformation) paradigm and its relation to the fourth technological revolution face companies with serious challenges when it comes to keeping up with the competition or becoming a leader in operating industries. Objectives: The goal of our research is to systematize, analyse and evaluate technological and business concepts of Digital Transformation, in order to identify and investigate Digital Transformation initiatives in Croatia. Methods/Approach: To accomplish this goal, we used a multiple-case study approach to gather data from experts who participated in successful Digital Transformation initiatives. Results: Questionnaires were developed and used to gather both, qualitative background and technology-business related data relevant for Digital Transformation initiatives’ success, discussed in the last part of the paper. The limitation of this study is a relatively small number of case studies (6), as well as its local coverage, resulting therefore with conclusions, which will serve as a base for future studies. Conclusions: There are several background, business, and technology-related concepts or factors relevant to Digital Transformation initiatives: profile and involvement of external Digital Transformation experts; the transformation drivers and expectations. In achieving most significant business concepts for business transformation, no single one right combination of technological concepts could be explicitly determined
Digitalna transformacija predstavlja izazov i priliku za poduzeća, koja moraju biti spremna za promjene. U moderno vrijeme društvo od malih i srednjih poduzeća (MSP) očekuje prilagodbu tržištu i moderniju infrastrukturu putem kojih oni nude svoje usluge i dobra. Iz tog razloga, digitalna transformacija postala je nezaobilazan korak koji poduzeća trebaju poduzeti kako bi postigla bolju efikasnost i osigurala konkurentnost na tržištu. Digitalna transformacija marketinga jednog poduzeća pomaže njegovoj prepoznatljivosti i boljoj komunikaciji prema potrošačima. Ovaj članak bavi se pregledom literature iz područja digitalne transformacije u marketingu malih i srednjih poduzeća. Rezultati istraživanja provedenih nad svjetskim bazama (WOS i Scopus) te pretraživanjem javno dostupnih izvora putem tražilice Google navedeni su kao skup smjernica ili trendova u kojem se navedeno područje nalazi s naglaskom na marketing malih i srednjih poduzeća. Kako bi se poduzeća odlučila na promjene, potrebno je da prvo utvrde svoju trenutnu poziciju na tržištu, trenutni digitalni položaj, spremnost zaposlenih na digitalnu transformaciju, strategije digitalizacije, konkretne mjere digitalizacije te efikasnost poduzetih mjera.Digital transformation is a challenge and opportunity for companies that must be ready for change. In modern times, small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are expected to adapt to the market using modern infrastructure through which they offer their services and goods. For this reason, digital transformation has become an inevitable step that companies need to take in order to achieve better efficiency and ensure market competitiveness. A digital marketing transformation of one company helps its recognizability and better communication with consumers. This article deals with the review of digital literacy in the field of marketing of small and medium enterprises. The results of research on World Wide Bases (WOS and Scopus) and the search of publicly available sources through Google\u27s search engine are listed as a set of guidelines or trends in which this area is focused on marketing small and medium businesses. In order for companies to react on changes, it is necessary to first determine their current market position, the current digital position, the readiness of employees to digital transformation, digitization strategies, concrete digitization measures and the effectiveness of the measures taken
Disruptive Business Model Innovation and Digital Transformation
Background: Innovating how organisations run their business is a strategic decision to create more value for customers using or consuming the product and/or service provided. In addition to the incentive of everybody embracing digital transformation, digital technologies, and digital innovation, which frame changes of operating business models today, disruptions, i.e., another incentive that occurs suddenly and impacts globally, all force businesses to adapt and change. Objectives: This research aims to provide a conceptual model that can be used for organisations to evaluate and propose feasible options for responding to disruptions that influence the businesses’ strategic innovation initiatives while assisting decision-makers in choosing the most appropriate option. Methods/Approach: Considering internal and external factors that influence digital transformation, the conceptual framework is designed to assess readiness and willingness to transform and create opportunities for future success digitally. Results: A conceptual framework was developed, tested, and demonstrated in a case study. The case study organisation rated positively the composition of steps to be perf readiness and willingness and choose the most feasible option to change. Conclusions: The digital environment and the influence of disruptions force organisations to change. The conceptual framework developed in this research helps the management choose the most feasible change option about the real as-is and the desired to-be state
Suvremeni maloprodajni sustavi koji se realiziraju putem web-a imaju nekoliko novih značajki koje nisu obilježje klasične maloprodaje na licu mjesta, kao što su: informiranje kupca o značajkama robe u ponudi putem web-a, sigurna dostava robe na lokaciju kupca uz naplatu, dodatni popust kod kupovine putem web-a i sl.
Fokus ovog rada je na analizi prodaje putem web-a u poduzećima koja imaju standardnu veleprodaju i maloprodaju, a web prodaja kao dodatni način prodaje ima dvije funkcije: reklama prodajnog asortimana putem weba i maloprodaja uz uključenu funkciju dostave robe na lokaciju kupca.
