90 research outputs found

    Asymmetric Faraday Effect in a Magnetophotonic Crystal

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    It is widely known that the magneto-optical Faraday effect is linear in magnetization and therefore the Faraday angles for the states with opposite magnetizations are of opposite sign but equal in modulus. Here we experimentally study propagation of light through a one-dimensional all-garnet magnetophotonic crystal to demonstrate an asymmetric Faraday effect (AFE) for which Faraday angles for opposite magnetic states differ not only in sign but in the absolute value as well. AFE appears in the vicinity of the cavity resonance for an oblique incidence of light which plane of polarization is inclined to the incidence plane. Under proper incidence and polarization angles the magnitude of AFE could be very large reaching 30% of the absolute value of the Faraday effect. The effect originates from the difference in Q-factors for p- and s- polarized cavity modes that breaks the symmetry between the two opposite directions of polarization rotation. The discovered AFE is of prime importance for nanoscale magnonics and optomagnetism.Comment: Supplementary information provided after the main tex

    Survival of drug resistant tuberculosis patients in Lithuania: retrospective national cohort study

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    The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement FP7-223681.

    Educational coworking as a new organization format of educational space of supplementary vocational education

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    The aim of the article is to reveal the essence of the educational coworking as a fundamentally new form of organization of teacher’s innovative activity and relevant meaningful-activity technology of its exploration and practical implementation in the conditions of additional professional education (АPE). Methods. From the standpoint of anthropological project-transforming paradigm and reflective-positional approach the mission, content, structure and shape of the АPE, focused on the project-network and scientific-service support of innovative development of educational institutions and the formation of a new professional position of the teacher are disclosed. Based on the comparative analysis of mechanisms of coworking in economics, sociology and business education key characteristics of a model of educational co-working space are highlighted. The method of conceptual modeling of educational polypositional space of co-organization of the АPE subjects is applied. Results. The methodological framework of educational coworking is proposed and described including the problem area, realized in the project – analytical sessions; information area, based on today’s knowledge-management technologies; the project – constructor area, where the project – network nodes format is implemented to work with al-ready initiated projects and the launch of new projects; organizational area where the cultivation is carried out a viable community of implementers of innovative projects; and the main unit – media-hub – concentration and distribution center in terms of growth time, personal resources, to ensure the movement of students on individual trajectories. Scientific novelty. Essential characteristics of the educational coworking, based on its understanding as a new organizational format that integrates professional training of the teacher in accordance with the social order and its professional development in terms of individual needs and capabilities are revealed. Practical significance. The educational model of coworking has a high potential in terms of growing new functional teaching positions in APE, transformation of pedagogical activity as a whole through the embedding of the activity standards in the practice of education. Цель статьи – раскрыть сущность образовательного коворкинга как принципиально новой формы организации инновационной деятельности педагогов и содержательно-деятельностной технологии ее практического освоения и реализации в условиях дополнительного профессионального образования (ДПО). Методология и методы. С позиций проектно-преобразующей антропологической парадигмы и рефлексивно-позиционного подхода раскрыты миссия, содержание, структура и форма ДПО, ориентированного на проектно-сетевое и научно-сервисное сопровождение инновационного развития образовательных организаций и формирования новых профессиональных позиций педагогов. На основе сравнительного анализа механизмов организации коворкинга в экономике, социологии и бизнес-образовании выделены ключевые характеристики модели образовательного коворкинга. Применен метод концептуального моделирования образовательного полипозиционного пространства соорганизации субъектов ДПО. Результаты. Предложена и описана методологическая схема образовательного коворкинга, включающая в себя проблемную зону, реализуемую в режиме проектно-аналитических сессий; информационную зону, основанную на современных технологиях управления знаниями; проектно-конструкторскую зону, где в формате проектно-сетевых узлов реализуется работа с уже инициированными проектами и запуск новых проектов; организационную зону, где осуществляется выращивание жизнеспособной общности реализаторов инновационных проектов; главный узел – медиа-хаб – центр концентрации и распределения в точки роста различных ресурсов, обеспечивающих движение обучающихся по индивидуальным траекториям. Научная новизна. Раскрыты сущностные характеристики образовательного коворкинга, интегрирующего профессиональную подготовку педагога в соответствии с социальным заказом и его профессиональное развитие с точки зрения его индивидуальных потребностей и возможностей. Практическая значимость. Модель образовательного коворкинга обладает высоким потенциалом формирования новых функциональных педагогических позиций в условиях ДПО, трансформации педагогической деятельности в целом через встраивание деятельностных норм в практику образовани

