108,737 research outputs found

    Giant magnetoresistance of edge current between fermion and spin topological systems

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    A spin-12\frac{1}{2} subsystem conjoined along a cut with a subsystem of spinless fermions in the state of topological insulator is studied on a honeycomb lattice. The model describes a junction between a 2D topological insulator and a 2D spin lattice with direction-dependent exchange interactions in topologically trivial and nontrivial phase states. The model Hamiltonian of the complex system is solved exactly by reduction to free Majorana fermions in a static Z2\mathbb{Z}_2 gauge field. In contrast to junctions between topologically trivial phases, the junction is defined by chiral edge states and direct interaction between them for topologically nontrivial phases. As a result of the boundary interaction between chiral edge modes, the edge junction is defined by the Chern numbers of the subsystems: such the gapless edge modes with the same (different) chirality switch on (off) the edge current between topological subsystems. The sign of the Chern number of spin subsystem is changed in an external magnetic field, thus the electric current strongly depends both on a direction and a value of an applied weak magnetic field. We have provided a detailed analysis of the edge current and demonstrate how to switch on (off) the electric current in the magnetic field.Comment: 4 pages, 9 figure

    Exactly solvable model of topological insulator realized on spin-1/2 lattice

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    In this paper we propose an exactly solvable model of a topological insulator defined on a spin-1/2 square decorated lattice. Itinerant fermions defined in the framework of the Haldane model interact via the Kitaev interaction with spin-1/2 Kitaev sublattice. The presented model, whose ground state is a non-trivial topological phase, is solved exactly. We have found out that various phase transitions without gap closing at the topological phase transition point outline the separate states with different topological numbers. We provide a detailed analysis of the model's ground-state phase diagram and demonstrate how quantum phase transitions between topological states arise. We have found that the states with both the same and different topological numbers are all separated by the quantum phase transition without gap closing. The transition between topological phases is accompanied by a rearrangement of the spin subsystem's spectrum from band to flat-band states.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    Angular anisotropy parameters and recoil-ion momentum distribution in two-photon double ionization of helium

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    We present convergent-close-coupling (CCC) calculations of the angular anisotropy parameters β2,β4 and the recoil ion momentum distribution dσ∕dp in two-photon double ionization (TPDI) of helium. In a stark contrast to single-photon double ionization (SPDI), where the β2 parameter varies widely changing the angular distribution from isotropic to nearly dipole for slow and fast photoelectrons, respectively, the β parameters for TPDI show very little change. The angular distribution of the recoil ion is fairly isotropic in TPDI as opposed to a strong alignment with the polarization of light in SPDI

    MCHIT - Monte Carlo model for proton and heavy-ion therapy

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    We study the propagation of nucleons and nuclei in tissue-like media within a Monte Carlo Model for Heavy-ion Therapy (MCHIT) based on the GEANT4 toolkit (version 8.2). The model takes into account fragmentation of projectile nuclei and secondary interactions of produced nuclear fragments. Model predictions are validated with available experimental data obtained for water and PMMA phantoms irradiated by monoenergetic carbon-ion beams. The MCHIT model describes well (1) the depth-dose distributions in water and PMMA, (2) the doses measured for fragments of certain charge, (3) the distributions of positron emitting nuclear fragments produced by carbon-ion beams, and (4) the energy spectra of secondary neutrons measured at different angles to the beam direction. Radial dose profiles for primary nuclei and for different projectile fragments are calculated and discussed as possible input for evaluation of biological dose distributions. It is shown that at the periphery of the transverse dose profile close to the Bragg peak the dose from secondary nuclear fragments is comparable to the dose from primary nuclei.Comment: Talk given at International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology ND-2007, Nice, France, April 22-27, 200
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