11 research outputs found

    Treatment of scabies and pediculosis in health education publications and folk medicine of Eastern Croatia - Slavonija, Baranja and Western Srijem county

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    Scabies and pediculosis are common parasitic infestations of the skin and hair, manifesting with intense pruritus and effectively treated with modern medications. Because of the attached social stigma linking it with poverty and poor hygiene, patients will often attempt alternative folk-based remedies before confiding in their physicians. We conducted a comprehensive bibliographical study of historic folk literature and interviewed 70 individuals experienced in everyday application of folk medicine in order to categorize available remedies and provide a modern, scientific comment on their effectiveness and dangers. Compositions containing sulfur, copper sulfate, petroleum, coal, tar, and highly alkaline soaps and washing solutions undoubtedly have scabicidal and pediculicidal properties, but they are used either in high concentrations with greater possibility of intoxication and irritation or lower concentrations with questionable therapeutic benefit. These remedies, extracted from historical-cultural frameworks, are poorly adapted to modern standards and can lead to side-effects and complications. Physicians today have to be aware of the reasons their patients seek alternative remedies and know the substances and procedures they may use in self-healing, so as to be able to provide the help that may be needed if those complications occur.</p

    Treatment of scabies and pediculosis in health education publications and folk medicine of Eastern Croatia - Slavonija, Baranja and Western Srijem county

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    Scabies and pediculosis are common parasitic infestations of the skin and hair, manifesting with intense pruritus and effectively treated with modern medications. Because of the attached social stigma linking it with poverty and poor hygiene, patients will often attempt alternative folk-based remedies before confiding in their physicians. We conducted a comprehensive bibliographical study of historic folk literature and interviewed 70 individuals experienced in everyday application of folk medicine in order to categorize available remedies and provide a modern, scientific comment on their effectiveness and dangers. Compositions containing sulfur, copper sulfate, petroleum, coal, tar, and highly alkaline soaps and washing solutions undoubtedly have scabicidal and pediculicidal properties, but they are used either in high concentrations with greater possibility of intoxication and irritation or lower concentrations with questionable therapeutic benefit. These remedies, extracted from historical-cultural frameworks, are poorly adapted to modern standards and can lead to side-effects and complications. Physicians today have to be aware of the reasons their patients seek alternative remedies and know the substances and procedures they may use in self-healing, so as to be able to provide the help that may be needed if those complications occur.</p

    Liječenje običnih bradavica u narodnoj medicini

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    Common warts (verrucae vulgares) are the most common complaint in routine dermatological practice. Warts can be painful on pressure and are often an aesthetic problem, but they are not a major threat to the personā€™s general health. Treatment options are symptomatic and do not eradicate the causative agent. Dermatological surgery procedures such as cryotherapy, electrocauterization and excochleation can be painful, with common recurrences. These are the most important reasons for revival of the treatment procedures and remedies based on traditional medicine. Traditional medicine is still commonly practiced as a form of self-healing. This paper presents the most commonly used wart remedies of plant, animal and mineral origin, along with various magic practices. We emphasize that this paper is written from the viewpoint of physicians, practitioners of dermatology, not as a study in the history or culture. The main objective of the study was to explore various substances and methods people use as home remedies for warts. We performed a case study survey among the general population by interviewing 147 adult participants using a simple preliminary questionnaire inquiring about preferred treatment and knowledge about common warts.Obične bradavice su najčeŔći problem u rutinskoj dermatoloÅ”koj praksi. One nisu značajna zdravstvena poteÅ”koća niti utječu na opće zdravstveno stanje, ali mogu biti bolne, naročito na pritisak i mogu biti estetski problem. Liječenje je simptomatsko i njime se ne utječe na eliminaciju uzročnika. DermatokirurÅ”ki postupci kao Å”to su krioterapija, elektrokauterizacija i ekskohleacija su bolni, a recidivi česti. Ovo su najvažniji razlozi zbog kojih se u svrhu samoliječenja oživljavaju prakse iz narodne medicine. Ovaj rad predstavlja najčeŔće koriÅ”tene pripravke biljnog, životinjskog i mineralnog podrijetla zajedno s različitim magijskim postupcima. NaglaÅ”avamo da je ovaj rad učinjen sa stajaliÅ”ta liječnika, dermatologa praktičara, a ne povjesničara ili etnologa. Glavni cilj studije bio je istražiti tvari i metode koje su ljudi koristili za samoliječenje bradavica. Proveli smo istraživanje anketiranjem 147 odraslih ispitanika iz opće populacije koristeći jednostavan upitnik o osnovnoj informiranosti o bradavicama i izboru liječenja