    Drugs influencing on PCSK9 activity: modelling of efficacy in patients who had myocardial infarction with uncontrolled dyslipidemia

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    Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide. It is possible to influence the development of these diseases by influencing their main pathogenetic link — dyslipidemia.Aim: to evaluate, using the example of alirocumab, the potential effect of drugs affecting the activity of PCSK9 on the achievement of goals for the prevention of the development of cardiovascular diseases and cardiovascular complications in patients of working age who had an acute myocardial infarction (MI) less than a year ago, with uncontrolled dyslipidemia.Materials and methods. The target group was created based on the Russian clinical guidelines; its number was calculated using Russian registry data. Based on the published results of the clinical trial of alirocumab ODYSSEY OUTCOMES in a group of patients with LDL cholesterol levels of more than 2.6 mmol/l (100 mg/dl), a model was built to estimate the number of fatal and non-fatal outcomes in the target group with standard therapy and with alirocumab.Results. The effect of alirocumab administration was modeled in patients of working age who had a myocardial infarction less than 12 months ago with an LDL cholesterol level of more than 5.0 mmol/l, the number of this group in the Russian Federation was estimated to be 3,029 people. It has been shown that with therapy in this group, mortality can be reduced by 29%, and the number of non-fatal cardiovascular events — by 22%, i. e. alirocumab therapy in this group for 2 years can prevent 29 deaths and 185 non-fatal events, with an increase in the duration of therapy to 5 years, the number of lives saved will be 117 and 401 non-fatal cardiovascular events will be prevented.Conclusion. Modeling has shown that alirocumab therapy in patients with recent myocardial infarction and LDL cholesterol levels above 5.0 mmol/L will significantly reduce mortality in this group and prevent the development of serious nonfatal cardiovascular complications, which will also reduce the burden on specialized hospitals, as well as prevent patients from becoming disabled. At the same time, decision making requires a balanced consideration of all ethical, clinical and economic aspects, including the assessment of costs and potential effects from the position of the of a willingness to pay and the formation of the budget of the health system

    All-dielectric magnetic metasurface for advanced light control in dual polarizations combined with high-Q resonances

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    Nanostructured magnetic materials provide an efficient tool for light manipulation on sub-nanosecond and sub-micron scales, and allow for the observation of the novel effects which are fundamentally impossible in smooth films. For many cases of practical importance, it is vital to observe the magneto-optical intensity modulation in a dual-polarization regime. However, the nanostructures reported on up to date usually utilize a transverse Kerr effect and thus provide light modulation only for p-polarized light. We present a concept of a transparent magnetic metasurface to solve this problem, and demonstrate a novel mechanism for magneto-optical modulation. A 2D array of bismuth-substituted iron-garnet nanopillars on an ultrathin iron-garnet slab forms a metasurface supporting quasi-waveguide mode excitation. In contrast to plasmonic structures, the all-dielectric magnetic metasurface is shown to exhibit much higher transparency and superior quality-factor resonances, followed by a multifold increase in light intensity modulation. The existence of a wide variety of excited mode types allows for advanced light control: transmittance of both p- and s-polarized illumination becomes sensitive to the medium magnetization, something that is fundamentally impossible in smooth magnetic films. The proposed metasurface is very promising for sensing, magnetometry and light modulation applications