U radu je analizirana prostorna - geografska distribucija web kupaca u dva poduzeća, koja za dostavu robe koriste usluge vanjskih prijevoznika prema dva različita modela. Značajka prvog modela je da je cijena dostave fiksna za sve kupce bez obzira na geografsku lokaciju, masu i količinu robe, dok je značajka drugog modela varijabilna cijena dostave u funkciji mase paketa robe koji se dostavlja, bez obzira na geografsku lokaciju.
Ovaj rad prikazuje razvijeni dinamički model, integriran u informacijski sustav poduzeća prodavatelja, koji omogućuje geografsku alokaciju i prikaz distribucije web kupaca u realnom vremenu na digitalnoj karti.Modern retail systems via websites are characterized with some new features that cannot be found in the classical on-site retail sale, such as: detailed information about the goods offer via websites, safe delivery to the location against payment, additional discount if purchasing via web, etc.
This paper focuses on the web sales analysis, performed by the enterprises that deal with standard wholesaling and retailing. Additional mode of sale, web-based sale, has two purposes: advertising of the assortment via website, and retail sale which includes delivery of goods to the customer\u27s location.
The paper analyzes the spatial - geographical distribution of web customers in two companies, which use the services of external carriers for the delivery of goods according to two different models. A feature of the first model is fixed delivery price for all customers regardless of geographical location, weight and quantity of goods, while a feature of the second model is the variable delivery price as a function of the mass of the package of goods being delivered, regardless of geographical location.
The paper presents a developed dynamic model, integrated into the seller\u27s information system, that enables geographical allocation and real-time distribution of web customers on a digital map
Suvremeni maloprodajni sustavi koji se realiziraju putem web-a imaju nekoliko novih značajki koje nisu obilježje klasične maloprodaje na licu mjesta, kao što su: informiranje kupca o značajkama robe u ponudi putem web-a, sigurna dostava robe na lokaciju kupca uz naplatu, dodatni popust kod kupovine putem web-a i sl.
Fokus ovog rada je na analizi prodaje putem web-a u poduzećima koja imaju standardnu veleprodaju i maloprodaju, a web prodaja kao dodatni način prodaje ima dvije funkcije: reklama prodajnog asortimana putem weba i maloprodaja uz uključenu funkciju dostave robe na lokaciju kupca.
U radu je analizirana prostorna - geografska distribucija web kupaca u dva poduzeća, koja za dostavu robe koriste usluge vanjskih prijevoznika prema dva različita modela. Značajka prvog modela je da je cijena dostave fiksna za sve kupce bez obzira na geografsku lokaciju, masu i količinu robe, dok je značajka drugog modela varijabilna cijena dostave u funkciji mase paketa robe koji se dostavlja, bez obzira na geografsku lokaciju.
Ovaj rad prikazuje razvijeni dinamički model, integriran u informacijski sustav poduzeća prodavatelja, koji omogućuje geografsku alokaciju i prikaz distribucije web kupaca u realnom vremenu na digitalnoj karti.Modern retail systems via websites are characterized with some new features that cannot be found in the classical on-site retail sale, such as: detailed information about the goods offer via websites, safe delivery to the location against payment, additional discount if purchasing via web, etc.
This paper focuses on the web sales analysis, performed by the enterprises that deal with standard wholesaling and retailing. Additional mode of sale, web-based sale, has two purposes: advertising of the assortment via website, and retail sale which includes delivery of goods to the customer\u27s location.
The paper analyzes the spatial - geographical distribution of web customers in two companies, which use the services of external carriers for the delivery of goods according to two different models. A feature of the first model is fixed delivery price for all customers regardless of geographical location, weight and quantity of goods, while a feature of the second model is the variable delivery price as a function of the mass of the package of goods being delivered, regardless of geographical location.
The paper presents a developed dynamic model, integrated into the seller\u27s information system, that enables geographical allocation and real-time distribution of web customers on a digital map
Digital Transformation Playground - Literature Review and Framework of Concepts
Digital transformation (DT) introduces strategy-oriented and customer-centric changes, based on innovative usage of emerging information and communication technology (ICT), to implement improved or new processes in modern organizations. This paper provides insights into academic publishing trends and offers an analysis of scientific fields in which researches were made followed by a brief analysis of the most influential articles. Paper also identifies and discusses key determinants and influence factors of DT and some emerging trends and technologies, in order to explain organizational and technological context of DT. For better understanding of this mix of business and ICT related concepts, a framework of concepts on DT was developed and called Digital transformation playground (DTP). Its purpose is to get better understanding of what are the mainstream concepts of today, what other and emerging ICT or digitalization concepts in the context of DT arise, and how these technology elements impact business related concepts