16 research outputs found

    Strichartz estimates for the Schrödinger equation on a tree and applications

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    In this paper, we consider the Schrödinger equation on a network formed by a tree with the last generation of edges formed by infinite strips. We obtain Strichartz-like estimates for the linear semigroup and apply them to obtain well-posedness results for a nonlinear problem. Copyright © by SIAM. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited

    A splitting method for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation

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    We introduce a splitting method for the semilinear Schrödinger equation and prove its convergence for those nonlinearities which can be handled by the classical well-posedness L2(Rd)-theory. More precisely, we prove that the scheme is of first order in the L2(Rd)-norm for H2(Rd)-initial data

    Asymptotic expansions for anisotropic heat kernels

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    We obtain the asymptotic expansion of the solutions of some anisotropic heat equations when the initial data belong to polynomially weighted Lp-spaces. We mainly address two model examples. In the first one, the diffusivity is of order two in some variables but higher in the other ones. In the second one, we consider the heat equation on the Heisenberg group

    Convergence rates for dispersive approximation schemes to nonlinear Schrödinger equations

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    This article is devoted to the analysis of the convergence rates of several numerical approximation schemes for linear and nonlinear Schrödinger equations on the real line. Recently, the authors have introduced viscous and two-grid numerical approximation schemes that mimic at the discrete level the so-called Strichartz dispersive estimates of the continuous Schrödinger equation. This allows to guarantee the convergence of numerical approximations for initial data in L2(R), a fact that cannot be proved in the nonlinear setting for standard conservative schemes unless more regularity of the initial data is assumed. In the present article we obtain explicit convergence rates and prove that dispersive schemes fulfilling the Strichartz estimates are better behaved for Hs(R) data if 0 < s< 1/2. Indeed, while dispersive schemes ensure a polynomial convergence rate, non-dispersive ones only yield logarithmic ones

    Convergence of a two-grid algorithm for the control of the wave equation

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    We analyze the problem of boundary observability of the finite-difference space semidiscretizations of the 2-d wave equation in the square.We prove the uniform (with respect to the meshsize) boundary observability for the solutions obtained by the two-grid preconditioner introduced by Glowinski [9]. Our method uses previously known uniform observability inequalities for low frequency solutions and a dyadic spectral time decomposition. As a consequence we prove the convergence of the two-grid algorithm for computing the boundary controls for the wave equation. The method can be applied in any space dimension, for more general domains and other discretization schemes. © European Mathematical Society 2009

    A splitting method for the augmented Burgers equation

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    In this paper we consider a splitting method for the augmented Burgers equation and prove that it is of first order. We also analyze the large-time behavior of the approximated solution by obtaining the first term in the asymptotic expansion. We prove that, when time increases, these solutions be have as the self-similar solutions of the viscous Burgers equation

    Dispersive Properties for Discrete Schrödinger Equations

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    In this paper we prove dispersive estimates for the system formed by two coupled discrete Schrödinger equations. We obtain estimates for the resolvent of the discrete operator and prove that it satisfies the limiting absorption principle. The decay of the solutions is proved by using classical and some new results on oscillatory integrals

    Asymptotic behaviour for fractional diffusion-convection equations

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    We consider a convection-diffusion model with linear fractional diffusion in the sub-critical range. We prove that the large time asymptotic behavior of the solution is given by the unique entropy solution of the convective part of the equation. The proof is based on suitable a-priori estimates, among which proving an Oleinik type inequality plays a key role

    Dispersion for 1-d Schrödinger and wave equations with bv coefficients

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    In this paper we analyze the dispersion for one dimensional wave and Schrödinger equations with BV coefficients. In the case of the wave equation we give a complete answer in terms of the variation of the logarithm of the coefficient showing that dispersion occurs if this variation is small enough but it may fail when the variation goes beyond a sharp threshold. For the Schrödinger equation we prove that the dispersion holds under the same smallness assumption on the variation of the coefficient. But, whether dispersion may fail for larger coefficients is unknown for the Schrödinger equation

    Inverse problem for the heat equation and the Schrödinger equation on a tree

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    In this paper, we establish global Carleman estimates for the heat and Schrödinger equations on a network. The heat equation is considered on a general tree and the Schrödinger equation on a star-shaped tree. The Carleman inequalities are used to prove the Lipschitz stability for an inverse problem consisting in retrieving a stationary potential in the heat (resp. Schrödinger) equation from boundary measurements