    Syphilitic Hepatitis: Rare or just Unrecognized?

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    Syphilis is a chronic, infectious, sexually transmitted disease caused by Treponema pallidum and can affect all tissues and all organs. Untreated syphilis progresses through four stages: primary, secondary, latent and tertiary. Among the less common manifestations of the secondary stage is syphilitic hepatitis; syphilis remains one of the unrecognized etiologies of liver dysfunction. Timely treatment as well as effective control of disease are only possible with the early diagnosi

    Treatment of Scabies and Pediculosis in Health Education Publications and folk Medicine of Eastern Croatia - Slavonija, Baranja, and Western Srijem County

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    Scabies and pediculosis are common parasitic infestations of the skin and hair, manifesting with intense pruritus and effectively treated with modern medications. Because of the attached social stigma linking it with poverty and poor hygiene, patients will often attempt alternative folk-based remedies before confiding in their physicians. We conducted a comprehensive bibliographical study of historic folk literature and interviewed 70 individuals experienced in everyday application of folk medicine in order to categorize available remedies and provide a modern, scientific comment on their effectiveness and dangers. Compositions containing sulfur, copper sulfate, petroleum, coal, tar, and highly alkaline soaps and washing solutions undoubtedly have scabicidal and pediculicidal properties, but they are used either in high concentrations with greater possibility of intoxication and irritation or lower concentrations with questionable therapeutic benefit. These remedies, extracted from historical-cultural frameworks, are poorly adapted to modern standards and can lead to side-effects and complications. Physicians today have to be aware of the reasons their patients seek alternative remedies and know the substances and procedures they may use in self-healing, so as to be able to provide the help that may be needed if those complications occur

    Measurement of industrial robot pose repeatability

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    The article deals with measurement of pose repeatability of industrial robot Fanuc LR Mate 200iC. Laser interferometer Renishaw XL-80 and digital indicator Mitutoyo Absolute Digimatic ID-F are used for the measurement. The measurement methodology is based on so-called ISO cube placed in the most used part of robot workspace. Individual steps of the solution, the analysis of measurement data and results are presented in the article

    Measurement of industrial robot pose repeatability

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    The article deals with measurement of pose repeatability of industrial robot Fanuc LR Mate 200iC. Laser interferometer Renishaw XL-80 and digital indicator Mitutoyo Absolute Digimatic ID-F are used for the measurement. The measurement methodology is based on so-called ISO cube placed in the most used part of robot workspace. Individual steps of the solution, the analysis of measurement data and results are presented in the article

    The peculiarities of monitoring road vehicle performance and environmental impact

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    The article describes the peculiarities of mathematical models for determining the performance indicators of operation and environmental impact of road vehicles. The models are the basis of intelligent monitoring systems for separate road transport objects: vehicle propulsion systems, separate vehicles in motion on the real route and traffic flows. The structures of these monitoring systems with the characteristics of input data, the features of simulating the main processes and output results of monitoring the performance indicators of operation and environmental impact of road vehicles are presented. The examples of current parameters monitoring of the car with a gasoline engine in three typical motion phases in the traffic flow are given

    Mineralna gustoća i razine vitamina D u bolesnika s psorijatičnim artritisom

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    The objective of this study was to explore the possible differences in bone mass density (BMD) and markers of bone metabolism between patients with psoriasis with concomitant psoriatic arthritis (PsA) and patients with psoriasis only (PV). A comparable sample of both types of patients were included in analysis. In all patients, vitamin D serum levels along with inflammatory markers and parathyroid hormone (PTH) were measured. BMD was assessed with dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry scan in axial and appendicular skeleton. Patients with PsA tended to have decreased BMD in axial skeleton, while BMD in appendicular skeleton was comparable between the groups. No statistically significant correlation was found of inflammatory markers, vitamin D and PTH levels with BMD in either patient group. A negative correlation was recorded between vitamin D serum concentration and PTH levels.Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je ispitati moguće različitosti u mineralnoj koÅ”tanoj masi između bolesnika s psorijatičnim artritisom (PsA) i psorijazom. U analizu je bio uključen usporediv uzorak obiju skupina bolesnika. U svih ispitanika određena je serumska koncentracija vitamina D, upalni parametri i paratireoidni hormon (PTH). Denzitometrijom je utvrđena mineralna koÅ”tana masa aksijalnoga skeleta i apendikularnoga skeleta. Bolesnici s PsA imali su sniženu mineralnu koÅ”tanu masu aksijalnoga skeleta, dok je mineralna koÅ”tana masa apendikularnoga skeleta bila usporediva između ovih skupina. Nije pronađena statistički značajna korelacija upalnih parametara, serumske koncentracije vitamina D i PTH s mineralnom koÅ”tanom gustoćom ni u jednoj skupini bolesnika. Zabilježena je negativna korelacija između serumske koncentracije vitamina D i PTH

    Guidelines for treatment of atopic dermatitis

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    Atopijski dermatitis česta je, kronično recidivirajuća upalna bolest kože karakterizirana složenom etiopatogenezom i raznolikim kliničkim fenotipom. Klinička slika može biti različita, a bolest je obilježena ponavljajućim dermatitisom, izraženim svrbežom i značajnim utjecajem na kvalitetu života oboljele osobe i cijele obitelji. Dijagnoza se postavlja na temelju kliničke slike prema standardiziranim dijagnostičkim kriterijima, a procjena težine bolesti prema standardiziranim instrumentima za procjenu težine bolesti. Liječenje treba prilagoditi svakom bolesniku, a cilj liječenja je smanjiti simptome svrbeža, obnoviti oÅ”tećenu kožnu barijeru, spriječiti egzacerbaciju bolesti, spriječiti odnosno liječiti komplikacije i komorbiditete te smanjiti negativni utjecaj bolesti na kvalitetu života. Zahvaljujući napretku u razumijevanju etiopatogeneze, terapijske mogućnosti su zadnjih godina značajno napredovale. Hrvatsko dermatoveneroloÅ”ko druÅ”tvo Hrvatskoga liječničkog zbora predstavlja smjernice za dijagnostiku i liječenje atopijskog dermatitisa. Smjernice su rezultat konsenzusa hrvatskih stručnjaka za atopijski dermatitis koji su kritički proučili mjerodavnu znanstvenu literaturu, koja se temelji na najboljim dokazima.Atopic dermatitis is a common, chronically recurrent inflammatory skin disease characterized by a complex etiopathogenesis and a variable clinical phenotype. The clinical presentation is heterogeneous, and the disease is characterized by a recurrent dermatitis, intense itching and a significant impact on the quality of life of patients and their family. The diagnosis is based on the clinical presentation according to the standardized diagnostic criteria, while the assessment of disease severity of the disease is based on the standardized tools for disease severity assessment. Treatment should be tailored to each patient profile, and the goal of the treatment is focused on decreasing symptoms and renewing damaged skin barrier, preventing the exacerbation of the disease and preventing or treating the complications and comorbidities, and decreasing the negative influence of the disease on the patientā€™s quality of life. Due to progress in understanding the etiopathogenesis, treatment options have significantly expanded in the past years. The Croatian Society of Dermatovenerology of the Croatian Medical Association is presenting guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of atopic dermatitis. These guidelines are the result of consensus of Croatian experts based on critical analysis of relevant, evidence-based scientific literature